Full Text of SB2730 94th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 SB2730
Introduced 1/20/2006, by Sen. Louis S. Viverito SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
New Act |
20 ILCS 105/4.02 |
from Ch. 23, par. 6104.02 |
20 ILCS 105/4.03 |
from Ch. 23, par. 6104.03 |
30 ILCS 105/13.2 |
from Ch. 127, par. 149.2 |
210 ILCS 9/90 |
210 ILCS 85/6.09 |
from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 147.09 |
320 ILCS 10/2 |
from Ch. 23, par. 6202 |
320 ILCS 42/25 |
Creates the Illinois ElderCare Options Act for the purpose of initiating the first phase of the implementation of the overhaul of the long-term care system as encompassed in the Older Adult Services Act. Provides for use of the term "Illinois ElderCare" in the names of agencies whose ElderCare services or programs are funded in whole or in part with State or federal moneys. Changes the name of the "case coordination units" that contract with the Department on Aging to "Illinois ElderCare Connections agencies", and provides that those agencies shall serve as the single point-of-entry agencies for all ElderCare services. Sets forth standards for Illinois ElderCare Connections agencies, including that such agencies must be based on the principles of client-focused and consumer-directed services and care. Requires that all Illinois ElderCare Connections agencies perform a comprehensive assessment on all older adults who need services. Requires the Department on Aging to develop a common comprehensive assessment tool to be used by the agencies. Amends the Illinois Act on the Aging, the State Finance Act, the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the Hospital Licensing Act, the Respite Program Act, and the Older Adult Services Act to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.
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SB2730 |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning aging.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | 5 |
| Illinois ElderCare Options Act. | 6 |
| Section 5. Findings and declaration. | 7 |
| (a) The General Assembly finds as follows: | 8 |
| (1) It it is in the best interest of the State for all | 9 |
| services offered to individuals age 60 and over to be fully | 10 |
| integrated into a comprehensive, seamless service delivery | 11 |
| system that promotes the continued independence, | 12 |
| self-reliance, and autonomy of older Illinoisans and is | 13 |
| client-centered and consumer-directed, regardless of | 14 |
| whether such an individual resides in his or her own home, | 15 |
| the home of a family member, or a residential facility. | 16 |
| (2) Recipients of divergent services share many | 17 |
| desires and concerns, just as providers of divergent | 18 |
| services have similar problems and needs. | 19 |
| (b) The General Assembly declares that the comprehensive | 20 |
| service delivery system described in subsection (a) shall be | 21 |
| known as the Illinois ElderCare Options Program and shall | 22 |
| encompass all services available to older adults age 60 and | 23 |
| over in Illinois that are funded in whole or in part with | 24 |
| federal or State moneys, regardless of the State agency that | 25 |
| administers, regulates, and funds the services. | 26 |
| Section 10. Purpose. The purpose of this Act is to initiate | 27 |
| the first phase of the implementation of the overhaul of the | 28 |
| long-term care system as encompassed in the Older Adult | 29 |
| Services Act. | 30 |
| Section 15. Definitions. In this Act: |
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| 1 |
| "Consumer-directed" and "older adult" have the meanings | 2 |
| ascribed to those terms in the Older Adult Services Act. | 3 |
| "ElderCare agency" means an entity that provides ElderCare | 4 |
| services. | 5 |
| "ElderCare services" means "services", as defined in the | 6 |
| Older Adult Services Act, that are provided to an older adult. | 7 |
| Section 20. ElderCare agencies. | 8 |
| (a) Every ElderCare agency whose ElderCare services or | 9 |
| programs are funded in whole or in part with State or federal | 10 |
| moneys shall, to the extent possible, include "Illinois | 11 |
| ElderCare" in the name of those services or programs. An | 12 |
| ElderCare agency will be deemed to be in compliance with this | 13 |
| Section if it publicly identifies itself as "An Illinois | 14 |
| ElderCare Agency". | 15 |
| (b) Using guidelines adopted by the State agency that | 16 |
| oversees its operations, every ElderCare agency shall: | 17 |
| (1) Be based on the principles of client-focused and | 18 |
| consumer-directed services and care. | 19 |
| (2) Adopt and use quality assurance and quality | 20 |
| improvement programs. | 21 |
| (3) Implement the Career Develop Program. | 22 |
| Section 25. ElderCare Connections agencies. | 23 |
| (a) On and after the effective date of this Act, case | 24 |
| coordination units that contract with the Department on Aging | 25 |
| shall be known as Illinois ElderCare Connections agencies. | 26 |
| These agencies shall serve as the single point-of-entry | 27 |
| agencies for all ElderCare services. | 28 |
| (b) Every Illinois ElderCare Connections agency shall | 29 |
| perform a comprehensive assessment on all older adults who need | 30 |
| ElderCare services. The Department on Aging shall by rule adopt | 31 |
| a common comprehensive assessment tool, which shall be used by | 32 |
| all Illinois ElderCare Connections agencies for all initial | 33 |
| assessments, reassessments, and prescreenings, as appropriate. | 34 |
| (c) ElderCare Connections care coordinators must perform |
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| 1 |
| ongoing care coordination assistance and followup on all cases. | 2 |
| Illinois ElderCare Connections agencies shall provide care | 3 |
| coordination during evening and weekend hours to complete | 4 |
| assessments, care plans, and applications for services in a | 5 |
| client's home. To the extent possible and at the client's | 6 |
| discretion, family caregivers shall be present during an | 7 |
| assessment of the client and shall be assessed as needed. | 8 |
| Section 90. The Illinois Act on the Aging is amended by | 9 |
| changing Sections 4.02 and 4.03 as follows:
| 10 |
| (20 ILCS 105/4.02) (from Ch. 23, par. 6104.02)
| 11 |
| Sec. 4.02. The Department shall establish a program of | 12 |
| services to
prevent unnecessary institutionalization of | 13 |
| persons age 60 and older in
need of long term care or who are | 14 |
| established as persons who suffer from
Alzheimer's disease or a | 15 |
| related disorder under the Alzheimer's Disease
Assistance Act, | 16 |
| thereby enabling them
to remain in their own homes or in other | 17 |
| living arrangements. Such
preventive services, which may be | 18 |
| coordinated with other programs for the
aged and monitored by | 19 |
| area agencies on aging in cooperation with the
Department, may | 20 |
| include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following:
| 21 |
| (a) home health services;
| 22 |
| (b) home nursing services;
| 23 |
| (c) homemaker services;
| 24 |
| (d) chore and housekeeping services;
| 25 |
| (e) day care services;
| 26 |
| (f) home-delivered meals;
| 27 |
| (g) education in self-care;
| 28 |
| (h) personal care services;
| 29 |
| (i) adult day health services;
| 30 |
| (j) habilitation services;
| 31 |
| (k) respite care;
| 32 |
| (k-5) community reintegration services;
| 33 |
| (l) other nonmedical social services that may enable | 34 |
| the person
to become self-supporting; or
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| (m) clearinghouse for information provided by senior | 2 |
| citizen home owners
who want to rent rooms to or share | 3 |
| living space with other senior citizens.
