Full Text of HR1349 97th General Assembly
| | HR1349 | | LRB097 23712 MST 72789 r |
| 2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of | 3 | | Representatives
are pleased to honor the tenure of our esteemed | 4 | | colleague State
Representative Lisa Dugan and thank her for her | 5 | | dedicated
service to her State and her community; and | 6 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan was born and raised in | 7 | | Kankakee,
where she and her husband, Jack, raised their 2 | 8 | | daughters,
Danielle and Jaclyn; and | 9 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan contributed to the business | 10 | | and
labor communities in Kankakee County, working as a | 11 | | journeyman
electrician with the International Brotherhood of | 12 | | Electrical
Workers Local 176 and helping to launch the | 13 | | Bradley-Bourbonnais
Chamber of Commerce, serving as President | 14 | | and CEO of the Chamber
from 1998 until 2003 as the Chamber grew | 15 | | to represent the
interests of more than 500 local businesses of | 16 | | all sizes; and | 17 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan committed herself to serving | 18 | | her
community, volunteering on more than 50 boards and | 19 | | community planning
organizations including Harbor House, a | 20 | | domestic
violence shelter, Options, an independent living | 21 | | center that
advocates for persons with disabilities, Easter | 22 | | Seals, Victims
Assistance, Pause for Patriotism, and the |
| | | HR1349 | - 2 - | LRB097 23712 MST 72789 r |
| 1 | | Manteno Veterans Home;
and | 2 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan's experience as a journeyman
| 3 | | electrician in a largely male-dominated field helped inspire | 4 | | her
passion to advocate on behalf of equal pay and women's | 5 | | rights in
the workplace as a member of the Illinois General | 6 | | Assembly; and | 7 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan served as a strong voice on | 8 | | behalf
of Illinois' firefighters; she helped to launch the | 9 | | Cornerstone
Training Program, was named an honorary fire chief | 10 | | by the
Illinois Fire Association, and received the Legislator | 11 | | of the
Year Award from the Associated Fire Fighters of | 12 | | Illinois; and
| 13 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan is an advocate for those who
| 14 | | sacrificed so much for our country; she has fought for
| 15 | | legislation to help veterans receive the benefits they earned,
| 16 | | help them find civilian jobs, and shield the families of our
| 17 | | fallen heroes from the despicable protests of hate groups; and
| 18 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan championed legislation to | 19 | | improve
the lives of countless Illinois families, including | 20 | | requiring
insurance companies to cover life-saving screenings | 21 | | for breast
and cervical cancer, a comprehensive road | 22 | | construction and jobs
plan that invested in her district's |
| | | HR1349 | - 3 - | LRB097 23712 MST 72789 r |
| 1 | | roads, bridges, and
schools, reforms to give citizens greater | 2 | | access to government
information, and requiring government to | 3 | | live within its means; and
| 4 | | WHEREAS, Sharing her generosity and holiday spirit,
| 5 | | Representative Dugan began holding holiday yard sales, where | 6 | | she
sold items from her personal collection of Christmas | 7 | | decorations
to raise money for charity; she works to ensure | 8 | | that, even in
difficult times, children have a gift to open on | 9 | | Christmas
morning by coordinating an annual toy drive | 10 | | benefitting families
in her community; and
| 11 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan has worked to instill a sense | 12 | | of
community among future generations by establishing her own | 13 | | Community Service Scholarship, which is awarded to students who
| 14 | | demonstrate a commitment to community involvement; and
| 15 | | WHEREAS, Representative Dugan's generosity, kindness, and
| 16 | | extraordinary work ethic are an example to those who have | 17 | | served
alongside her; therefore, be it
and thank State Representative Lisa Dugan for | 21 | | her years of
dedicated service; and be it further
| | | HR1349 | - 4 - | LRB097 23712 MST 72789 r |
| 1 | | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 2 | | presented
to Representative Dugan as an expression of our | 3 | | respect and esteem,
with our best wishes for her future | 4 | | success.