HB3061 Enrolled LRB093 07817 LCB 08006 b
1 AN ACT concerning transportation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Highway Code is amended by
5 adding Section 4-219 as follows:
6 (605 ILCS 5/4-219 new)
7 Sec. 4-219. Context sensitivity.
8 (a) It is the intent of the General Assembly to ensure
9 that Department of Transportation projects adequately meet
10 the State's transportation needs, exist in harmony with their
11 surroundings, and add lasting value to the communities they
12 serve.
13 (b) To support this objective, the Department of
14 Transportation shall embrace principles of context sensitive
15 design and context sensitive solutions in its policies and
16 procedures for the planning, design, construction, and
17 operation of its projects for new construction,
18 reconstruction, or major expansion of existing transportation
19 facilities.
20 (c) A hallmark of context sensitive design and context
21 sensitive solutions principles for the Department of
22 Transportation shall be early and ongoing collaboration with
23 affected citizens, elected officials, interest groups, and
24 other stakeholders to ensure that the values and needs of the
25 affected communities are identified and carefully considered
26 in the development of transportation projects.
27 (d) Context sensitive design and context sensitive
28 solutions principles shall promote the exploration of
29 innovative solutions, commensurate with the scope of each
30 project, that can effectively balance safety, mobility,
31 community, and environmental objectives in a manner that will
HB3061 Enrolled -2- LRB093 07817 LCB 08006 b
1 enhance the relationship of the transportation facility with
2 its setting.
3 (e) The Department shall report to the Governor and the
4 General Assembly no later than April 1, 2004 on its efforts
5 to implement context sensitive design criteria.