| 4 |
| The Department shall establish eligibility standards for | 5 |
| such
services taking into consideration the unique economic and | 6 |
| social needs
of the target population for whom they are to be | 7 |
| provided. Such eligibility
standards shall be based on the | 8 |
| recipient's ability to pay for services;
provided, however, | 9 |
| that in determining the amount and nature of services
for which | 10 |
| a person may qualify, consideration shall not be given to the
| 11 |
| value of cash, property or other assets held in the name of the | 12 |
| person's
spouse pursuant to a written agreement dividing | 13 |
| marital property into equal
but separate shares or pursuant to | 14 |
| a transfer of the person's interest in a
home to his spouse, | 15 |
| provided that the spouse's share of the marital
property is not | 16 |
| made available to the person seeking such services.
| 17 |
| Beginning July 1, 2002, the Department shall require as a | 18 |
| condition of
eligibility that all financially eligible | 19 |
| applicants and recipients apply
for medical assistance
under | 20 |
| Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code in accordance with | 21 |
| rules
promulgated by the Department.
| 22 |
| The Department shall, in conjunction with the Department of | 23 |
| Public Aid (now Department of Healthcare and Family Services) ,
| 24 |
| seek appropriate amendments under Sections 1915 and 1924 of the | 25 |
| Social
Security Act. The purpose of the amendments shall be to | 26 |
| extend eligibility
for home and community based services under | 27 |
| Sections 1915 and 1924 of the
Social Security Act to persons | 28 |
| who transfer to or for the benefit of a
spouse those amounts of | 29 |
| income and resources allowed under Section 1924 of
the Social | 30 |
| Security Act. Subject to the approval of such amendments, the
| 31 |
| Department shall extend the provisions of Section 5-4 of the | 32 |
| Illinois
Public Aid Code to persons who, but for the provision | 33 |
| of home or
community-based services, would require the level of | 34 |
| care provided in an
institution, as is provided for in federal | 35 |
| law. Those persons no longer
found to be eligible for receiving | 36 |
| noninstitutional services due to changes
in the eligibility |
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| 1 |
| criteria shall be given 60 days notice prior to actual
| 2 |
| termination. Those persons receiving notice of termination may | 3 |
| contact the
Department and request the determination be | 4 |
| appealed at any time during the
60 day notice period. With the | 5 |
| exception of the lengthened notice and time
frame for the | 6 |
| appeal request, the appeal process shall follow the normal
| 7 |
| procedure. In addition, each person affected regardless of the
| 8 |
| circumstances for discontinued eligibility shall be given | 9 |
| notice and the
opportunity to purchase the necessary services | 10 |
| through the Community Care
Program. If the individual does not | 11 |
| elect to purchase services, the
Department shall advise the | 12 |
| individual of alternative services. The target
population | 13 |
| identified for the purposes of this Section are persons age 60
| 14 |
| and older with an identified service need. Priority shall be | 15 |
| given to those
who are at imminent risk of | 16 |
| institutionalization. The services shall be
provided to | 17 |
| eligible persons age 60 and older to the extent that the cost
| 18 |
| of the services together with the other personal maintenance
| 19 |
| expenses of the persons are reasonably related to the standards
| 20 |
| established for care in a group facility appropriate to the | 21 |
| person's
condition. These non-institutional services, pilot | 22 |
| projects or
experimental facilities may be provided as part of | 23 |
| or in addition to
those authorized by federal law or those | 24 |
| funded and administered by the
Department of Human Services. | 25 |
| The Departments of Human Services, Healthcare and Family | 26 |
| Services
Public Aid ,
Public Health, Veterans' Affairs, and | 27 |
| Commerce and Economic Opportunity and
other appropriate | 28 |
| agencies of State, federal and local governments shall
| 29 |
| cooperate with the Department on Aging in the establishment and | 30 |
| development
of the non-institutional services. The Department | 31 |
| shall require an annual
audit from all chore/housekeeping and | 32 |
| homemaker vendors contracting with
the Department under this | 33 |
| Section. The annual audit shall assure that each
audited | 34 |
| vendor's procedures are in compliance with Department's | 35 |
| financial
reporting guidelines requiring an administrative and | 36 |
| employee wage and benefits cost split as defined in |
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| administrative rules. The audit is a public record under
the | 2 |
| Freedom of Information Act. The Department shall execute, | 3 |
| relative to
the nursing home prescreening project, written | 4 |
| inter-agency
agreements with the Department of Human Services | 5 |
| and the Department
of Healthcare and Family Services
Public | 6 |
| Aid , to effect the following: (1) intake procedures and common
| 7 |
| eligibility criteria for those persons who are receiving | 8 |
| non-institutional
services; and (2) the establishment and | 9 |
| development of non-institutional
services in areas of the State | 10 |
| where they are not currently available or are
undeveloped. On | 11 |
| and after July 1, 1996, all nursing home prescreenings for
| 12 |
| individuals 60 years of age or older shall be conducted by the | 13 |
| Department.
