Full Text of HB2011 94th General Assembly
Rep. Calvin L. Giles
Filed: 5/11/2005
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| 1 |
| 2 |
| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2011 by replacing | 3 |
| everything after the enacting clause with the the following:
| 4 |
| "Section 5. The Grow
Our Own Teacher Education Act is | 5 |
| amended by changing Sections 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, and 35 as | 6 |
| follows: | 7 |
| (110 ILCS 48/5)
| 8 |
| Sec. 5. Purpose. The Grow Our Own Teacher preparation
| 9 |
| programs established under this Act shall comprise a major new
| 10 |
| statewide initiative, known as the Grow Our Own Teacher
| 11 |
| Education Initiative, to prepare highly skilled, committed
| 12 |
| teachers who will teach in hard-to-staff schools and
| 13 |
| hard-to-staff teaching positions and who will remain in these
| 14 |
| schools for substantial periods of time. | 15 |
The Grow Our Own Teacher Education Initiative shall
| 16 |
| effectively recruit and prepare parent and community leaders
| 17 |
| and paraeducators to become effective teachers and
teacher | 18 |
| leaders statewide in hard-to-staff schools and
hard-to-staff | 19 |
| teaching positions in schools
serving a substantial percentage | 20 |
| of low-income students.
Further, the Initiative shall increase | 21 |
| the diversity of
teachers, including diversity based on race, | 22 |
| ethnicity, and
| 23 |
| The Grow Our Own Teacher Education Initiative shall ensure
| 24 |
| educational rigor by effectively preparing candidates
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| in
accredited bachelor's degree programs in teaching, through
| 2 |
| which graduates shall meet the requirements to secure an
| 3 |
| Illinois initial
standard teaching certificate.
| 4 |
| The goal of the Grow Our Own Teacher Education Initiative | 5 |
| is to add 1,000 teachers to low-income and other hard-to-staff | 6 |
| Illinois schools by 2016 with an average retention period of 7 | 7 |
| years, as opposed to the current rate of 2.5 years for new | 8 |
| teachers in such areas.
| 9 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-802, eff. 1-1-05.) | 10 |
| (110 ILCS 48/10)
| 11 |
| Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act: | 12 |
"Accredited teacher preparation program" means a State or
| 13 |
| regionally accredited higher education program authorized to
| 14 |
| prepare individuals to fulfill all of the requirements to
| 15 |
| receive an Illinois initial
standard teaching certificate. | 16 |
"Hard-to-staff school" means an elementary or secondary
| 17 |
| school that, based on data compiled by the State Board of | 18 |
| Education,
ranks in the upper third of schools in this State on
| 19 |
| a combined index measuring the percentage of the school's
| 20 |
| teachers who are not fully certified and the percentage of the
| 21 |
| school's teachers who leave their positions annually. | 22 |
"Hard-to-staff teaching position" means a teaching
| 23 |
| category (such as special education, mathematics, or science)
| 24 |
| in which statewide data compiled by the State Board of | 25 |
| Education
indicates a multi-year pattern of substantial
| 26 |
| teacher shortage or that has been identified as a critical need | 27 |
| by the local school board.
| 28 |
| "Initiative" means the Grow Our Own Teacher Education
| 29 |
| Initiative created under this Act.
| 30 |
| "Paraeducators" means individuals with a history of
| 31 |
| demonstrated accomplishments in school staff positions (such
| 32 |
| as teacher assistants, school-community liaisons, school
| 33 |
| clerks, and security aides) in schools serving a substantial
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| percentage of low-income students.
| 2 |
| "Parent and community leaders" means individuals with a
| 3 |
| significant history of working to improve
involvement in | 4 |
| improving schools serving a
substantial percentage of | 5 |
| low-income students, including membership in a community | 6 |
| organization. | 7 |
"Community organization" means a nonprofit organization | 8 |
| that has a demonstrated capacity to train, develop, and | 9 |
| organize parents and community leaders into a constituency that | 10 |
| will hold the school and the school district accountable for | 11 |
| achieving high academic standards; in addition to | 12 |
| organizations with a geographic focus, "community | 13 |
| organization" includes general parent organizations, | 14 |
| organizations of special education or bilingual education | 15 |
| parents, and school employee unions.
