LRB093 02644 SJM 16223 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend House Bill 235, AS AMENDED,
3 with reference to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment
4 No. 1, on page 6, line 8, by deleting "on-budget"; and
5 on page 6, line 17, by deleting "on-budget"; and
6 on page 7, line 25, by replacing "unemployment" with
7 "employment"; and
8 on page 8, immediately below line 3, by inserting the
9 following:
10 "(c) The Department shall have the discretion to modify
11 any standardized application for State development assistance
12 required under subsection (a) for any grants under the
13 Industrial Training Program that are not given as an
14 incentive to a recipient business organization."; and
15 on page 10, lines 1 and 12, by replacing "subsections (a)
16 and", each time it appears, with "subsection"; and
17 on page 10, immediately below line 12, by inserting the
18 following:
19 "(f) The Department shall have the discretion to modify
20 the information required in the progress report required
21 under subsection (b) consistent with the disclosure purpose
-2- LRB093 02644 SJM 16223 a
1 of this Section for any grants under the Industrial Training
2 Program that are not given as an incentive to a recipient
3 business organization.".