| 14 |
| As part of the Department on Aging's routine training of | 15 |
| case managers and case manager supervisors, the Department may | 16 |
| include information on family futures planning for persons who | 17 |
| are age 60 or older and who are caregivers of their adult | 18 |
| children with developmental disabilities. The content of the | 19 |
| training shall be at the Department's discretion. | 20 |
| The Department is authorized to establish a system of | 21 |
| recipient copayment
for services provided under this Section, | 22 |
| such copayment to be based upon
the recipient's ability to pay | 23 |
| but in no case to exceed the actual cost of
the services | 24 |
| provided. Additionally, any portion of a person's income which
| 25 |
| is equal to or less than the federal poverty standard shall not | 26 |
| be
considered by the Department in determining the copayment. | 27 |
| The level of
such copayment shall be adjusted whenever | 28 |
| necessary to reflect any change
in the officially designated | 29 |
| federal poverty standard.
| 30 |
| The Department, or the Department's authorized | 31 |
| representative, shall
recover the amount of moneys expended for | 32 |
| services provided to or in
behalf of a person under this | 33 |
| Section by a claim against the person's
estate or against the | 34 |
| estate of the person's surviving spouse, but no
recovery may be | 35 |
| had until after the death of the surviving spouse, if
any, and | 36 |
| then only at such time when there is no surviving child who
is |
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| 1 |
| under age 21, blind, or permanently and totally disabled. This
| 2 |
| paragraph, however, shall not bar recovery, at the death of the | 3 |
| person, of
moneys for services provided to the person or in | 4 |
| behalf of the person under
this Section to which the person was | 5 |
| not entitled;
provided that such recovery shall not be enforced | 6 |
| against any real estate while
it is occupied as a homestead by | 7 |
| the surviving spouse or other dependent, if no
claims by other | 8 |
| creditors have been filed against the estate, or, if such
| 9 |
| claims have been filed, they remain dormant for failure of | 10 |
| prosecution or
failure of the claimant to compel administration | 11 |
| of the estate for the purpose
of payment. This paragraph shall | 12 |
| not bar recovery from the estate of a spouse,
under Sections | 13 |
| 1915 and 1924 of the Social Security Act and Section 5-4 of the
| 14 |
| Illinois Public Aid Code, who precedes a person receiving | 15 |
| services under this
Section in death. All moneys for services
| 16 |
| paid to or in behalf of the person under this Section shall be | 17 |
| claimed for
recovery from the deceased spouse's estate. | 18 |
| "Homestead", as used
in this paragraph, means the dwelling | 19 |
| house and
contiguous real estate occupied by a surviving spouse
| 20 |
| or relative, as defined by the rules and regulations of the | 21 |
| Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Illinois | 22 |
| Department
of Public Aid , regardless of the value of the | 23 |
| property.
| 24 |
| The Department shall develop procedures to enhance | 25 |
| availability of
services on evenings, weekends, and on an | 26 |
| emergency basis to meet the
respite needs of caregivers. | 27 |
| Procedures shall be developed to permit the
utilization of | 28 |
| services in successive blocks of 24 hours up to the monthly
| 29 |
| maximum established by the Department. Workers providing these | 30 |
| services
shall be appropriately trained.
| 31 |
| Beginning on the effective date of this Amendatory Act of | 32 |
| 1991, no person
may perform chore/housekeeping and homemaker | 33 |
| services under a program
authorized by this Section unless that | 34 |
| person has been issued a certificate
of pre-service to do so by | 35 |
| his or her employing agency. Information
gathered to effect | 36 |
| such certification shall include (i) the person's name,
(ii) |
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| the date the person was hired by his or her current employer, | 2 |
| and
(iii) the training, including dates and levels. Persons | 3 |
| engaged in the
program authorized by this Section before the | 4 |
| effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1991 shall be issued a | 5 |
| certificate of all pre- and
in-service training from his or her | 6 |
| employer upon submitting the necessary
information. The | 7 |
| employing agency shall be required to retain records of
all | 8 |
| staff pre- and in-service training, and shall provide such | 9 |
| records to
the Department upon request and upon termination of | 10 |
| the employer's contract
with the Department. In addition, the | 11 |
| employing agency is responsible for
the issuance of | 12 |
| certifications of in-service training completed to their
| 13 |
| employees.
| 14 |
| The Department is required to develop a system to ensure | 15 |
| that persons
working as homemakers and chore housekeepers | 16 |
| receive increases in their
wages when the federal minimum wage | 17 |
| is increased by requiring vendors to
certify that they are | 18 |
| meeting the federal minimum wage statute for homemakers
and | 19 |
| chore housekeepers. An employer that cannot ensure that the | 20 |
| minimum
wage increase is being given to homemakers and chore | 21 |
| housekeepers
shall be denied any increase in reimbursement | 22 |
| costs.
