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LRB093 07817 LCB 08006 b
1 AN ACT concerning transportation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Highway Code is amended by
5 adding Section 4-219 as follows:
6 (605 ILCS 5/4-129 new)
7 Sec. 4-219. Design criteria.
8 (a) It is the intent of the General Assembly to
9 encourage the highest quality design to ensure that
10 Department of Transportation projects adequately meet the
11 State's transportation needs, exist in harmony with their
12 surroundings, and add lasting value to the communities they
13 serve.
14 (b) On or before December 31, 2004, the Department of
15 Transportation shall establish design criteria for use in
16 developing transportation projects that involve the
17 construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or resurfacing
18 of a highway, other than a maintenance resurfacing project.
19 The Department shall amend its existing design manuals and
20 memoranda to incorporate the new design criteria. The new
21 design criteria shall take into account the following
22 factors:
23 (1) safety, durability, and economy of maintenance;
24 (2) the constructed and natural environment of the
25 area;
26 (3) the environmental, scenic, aesthetic, historic,
27 community, and preservation impacts of the project; and
28 (4) access for other modes of transportation,
29 including those that promote physically active
30 communities.
31 (c) In establishing the design criteria required under
-2- LRB093 07817 LCB 08006 b
1 subsection (b) of this Section, the Secretary of
2 Transportation shall solicit and consider the views of chief
3 elected officials and organizations including, but not
4 limited to: those with expertise in environmental protection,
5 historic preservation, scenic conservation, and bicycle and
6 pedestrian transportation, as well as directly affected
7 citizens' groups, regional councils of governments, rural
8 development councils, the Center for Neighborhood Technology,
9 the Illinois Arts Council, the Federal Highway
10 Administration, and any other entities deemed appropriate by
11 the Secretary.
12 (d) On or before December 31, 2004, the Secretary of
13 Transportation shall submit to the Governor and the General
14 Assembly a report stating the new design criteria, the names
15 of the officials and organizations contacted, and any other
16 information deemed pertinent by the Secretary.
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