Full Text of SB0410 95th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2007 and 2008 SB0410
Introduced 2/7/2007, by Sen. William E. Peterson SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
10 ILCS 5/19-2.1 |
from Ch. 46, par. 19-2.1 |
10 ILCS 5/19A-15 |
Amends the Election Code. Eliminates in-person absentee voting at the offices of municipal, township, and road district clerks. Extends the early voting period through the third (now, the fifth) day before an election day.
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SB0410 |
LRB095 07632 JAM 27783 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning elections.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Election Code is amended by changing | 5 |
| Sections 19-2.1 and 19A-15 as follows:
| 6 |
| (10 ILCS 5/19-2.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 19-2.1)
| 7 |
| Sec. 19-2.1. At the consolidated primary, general primary,
| 8 |
| consolidated, and general elections, electors entitled
to vote
| 9 |
| by absentee ballot under the provisions of Section 19-1
may | 10 |
| vote in person at the office of the municipal clerk, if the | 11 |
| elector
is a resident of a municipality not having a board of | 12 |
| election commissioners,
or at the office of the township clerk | 13 |
| or, in counties not under township
organization, at the office | 14 |
| of the road district clerk if the elector is
not a resident of | 15 |
| a municipality; provided, in each case that the municipal,
| 16 |
| township or road district clerk, as the case may be, is | 17 |
| authorized to conduct
in-person absentee voting pursuant to | 18 |
| this Section. Absentee voting in such
municipal and township | 19 |
| clerk's offices under this Section shall be
conducted from the | 20 |
| 22nd day through the day before the election.
| 21 |
| Municipal and township clerks (or road district clerks) who | 22 |
| have regularly
scheduled working hours at regularly designated | 23 |
| offices other than a place
of residence and whose offices are |
SB0410 |
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LRB095 07632 JAM 27783 b |
| 1 |
| open for business during the same hours
as the office of the | 2 |
| election authority shall conduct in-person absentee
voting for | 3 |
| said elections. Municipal and township clerks (or road district
| 4 |
| clerks) who have no regularly scheduled working hours but who | 5 |
| have regularly
designated offices other than a place of | 6 |
| residence shall conduct in-person
absentee voting for said | 7 |
| elections during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. or 9:00 | 8 |
| a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekdays, and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
noon on | 9 |
| Saturdays, but not during such hours as the office of the | 10 |
| election
authority is closed, unless the clerk files a written | 11 |
| waiver with the
election authority not later than July 1 of | 12 |
| each year stating that he or
she is unable to conduct such | 13 |
| voting and the reasons therefor. Such clerks
who conduct | 14 |
| in-person absentee voting may extend their hours for that
| 15 |
| purpose to include any hours in which the election authority's | 16 |
| office is
open. Municipal and township clerks (or
road district | 17 |
| clerks) who have no regularly scheduled office hours and no
| 18 |
| regularly designated offices other than a place of residence | 19 |
| may not conduct
in-person absentee voting for said elections. | 20 |
| The election authority may
devise alternative methods for | 21 |
| in-person absentee voting before said elections
for those | 22 |
| precincts located within the territorial area of a municipality
| 23 |
| or township (or road district) wherein the clerk of such | 24 |
| municipality or
township (or road district) has waived or is | 25 |
| not entitled to conduct such
In addition, electors may | 26 |
| vote by absentee ballot under the provisions of
Section 19-1 at |
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| 1 |
| the office of the election authority having jurisdiction
over | 2 |
| their residence. Unless specifically authorized by the | 3 |
| election authority, municipal,
township, and road district | 4 |
| clerks shall not conduct in-person absentee
voting. No less | 5 |
| than 45 days
before the date of an election, the election | 6 |
| authority shall notify the
municipal, township, and road | 7 |
| district clerks within its jurisdiction if
they are to conduct | 8 |
| in-person absentee voting. Election authorities , however, may | 9 |
| conduct in-person absentee voting in one or more designated
| 10 |
| appropriate public buildings from the fourth
day before the | 11 |
| election through
the day before the election.