| 23 |
| The Community Care Program Advisory Committee is created in | 24 |
| the Department on Aging. The Director shall appoint individuals | 25 |
| to serve in the Committee, who shall serve at their own | 26 |
| expense. Members of the Committee must abide by all applicable | 27 |
| ethics laws. The Committee shall advise the Department on | 28 |
| issues related to the Department's program of services to | 29 |
| prevent unnecessary institutionalization. The Committee shall | 30 |
| meet on a bi-monthly basis and shall serve to identify and | 31 |
| advise the Department on present and potential issues affecting | 32 |
| the service delivery network, the program's clients, and the | 33 |
| Department and to recommend solution strategies. Persons | 34 |
| appointed to the Committee shall be appointed on, but not | 35 |
| limited to, their own and their agency's experience with the | 36 |
| program, geographic representation, and willingness to serve. |
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| 1 |
| The Committee shall include, but not be limited to, | 2 |
| representatives from the following agencies and organizations: | 3 |
| (a) at least 4 adult day service representatives; | 4 |
| (b) at least 4 representatives from Illinois ElderCare | 5 |
| Connections agencies as described in the Illinois | 6 |
| ElderCare Options Act
case coordination unit | 7 |
| representatives ; | 8 |
| (c) at least 4 representatives from in-home direct care | 9 |
| service agencies; | 10 |
| (d) at least 2 representatives of statewide trade or | 11 |
| labor unions that represent in-home direct care service | 12 |
| staff;
| 13 |
| (e) at least 2 representatives of Area Agencies on | 14 |
| Aging; | 15 |
| (f) at least 2 non-provider representatives from a | 16 |
| policy, advocacy, research, or other service organization; | 17 |
| (g) at least 2 representatives from a statewide | 18 |
| membership organization for senior citizens; and | 19 |
| (h) at least 2 citizen members 60 years of age or | 20 |
| older. | 21 |
| Nominations may be presented from any agency or State | 22 |
| association with interest in the program. The Director, or his | 23 |
| or her designee, shall serve as the permanent co-chair of the | 24 |
| advisory committee. One other co-chair shall be nominated and | 25 |
| approved by the members of the committee on an annual basis. | 26 |
| Committee members' terms of appointment shall be for 4 years | 27 |
| with one-quarter of the appointees' terms expiring each year. | 28 |
| At no time may a member serve more than one consecutive term in | 29 |
| any capacity on the committee. The Department shall fill | 30 |
| vacancies that have a remaining term of over one year, and this | 31 |
| replacement shall occur through the annual replacement of | 32 |
| expiring terms. The Director shall designate Department staff | 33 |
| to provide technical assistance and staff support to the | 34 |
| committee. Department representation shall not constitute | 35 |
| membership of the committee. All Committee papers, issues, | 36 |
| recommendations, reports, and meeting memoranda are advisory |
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| 1 |
| only. The Director, or his or her designee, shall make a | 2 |
| written report, as requested by the Committee, regarding issues | 3 |
| before the Committee.
| 4 |
| The Department on Aging and the Department of Human | 5 |
| Services
shall cooperate in the development and submission of | 6 |
| an annual report on
programs and services provided under this | 7 |
| Section. Such joint report
shall be filed with the Governor and | 8 |
| the General Assembly on or before
September 30 each year.
| 9 |
| The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall | 10 |
| be satisfied
by filing copies of the report with the Speaker, | 11 |
| the Minority Leader and
the Clerk of the House of | 12 |
| Representatives and the President, the Minority
Leader and the | 13 |
| Secretary of the Senate and the Legislative Research Unit,
as | 14 |
| required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization | 15 |
| Act and
filing such additional copies with the State Government | 16 |
| Report Distribution
Center for the General Assembly as is | 17 |
| required under paragraph (t) of
Section 7 of the State Library | 18 |
| Act.
| 19 |
| Those persons previously found eligible for receiving | 20 |
| non-institutional
services whose services were discontinued | 21 |
| under the Emergency Budget Act of
Fiscal Year 1992, and who do | 22 |
| not meet the eligibility standards in effect
on or after July | 23 |
| 1, 1992, shall remain ineligible on and after July 1,
1992. | 24 |
| Those persons previously not required to cost-share and who | 25 |
| were
required to cost-share effective March 1, 1992, shall | 26 |
| continue to meet
cost-share requirements on and after July 1, | 27 |
| 1992. Beginning July 1, 1992,
all clients will be required to | 28 |
| meet
eligibility, cost-share, and other requirements and will | 29 |
| have services
discontinued or altered when they fail to meet | 30 |
| these requirements.
| 31 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-85, eff. 1-1-04; 93-902, eff. 8-10-04; 94-48, | 32 |
| eff. 7-1-05; 94-269, eff. 7-19-05; 94-336, eff. 7-26-05; | 33 |
| revised 12-15-05.)
| 34 |
| (20 ILCS 105/4.03) (from Ch. 23, par. 6104.03)
| 35 |
| Sec. 4.03. The Department on Aging, in cooperation with the |
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| 1 |
| Department of
Human Services and any other appropriate State, | 2 |
| local or
federal agency, shall, without regard to income | 3 |
| guidelines, establish a
nursing home prescreening program to | 4 |
| determine whether Alzheimer's Disease
and related disorders | 5 |
| victims, and persons who are deemed as blind or
disabled as | 6 |
| defined by the Social Security Act and who are in need of long
| 7 |
| term care, may be satisfactorily cared for in their homes | 8 |
| through the use
of home and community based services. Illinois | 9 |
| ElderCare Connections agencies, as described in the Illinois | 10 |
| ElderCare Options Act, that are
Case coordination units under
| 11 |
| contract with the Department may charge a fee for the | 12 |
| prescreening provided
under this Section and the fee shall be | 13 |
| no greater than the cost of such
services to the case | 14 |
| coordination unit.
| 15 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-21, eff. 7-1-95; 89-507, eff. 7-1-97.)
| 16 |
| Section 91. The State Finance Act is amended by changing | 17 |
| Section 13.2 as follows:
| 18 |
| (30 ILCS 105/13.2) (from Ch. 127, par. 149.2)
| 19 |
| Sec. 13.2. Transfers among line item appropriations.
