LRB093 02816 SJM 16502 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 871 by replacing
3 the title with the following:
4 "AN ACT concerning disability services."; and
5 by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
6 following:
7 "Section 5. The Mental Health and Developmental
8 Disabilities Administrative Act is amended by adding Section
9 18.5 as follows:
10 (20 ILCS 1705/18.5 new)
11 Sec. 18.5. Community Developmental Disability Services
12 Medicaid Trust Fund; reimbursement.
13 (a) Any funds paid to the State by the federal government
14 under Title XIX or Title XXI of the Social Security Act for
15 services delivered by community developmental disability
16 services providers, and any interest earned thereon, shall be
17 deposited directly into the Community Developmental
18 Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund.
19 (b) The Department of Human Services shall reimburse
20 community developmental disability services providers for
21 Medicaid-reimbursed developmental disability services
-2- LRB093 02816 SJM 16502 a
1 provided to eligible individuals. Moneys in the Community
2 Developmental Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund shall
3 be used for this purpose.
4 (c) For the purposes of this Section:
5 "Medicaid-reimbursed developmental disability services"
6 means services provided by a community developmental
7 disability provider under an agreement with the Department
8 that is eligible for reimbursement under the federal Title
9 XIX program or Title XXI program.
10 "Provider" means a community agency that is funded by the
11 Department to provide a Medicaid-reimbursed service.
12 (20 ILCS 1705/18.1 rep.)
13 Section 10. The Mental Health and Developmental
14 Disabilities Administrative Act is amended by repealing
15 Section 18.1.
16 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
17 becoming law.".