| 16 |
| "Program" means a Grow Our Own Teacher preparation program
| 17 |
| established by a consortium under this Act.
| 18 |
| "Schools serving a substantial percentage of low-income
| 19 |
| students" means schools whose percentage of students receiving | 20 |
| free or reduced-price lunches is at or above the | 21 |
| district-average percentage. | 22 |
"State Board" means the State Board of Education.
| 23 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-802, eff. 1-1-05.) | 24 |
| (110 ILCS 48/20)
| 25 |
| Sec. 20. Selection of grantees. The State Board shall award | 26 |
| grants to up to 10 qualified consortia that reflect the | 27 |
| distribution and diversity of target hard-to-staff schools | 28 |
| across this State. In awarding grants, the State Board shall | 29 |
| select programs that successfully address Initiative criteria | 30 |
| and that reflect a diversity of strategies in terms of serving | 31 |
| urban areas, serving rural areas, the nature of the | 32 |
| participating institutions of higher education, whether | 33 |
| participants will be trained at the baccalaureate or graduate
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| master's level, and the nature of hard-to-staff teaching | 2 |
| positions on which a program is focused.
| 3 |
| The State Board shall select consortia that meet the | 4 |
| following requirements:
| 5 |
| (1) A consortium shall be composed of at least one | 6 |
| 4-year institution of higher education with an accredited | 7 |
| teacher preparation program, at least one school district | 8 |
| or group of schools , and one or more community | 9 |
| organizations. The consortium may also include a 2-year | 10 |
| institution of higher education or a school employee union | 11 |
| or both.
| 12 |
| (2) The 4-year institution of higher education | 13 |
| participating in the consortium shall have past, | 14 |
| demonstrated success in preparing teachers for elementary | 15 |
| or secondary schools serving a substantial percentage of | 16 |
| low-income students. | 17 |
| (3) The consortium shall focus on a clearly defined set | 18 |
| of target schools serving a substantial percentage of | 19 |
| low-income students that will be the primary focus of the | 20 |
| program. The consortium shall articulate the steps that it | 21 |
| will carry out in preparing teachers for its target | 22 |
| hard-to-staff schools and in preparing teachers for one or | 23 |
| more hard-to-staff teaching positions in its target | 24 |
| schools. | 25 |
| (4) Candidate
Student participants in a program under | 26 |
| the Initiative must hold a high school diploma or its | 27 |
| equivalent and must meet either the definition of "parent | 28 |
| and community leaders" or the definition of | 29 |
| "paraeducators" contained in Section 10 of this Act. | 30 |
| (5) The consortium shall employ effective procedures | 31 |
| for teaching the skills and knowledge needed to prepare | 32 |
| highly competent teachers. Professional preparation
| 33 |
| Instruction shall include on-going direct experience in | 34 |
| target schools and evaluation
analysis of this experience. |
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| (6) The consortium shall offer the program to cohorts | 2 |
| of candidates
students who begin by moving through the | 3 |
| program together. The program shall be offered on a | 4 |
| schedule that enables candidates
students to work full time | 5 |
| while participating in the program and allows | 6 |
| paraeducators to continue in their current positions. The | 7 |
| consortium shall guarantee that support will be available | 8 |
| to an admitted cohort through the cohort's full period of | 9 |
| training. At the beginning of the Initiative, programs that | 10 |
| are already operating and existing cohorts of candidates
| 11 |
| students under this model shall be eligible for funding. | 12 |
| (7) The institutions of higher education participating | 13 |
| in the consortium shall document and agree to expend the | 14 |
| same amount of funds in implementing the program that these | 15 |
| institutions spend on average per candidate
student on | 16 |