| 20 |
| (a) Transfers among line item appropriations from the same
| 21 |
| treasury fund for the objects specified in this Section may be | 22 |
| made in
the manner provided in this Section when the balance | 23 |
| remaining in one or
more such line item appropriations is | 24 |
| insufficient for the purpose for
which the appropriation was | 25 |
| made.
| 26 |
| (a-1) No transfers may be made from one
agency to another | 27 |
| agency, nor may transfers be made from one institution
of | 28 |
| higher education to another institution of higher education.
| 29 |
| (a-2) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, | 30 |
| transfers may be made only among the objects of expenditure | 31 |
| enumerated
in this Section, except that no funds may be | 32 |
| transferred from any
appropriation for personal services, from | 33 |
| any appropriation for State
contributions to the State | 34 |
| Employees' Retirement System, from any
separate appropriation |
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| 1 |
| for employee retirement contributions paid by the
employer, nor | 2 |
| from any appropriation for State contribution for
employee | 3 |
| group insurance. During State fiscal year 2005, an agency may | 4 |
| transfer amounts among its appropriations within the same | 5 |
| treasury fund for personal services, employee retirement | 6 |
| contributions paid by employer, and State Contributions to | 7 |
| retirement systems; notwithstanding and in addition to the | 8 |
| transfers authorized in subsection (c) of this Section, the | 9 |
| fiscal year 2005 transfers authorized in this sentence may be | 10 |
| made in an amount not to exceed 2% of the aggregate amount | 11 |
| appropriated to an agency within the same treasury fund. | 12 |
| (a-3) Further, if an agency receives a separate
| 13 |
| appropriation for employee retirement contributions paid by | 14 |
| the employer,
any transfer by that agency into an appropriation | 15 |
| for personal services
must be accompanied by a corresponding | 16 |
| transfer into the appropriation for
employee retirement | 17 |
| contributions paid by the employer, in an amount
sufficient to | 18 |
| meet the employer share of the employee contributions
required | 19 |
| to be remitted to the retirement system.
| 20 |
| (b) In addition to the general transfer authority provided | 21 |
| under
subsection (c), the following agencies have the specific | 22 |
| transfer authority
granted in this subsection:
| 23 |
| The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
| 24 |
| Public Aid is authorized to make transfers
representing savings | 25 |
| attributable to not increasing grants due to the
births of | 26 |
| additional children from line items for payments of cash grants | 27 |
| to
line items for payments for employment and social services | 28 |
| for the purposes
outlined in subsection (f) of Section 4-2 of | 29 |
| the Illinois Public Aid Code.
| 30 |
| The Department of Children and Family Services is | 31 |
| authorized to make
transfers not exceeding 2% of the aggregate | 32 |
| amount appropriated to it within
the same treasury fund for the | 33 |
| following line items among these same line
items: Foster Home | 34 |
| and Specialized Foster Care and Prevention, Institutions
and | 35 |
| Group Homes and Prevention, and Purchase of Adoption and | 36 |
| Guardianship
SB2730 |
- 13 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| The Department on Aging is authorized to make transfers not
| 2 |
| exceeding 2% of the aggregate amount appropriated to it within | 3 |
| the same
treasury fund for the following Community Care Program | 4 |
| line items among these
same line items: Homemaker and Senior | 5 |
| Companion Services, Illinois ElderCare Connections agencies, | 6 |
| as described in the Illinois ElderCare Options Act
Case | 7 |
| Coordination
Units , and Adult Day Care Services.
| 8 |
| The State Treasurer is authorized to make transfers among | 9 |
| line item
from the Capital Litigation Trust | 10 |
| Fund, with respect to costs incurred in
fiscal years 2002 and | 11 |
| 2003 only, when the balance remaining in one or
more such
line | 12 |
| item appropriations is insufficient for the purpose for which | 13 |
| the
appropriation was
made, provided that no such transfer may | 14 |
| be made unless the amount transferred
is no
longer required for | 15 |
| the purpose for which that appropriation was made.
| 16 |
| (c) The sum of such transfers for an agency in a fiscal | 17 |
| year shall not
exceed 2% of the aggregate amount appropriated | 18 |
| to it within the same treasury
fund for the following objects: | 19 |
| Personal Services; Extra Help; Student and
Inmate | 20 |
| Compensation; State Contributions to Retirement Systems; State
| 21 |
| Contributions to Social Security; State Contribution for | 22 |
| Employee Group
Insurance; Contractual Services; Travel; | 23 |
| Commodities; Printing; Equipment;
Electronic Data Processing; | 24 |
| Operation of Automotive Equipment;
Telecommunications | 25 |
| Services; Travel and Allowance for Committed, Paroled
and | 26 |
| Discharged Prisoners; Library Books; Federal Matching Grants | 27 |
| for
Student Loans; Refunds; Workers' Compensation, | 28 |
| Occupational Disease, and
Tort Claims; and, in appropriations | 29 |
| to institutions of higher education,
Awards and Grants. | 30 |
| Notwithstanding the above, any amounts appropriated for
| 31 |
| payment of workers' compensation claims to an agency to which | 32 |
| the authority
to evaluate, administer and pay such claims has | 33 |
| been delegated by the
Department of Central Management Services | 34 |
| may be transferred to any other
expenditure object where such | 35 |
| amounts exceed the amount necessary for the
payment of such | 36 |
| claims.