| 12 |
| In conducting in-person absentee voting under this | 13 |
| Section, the respective
clerks shall be required to verify the | 14 |
| signature of the absentee
voter by comparison with the | 15 |
| signature on the official registration
record card. The clerk | 16 |
| also shall reasonably ascertain the identity
of such applicant, | 17 |
| shall verify that each such applicant is a registered
voter, | 18 |
| and shall verify the precinct in which he or she is registered
| 19 |
| and the proper ballots of the political subdivisions in which | 20 |
| the
applicant resides and is entitled to vote, prior to | 21 |
| providing any
absentee ballot to such applicant. The clerk | 22 |
| shall verify the
applicant's registration and from the most | 23 |
| recent poll list provided by
the county clerk, and if the | 24 |
| applicant is not listed on that poll list
then by telephoning | 25 |
| the office of the county clerk.
| 26 |
| Absentee voting procedures in the office of the municipal, |
SB0410 |
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LRB095 07632 JAM 27783 b |
| 1 |
| township
and road district clerks shall be subject to all of | 2 |
| the applicable
provisions of this Article 19.
Pollwatchers may | 3 |
| be appointed to observe in-person absentee voting
procedures | 4 |
| and view all reasonably requested records relating to the | 5 |
| conduct of the election, provided the secrecy of the ballot is | 6 |
| not impinged, at the office of the municipal, township or road | 7 |
| district
clerks' offices where such absentee voting is | 8 |
| conducted. Such pollwatchers
shall qualify and be appointed in | 9 |
| the same manner as provided in Sections
7-34 and 17-23, except | 10 |
| each candidate, political party or
organization of citizens may | 11 |
| appoint only one pollwatcher for each location
where in-person | 12 |
| absentee voting is conducted. Pollwatchers must
be registered | 13 |
| to vote in Illinois and possess
valid pollwatcher credentials.
| 14 |
| All requirements in this Article
applicable to election | 15 |
| authorities shall apply to the respective local
clerks, except | 16 |
| where inconsistent with this Section.
| 17 |
| The sealed absentee ballots in their carrier envelope shall | 18 |
| be
delivered by the respective clerks, or by the election | 19 |
| authority on behalf of
a clerk if the clerk and the election
| 20 |
| authority agree, to the election authority's central ballot | 21 |
| counting location
before the close of the polls on the day of | 22 |
| the general primary,
consolidated primary, consolidated, or | 23 |
| general election.
| 24 |
| Not more than 23 days before the general and consolidated
| 25 |
| elections, the county clerk shall make available to those
| 26 |
| municipal, township and road district clerks conducting |
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LRB095 07632 JAM 27783 b |
| 1 |
| in-person absentee
voting within such county, a sufficient
| 2 |
| number of applications, absentee ballots, envelopes, and | 3 |
| printed voting
instruction slips for use by absentee voters in | 4 |
| the offices of such
clerks. The respective clerks shall receipt | 5 |
| for all ballots received,
shall return all unused or spoiled | 6 |
| ballots to the county clerk on the
day of the election and | 7 |
| shall strictly account for all ballots received.
| 8 |
| The ballots delivered to the respective clerks shall | 9 |
| include absentee
ballots for each precinct in the municipality, | 10 |
| township or road
district, or shall include such separate | 11 |
| ballots for each political
subdivision conducting an election | 12 |
| of officers or a referendum on that
election day as will permit | 13 |
| any resident of the municipality, township
or road district to | 14 |
| vote absentee in the office of the proper clerk.
| 15 |
| The clerks of all municipalities, townships and road | 16 |
| districts may
distribute applications for absentee ballot for | 17 |
| the use of voters who
wish to mail such applications to the | 18 |
| appropriate election authority.
Such applications for absentee | 19 |
| ballots shall be made on forms provided
by the election | 20 |
| authority. Duplication of such forms by the municipal,
township | 21 |
| or road district clerk is prohibited.
| 22 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-574, eff. 8-21-03; 94-645, eff. 8-22-05; | 23 |
| 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)
| 24 |
| (10 ILCS 5/19A-15)
| 25 |
| Sec. 19A-15. Period for early voting; hours.
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LRB095 07632 JAM 27783 b |
| 1 |
| (a) The period for early voting by personal appearance | 2 |
| begins the 22nd day preceding a general primary, consolidated | 3 |
| primary, consolidated, or
general election and extends through | 4 |
| the third
5th day before election day.
| 5 |
| (b) A permanent polling place for early voting must remain | 6 |
| open during the
hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. | 7 |
| to 5:00 p.m., on weekdays and
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on | 8 |
| Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
| 9 |
| (Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05.)