| similar educational programs . Grants received by the | 17 |
| consortium shall supplement and not supplant these | 18 |
| amounts. | 19 |
| (8) The State Board shall establish additional | 20 |
| criteria for review of proposals, including criteria that | 21 |
| address the following issues: | 22 |
| (A) Previous experience of the institutions of | 23 |
| higher education in preparing candidates
students for | 24 |
| hard-to-staff schools and positions and in working | 25 |
| with candidates
students with non-traditional | 26 |
| backgrounds. | 27 |
| (B) The quality of the implementation plan, | 28 |
| including strategies for overcoming institutional | 29 |
| barriers to the progress of non-traditional candidates
| 30 |
| students . | 31 |
| (C) If a community college is a participant, the | 32 |
| nature and extent of existing articulation agreements | 33 |
| and guarantees between the community college and the | 34 |
| 4-year institution of higher education. |
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| (D) The number of candidates
participants to be | 2 |
| trained in the current cohort or cohorts and the | 3 |
| capacity of the consortium for adding cohorts in future | 4 |
| cycles. | 5 |
| (E) Experience of the community organization or | 6 |
| organizations in organizing parents and community | 7 |
| leaders to achieve school improvement and a strong | 8 |
| relational school culture. | 9 |
| (F) The qualifications of the person or persons | 10 |
| designated by the 4-year institution of higher | 11 |
| education to be responsible for cohort support and the | 12 |
| development of a shared learning and social | 13 |
| environment among candidates
participants . | 14 |
| (G) The consortium's plan for collective | 15 |
| consortium decision-making, including mechanisms for | 16 |
| community and candidate
participant input. | 17 |
| (H) The consortium's plan for direct impact of the | 18 |
| program on the quality of education in the target | 19 |
| schools. | 20 |
| (I) The relevance of the curriculum to the needs of | 21 |
| targeted schools and positions, and the use in | 22 |
| curriculum and instructional planning of principles | 23 |
| for effective education of adults
adult education . | 24 |
| (J) The availability of classes under the program | 25 |
| in places and times accessible to the candidates
| 26 |
| participants . | 27 |
| (K) Provision of a level of performance to be | 28 |
| maintained by candidates
participants as a condition | 29 |
| of continuing in the program. | 30 |
| (L) The plan of the 4-year institution of higher | 31 |
| education to ensure that candidates
students take | 32 |
| advantage of existing financial aid resources before | 33 |
| using the loan funds described in Section 25 of this | 34 |
| Act. |
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| (M) The availability of supportive services, | 2 |
| including counseling, tutoring, and child care. | 3 |
| (N) A plan for continued participation of | 4 |
| graduates of the program in a program of support for at | 5 |
| least 2 years, including mentoring and group meetings. | 6 |
| (O) A plan for testing and qualitative evaluation | 7 |
| of candidates'
participants' teaching skills that | 8 |
| ensures that graduates of the program are as prepared | 9 |
| for teaching as other individuals completing the | 10 |
| institution of higher education's preparation program | 11 |
| for the certificate sought
those from the conventional | 12 |
| teacher training program of the 4-year institution of | 13 |
| higher education . | 14 |
| (P) A plan for internal evaluation that provides | 15 |
| reports at least yearly on the progress of candidates
| 16 |
| participants towards graduation and the impact of the | 17 |
| program on the target schools and their communities. | 18 |
| (Q) Contributions from schools, school districts, | 19 |
| and other consortia members to the program, including | 20 |
| stipends for candidates
participants during their | 21 |
| student teaching. | 22 |
| (R) Consortium commitment for sustaining the | 23 |
| program over time, as evidenced by plans for reduced | 24 |
| requirements for external funding in subsequent | 25 |
| cycles.