SB2730 |
- 14 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| (c-1) Special provisions for State fiscal year 2003. | 2 |
| Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Section to the | 3 |
| contrary, for State fiscal year 2003
only, transfers among line | 4 |
| item appropriations to an agency from the same
treasury fund | 5 |
| may be made provided that the sum of such transfers for an | 6 |
| agency
in State fiscal year 2003 shall not exceed 3% of the | 7 |
| aggregate amount
appropriated to that State agency for State | 8 |
| fiscal year 2003 for the following
objects: personal services, | 9 |
| except that no transfer may be approved which
reduces the | 10 |
| aggregate appropriations for personal services within an | 11 |
| agency;
extra help; student and inmate compensation; State
| 12 |
| contributions to retirement systems; State contributions to | 13 |
| social security;
State contributions for employee group | 14 |
| insurance; contractual services; travel;
commodities; | 15 |
| printing; equipment; electronic data processing; operation of
| 16 |
| automotive equipment; telecommunications services; travel and | 17 |
| allowance for
committed, paroled, and discharged prisoners; | 18 |
| library books; federal matching
grants for student loans; | 19 |
| refunds; workers' compensation, occupational disease,
and tort | 20 |
| claims; and, in appropriations to institutions of higher | 21 |
| education,
awards and grants.
| 22 |
| (c-2) Special provisions for State fiscal year 2005. | 23 |
| Notwithstanding subsections (a), (a-2), and (c), for State | 24 |
| fiscal year 2005 only, transfers may be made among any line | 25 |
| item appropriations from the same or any other treasury fund | 26 |
| for any objects or purposes, without limitation, when the | 27 |
| balance remaining in one or more such line item appropriations | 28 |
| is insufficient for the purpose for which the appropriation was | 29 |
| made, provided that the sum of those transfers by a State | 30 |
| agency shall not exceed 4% of the aggregate amount appropriated | 31 |
| to that State agency for fiscal year 2005.
| 32 |
| (d) Transfers among appropriations made to agencies of the | 33 |
| Legislative
and Judicial departments and to the | 34 |
| constitutionally elected officers in the
Executive branch | 35 |
| require the approval of the officer authorized in Section 10
of | 36 |
| this Act to approve and certify vouchers. Transfers among |
SB2730 |
- 15 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| appropriations
made to the University of Illinois, Southern | 2 |
| Illinois University, Chicago State
University, Eastern | 3 |
| Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois
| 4 |
| State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern | 5 |
| Illinois
University, Western Illinois University, the Illinois | 6 |
| Mathematics and Science
Academy and the Board of Higher | 7 |
| Education require the approval of the Board of
Higher Education | 8 |
| and the Governor. Transfers among appropriations to all other
| 9 |
| agencies require the approval of the Governor.
| 10 |
| The officer responsible for approval shall certify that the
| 11 |
| transfer is necessary to carry out the programs and purposes | 12 |
| for which
the appropriations were made by the General Assembly | 13 |
| and shall transmit
to the State Comptroller a certified copy of | 14 |
| the approval which shall
set forth the specific amounts | 15 |
| transferred so that the Comptroller may
change his records | 16 |
| accordingly. The Comptroller shall furnish the
Governor with | 17 |
| information copies of all transfers approved for agencies
of | 18 |
| the Legislative and Judicial departments and transfers | 19 |
| approved by
the constitutionally elected officials of the | 20 |
| Executive branch other
than the Governor, showing the amounts | 21 |
| transferred and indicating the
dates such changes were entered | 22 |
| on the Comptroller's records.
| 23 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-600, eff. 6-28-02; 92-885, eff. 1-13-03; | 24 |
| 93-680, eff. 7-1-04; 93-839, eff. 7-30-04; revised 12-15-05.)
| 25 |
| Section 92. The Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act is | 26 |
| amended by changing Section 90 as follows:
| 27 |
| (210 ILCS 9/90)
| 28 |
| Sec. 90. Contents of service delivery contract. A contract | 29 |
| between an
establishment and a resident must be entitled | 30 |
| "assisted living
contract" or "shared housing | 31 |
| establishment contract" as applicable, shall be
printed in no | 32 |
| less
than 12 point type, and shall include at least the | 33 |
| following elements in the
body or through
supporting documents | 34 |
| or attachments:
SB2730 |
- 16 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| (1) the name, street address, and mailing address of | 2 |
| the establishment;
| 3 |
| (2) the name and mailing address of the owner or owners | 4 |
| of the
establishment and, if
the owner or owners are not | 5 |
| natural persons, the type of business entity of the
| 6 |
| or owners;
| 7 |
| (3) the name and mailing address of the managing agent | 8 |
| of the
establishment, whether
hired under a management | 9 |
| agreement or lease agreement, if the managing agent is
| 10 |
| different from the owner or owners;
| 11 |
| (4) the name and address of at least one natural person | 12 |
| who is authorized
to accept
service on behalf of the owners | 13 |
| and managing agent;
| 14 |
| (5) a statement describing the license status of the | 15 |
| establishment and the
license status
of all providers of | 16 |
| health-related or supportive services to a resident under
| 17 |
| arrangement with the establishment;
| 18 |
| (6) the duration of the contract;
| 19 |
| (7) the base rate to be paid by the resident and a | 20 |
| description of the
services to be
provided as part of this | 21 |
| rate;
| 22 |
| (8) a description of any additional services to be | 23 |
| provided for an
additional fee by the
establishment | 24 |
| directly or by a third party provider under arrangement | 25 |
| with the
| 26 |
| (9) the fee schedules outlining the cost of any | 27 |
| additional services;
| 28 |
| (10) a description of the process through which the | 29 |
| contract may be
modified, amended,
or terminated;
| 30 |
| (11) a description of the establishment's complaint | 31 |
| resolution process
available to
residents and notice of the | 32 |
| availability of the Department on Aging's Illinois | 33 |
| ElderCare
| 34 |
| (12) the name of the resident's designated | 35 |
| representative, if any;
| 36 |
| (13) the resident's obligations in order to maintain |
SB2730 |
- 17 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| residency and
services including compliance with | 2 |
| all assessments required under Section 15;
| 3 |
| (14) the billing and payment procedures and | 4 |
| requirements;
| 5 |
| (15) a statement affirming the resident's freedom to | 6 |
| receive services from
providers with whom the | 7 |
| establishment does not have a contractual arrangement,
| 8 |
| which may also disclaim liability on the part of the
| 9 |
| establishment for those services;
| 10 |
| (16) a statement that medical assistance under Article | 11 |
| V or Article VI of
the Illinois
Public Aid Code is not | 12 |
| available for payment for services provided in an
| 13 |
| establishment, excluding contracts executed with residents | 14 |
| residing in licensed establishments participating in the | 15 |
| Department on Aging's Comprehensive Care in Residential | 16 |
| Settings Demonstration Project;
| 17 |
| (17) a statement detailing the admission, risk | 18 |
| management, and residency
criteria and | 19 |
| procedures;
| 20 |
| (18) a statement listing the rights specified in | 21 |
| Section 95 and
acknowledging that, by contracting with the | 22 |
| assisted
living or shared
housing establishment, the | 23 |
| resident does not forfeit those rights;
| 24 |
| (19) a statement detailing the Department's annual | 25 |
| on-site review process
what documents contained | 26 |
| in a resident's personal file shall be reviewed by
the | 27 |
| on-site reviewer as defined by rule; and | 28 |
| (20) a statement outlining whether the establishment | 29 |
| charges a community fee and, if so, the amount of the fee | 30 |
| and whether it is refundable; if the fee is refundable, the | 31 |
| contract must describe the conditions under which it is | 32 |
| refundable and how the amount of the refund is determined.
| 33 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-775, eff. 1-1-05; 94-256, eff. 7-19-05.)
| 34 |
| Section 93. The Hospital Licensing Act is amended by | 35 |
| changing Section 6.09 as follows:
SB2730 |
- 18 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| (210 ILCS 85/6.09) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 147.09)
| 2 |
| Sec. 6.09. (a) In order to facilitate the orderly | 3 |
| transition of aged
and disabled patients from hospitals to | 4 |
| post-hospital care, whenever a
patient who qualifies for the
| 5 |
| federal Medicare program is hospitalized, the patient shall be | 6 |
| notified
of discharge at least
24 hours prior to discharge from
| 7 |
| the hospital. With regard to pending discharges to a skilled | 8 |
| nursing facility or if home health services are ordered, the | 9 |
| hospital must inform its designated Illinois ElderCare | 10 |
| Connections agency, as described in the Illinois ElderCare | 11 |
| Options Act
case coordination unit, as defined in 89 Ill. Adm. | 12 |
| Code 240.260 , of the pending discharge and must provide the | 13 |
| patient with the case coordination unit's telephone number and | 14 |
| other contact information.
| 15 |
| (b) Every hospital shall develop procedures for a physician | 16 |
| with medical
staff privileges at the hospital or any | 17 |
| appropriate medical staff member to
provide the discharge | 18 |
| notice prescribed in subsection (a) of this Section. The | 19 |
| procedures must include prohibitions against discharging or | 20 |
| referring a patient to any of the following if unlicensed, | 21 |
| uncertified, or unregistered: (i) a board and care facility, as | 22 |
| defined in the Board and Care Home Registration Act; (ii) an | 23 |
| assisted living and shared housing establishment, as defined in | 24 |
| the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act; (iii) a facility | 25 |
| licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act; (iv) a supportive | 26 |
| living facility, as defined in Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois | 27 |
| Public Aid Code; or (v) a free-standing hospice facility | 28 |
| licensed under the Hospice Program Licensing Act if licensure, | 29 |
| certification, or registration is required. The Department of | 30 |
| Public Health shall annually provide hospitals with a list of | 31 |
| licensed, certified, or registered board and care facilities, | 32 |
| assisted living and shared housing establishments, nursing | 33 |
| homes, supportive living facilities, and hospice facilities. | 34 |
| Reliance upon this list by a hospital shall satisfy compliance | 35 |
| with this requirement.
The procedure may also include a waiver |
SB2730 |
- 19 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| for any case in which a discharge
notice is not feasible due to | 2 |
| a short length of stay in the hospital by the patient,
or for | 3 |
| any case in which the patient voluntarily desires to leave the
| 4 |
| hospital before the expiration of the
24 hour period.
| 5 |
| (c) At least
24 hours prior to discharge from the hospital, | 6 |
| the
patient shall receive written information on the patient's | 7 |
| right to appeal the
discharge pursuant to the
federal Medicare | 8 |
| program, including the steps to follow to appeal
the discharge | 9 |
| and the appropriate telephone number to call in case the
| 10 |
| patient intends to appeal the discharge.
| 11 |
| (Source: P.A. 94-335, eff. 7-26-05.)
| 12 |
| Section 94. The Respite Program Act is amended by changing | 13 |
| Section 2 as follows: | 14 |
| (320 ILCS 10/2) (from Ch. 23, par. 6202)
| 15 |
| Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| 16 |
| (1) "Respite care" means the provision of intermittent and | 17 |
| temporary
substitute care or supervision of frail or
| 18 |
| adults on behalf of and in the absence
of the primary | 19 |
| care-giver, for the purpose of providing relief from the stress
| 20 |
| or responsibilities concomitant with providing constant care, | 21 |
| so as to enable
the care-giver to continue the provision of | 22 |
| care in the home. Respite care
should be available to sustain | 23 |
| the
care-giver throughout the period
of care-giving, which can | 24 |
| vary from several months to a number of years.