| 26 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-802, eff. 1-1-05.) | 27 |
| (110 ILCS 48/25)
| 28 |
| Sec. 25. Expenditures under the Initiative. | 29 |
| (a) Every program under the Initiative shall implement and | 30 |
| manage a program of forgivable loans to cover any portion of | 31 |
| tuition and direct expenses of candidates
students under the | 32 |
| program in excess of grants-in-aid and other forgivable loans | 33 |
| received. All candidates
students admitted to a cohort shall be |
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| eligible for such loans. Loans shall be fully forgiven if a | 2 |
| graduate completes 5 years of service in a hard-to-staff school | 3 |
| or hard-to-staff teaching position. | 4 |
| (b) Grants under the Initiative shall be awarded in such a | 5 |
| way as to provide the required support for a cohort of | 6 |
| candidates
students for the cohort's entire training period. | 7 |
| Program budgets must show expenditures for the entire period | 8 |
| that candidates
participants are expected to be enrolled. | 9 |
| (c) No funds under the Initiative may be used to supplant | 10 |
| the average per-capita expenditures by the institution of | 11 |
| higher education for candidates
students in regular education | 12 |
| degree programs . | 13 |
| (d) Where necessary, program budgets shall include the | 14 |
| costs of child care to permit candidates
parents to maintain a | 15 |
| full class schedule. Child care may be provided by the | 16 |
| community organization or organizations or be independently | 17 |
| contracted for. | 18 |
| (e) The institution of higher education may expend grant | 19 |
| funds to cover the salary of a site-based cohort coordinator , | 20 |
| who must be housed at each cooperating institution of higher | 21 |
| education that has a program, and the additional costs of | 22 |
| offering classes in community settings and for tutoring | 23 |
| services. | 24 |
| (f) The community organization or organizations may | 25 |
| receive a portion of the grant money for the expenses of | 26 |
| recruitment, community orientation, and counseling of | 27 |
| potential candidates
participants , for providing space in the | 28 |
| community, and for working with school personnel to facilitate | 29 |
| individual work experiences and support of candidates
| 30 |
| participants . | 31 |
| (g) The school district or school employee union or both | 32 |
| may receive a portion of the grant money for expenses of | 33 |
| supporting the work experiences of candidates
participants and | 34 |
| providing mentors for graduates.
School districts may also use |
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| these or other applicable public funds to pay participants in | 2 |
| programs under the Initiative for student teaching required by | 3 |
| an accredited teacher preparation program. Nothing contained | 4 |
| in Section 10-20.15 of the School Code shall prohibit or | 5 |
| restrict any such payments.
| 6 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-802, eff. 1-1-05.) | 7 |
| (110 ILCS 48/30)
| 8 |
| Sec. 30. Implementation of Initiative. The State Board | 9 |
| shall develop guidelines and application procedures for the | 10 |
| Initiative in fiscal year 2005. The State Board may, if it | 11 |
| chooses, award a small number of planning grants during fiscal | 12 |
| year 2005 to potential consortia using existing resources. The | 13 |
| first programs under the Initiative shall be awarded grants in | 14 |
| such a way as to allow candidates
participants to begin their | 15 |
| work at the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year.
| 16 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-802, eff. 1-1-05.) | 17 |
| (110 ILCS 48/35)
| 18 |
| Sec. 35. Independent program evaluation. The State Board | 19 |
| shall contract for an independent evaluation of program | 20 |
| implementation by each of its participating consortia and of | 21 |
| the impact of each program, including the extent of candidate
| 22 |
| student persistence in program enrollment, acceptance as an | 23 |
| education major in a 4-year institution of higher education, | 24 |
| completion of a bachelor's degree in teaching, obtaining a | 25 |
| teaching position in a target school or similar school, | 26 |
| subsequent effectiveness as a teacher, and persistence in | 27 |
| teaching in a target school or similar school. The evaluation | 28 |
| shall assess the Initiative's overall effectiveness and shall | 29 |
| identify particular program strategies that are especially | 30 |
| effective.
| 31 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-802, eff. 1-1-05.)".