Respite care can | 25 |
| be provided in the home, in a day care
setting during the day, | 26 |
| overnight,
in a substitute residential setting such as a | 27 |
| long-term care facility
required to be licensed under the | 28 |
| Nursing Home Care Act or the Assisted Living
and Shared Housing | 29 |
| Act,
or for more extended periods of time on a
temporary basis.
| 30 |
| (1.5) "In-home respite care" means care provided by an
| 31 |
| appropriately trained paid worker providing short-term | 32 |
| intermittent care,
supervision, or companionship to the frail | 33 |
| or
disabled adult in the home while relieving
the care-giver, | 34 |
| by permitting a short-term break from the care-giver's
SB2730 |
- 20 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| care-giving
role. This support may contribute to the delay, | 2 |
| reduction, and prevention of
institutionalization by enabling | 3 |
| the care-giver to continue in his or her
care-giving role. | 4 |
| In-home respite care should be flexible and available in a
| 5 |
| manner that is responsive to the needs of the care-giver. This
| 6 |
| may consist of evening respite care services that are available | 7 |
| from
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and weekend | 8 |
| respite care
services from 6:00 p.m. Friday to 8:00 a.m. | 9 |
| Monday.
| 10 |
| (2) "Care-giver" shall mean the family member or other | 11 |
| natural person
who normally provides the daily care or | 12 |
| supervision of a frail or
disabled adult. Such care-giver may, | 13 |
| but need not, reside in the
same household as the frail or | 14 |
| disabled adult.
| 15 |
| (3) (Blank).
| 16 |
| (4) (Blank).
| 17 |
| (5) (Blank).
| 18 |
| (6) "Department" shall mean the Department on Aging.
| 19 |
| (7) (Blank).
| 20 |
| (8) "Frail or disabled adult" shall mean any person who is | 21 |
| 60 years of age or older and who either (i) suffers from | 22 |
| Alzheimer's disease
or a related disorder or (ii)
is unable to | 23 |
| attend to his or her daily needs
without the assistance or | 24 |
| regular supervision of a care-giver due to mental
or physical | 25 |
| impairment and who is otherwise eligible for services on the
| 26 |
| basis of his or her level of impairment.
| 27 |
| (9) "Emergency respite care" means the immediate placement | 28 |
| of a
trained, in-home respite care worker in the home during an | 29 |
| emergency or
unplanned event, or during a temporary placement | 30 |
| outside the home, to
substitute for the care-giver. Emergency | 31 |
| respite
care may be provided on one or more occasions unless an
| 32 |
| extension is deemed necessary by the Illinois ElderCare | 33 |
| Connections agency, as described in the Illinois ElderCare | 34 |
| Options Act,
case coordination unit or by another agency | 35 |
| designated by the Department and area agencies on aging to | 36 |
| conduct needs assessments for respite care services. When there
SB2730 |
- 21 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| is an urgent need for emergency respite care, procedures to | 2 |
| accommodate
this need must be determined. An emergency is:
| 3 |
| (a) An unplanned event that results in the immediate | 4 |
| and unavoidable
absence of the care-giver from the home in | 5 |
| an excess of 4 hours at
time when no other qualified | 6 |
| care-giver is available.
| 7 |
| (b) An unplanned situation that prevents the
| 8 |
| care-giver from
providing the care required by a frail or | 9 |
| disabled
adult living at home.
| 10 |
| (c) An unplanned event that threatens the health and | 11 |
| safety of the
frail or disabled adult.
| 12 |
| (d) An unplanned event that threatens the health and | 13 |
| safety of the
care-giver thereby placing the frail or
| 14 |
| disabled adult in danger.
| 15 |
| (10) (Blank).
| 16 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 93-864, eff. 8-5-04.)
| 17 |
| Section 95. The Older Adult Services Act is amended by | 18 |
| changing Section 25 as follows: | 19 |
| (320 ILCS 42/25)
| 20 |
| Sec. 25. Older adult services restructuring. No later than | 21 |
| January 1, 2005, the Department shall commence the process of | 22 |
| restructuring the older adult services delivery system. | 23 |
| Priority shall be given to both the expansion of services and | 24 |
| the development of new services in priority service areas. | 25 |
| Subject to the availability of funding, the restructuring shall | 26 |
| include, but not be limited to, the following:
| 27 |
| (1) Planning. The Department shall develop a plan to | 28 |
| restructure the State's service delivery system for older | 29 |
| adults. The plan shall include a schedule for the | 30 |
| implementation of the initiatives outlined in this Act and all | 31 |
| other initiatives identified by the participating agencies to | 32 |
| fulfill the purposes of this Act. Financing for older adult | 33 |
| services shall be based on the principle that "money follows | 34 |
| the individual". The plan shall also identify potential |
SB2730 |
- 22 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| impediments to delivery system restructuring and include any | 2 |
| known regulatory or statutory barriers. | 3 |
| (2) Comprehensive case management. The Department shall | 4 |
| implement a statewide system of holistic comprehensive case | 5 |
| management. The system shall include the identification and | 6 |
| implementation of a universal, comprehensive assessment tool | 7 |
| to be used statewide to determine the level of functional, | 8 |
| cognitive, socialization, and financial needs of older adults. | 9 |
| This tool shall be supported by an electronic intake, | 10 |
| assessment, and care planning system linked to a central | 11 |
| location. "Comprehensive case management" includes services | 12 |
| and coordination such as (i) comprehensive assessment of the | 13 |
| older adult (including the physical, functional, cognitive, | 14 |
| psycho-social, and social needs of the individual); (ii) | 15 |
| development and implementation of a service plan with the older | 16 |
| adult to mobilize the formal and family resources and services | 17 |
| identified in the assessment to meet the needs of the older | 18 |
| adult, including coordination of the resources and services | 19 |
| with any other plans that exist for various formal services, | 20 |
| such as hospital discharge plans, and with the information and | 21 |
| assistance services; (iii) coordination and monitoring of | 22 |
| formal and family service delivery, including coordination and | 23 |
| monitoring to ensure that services specified in the plan are | 24 |
| being provided; (iv) periodic reassessment and revision of the | 25 |
| status of the older adult with the older adult or, if | 26 |
| necessary, the older adult's designated representative; and | 27 |
| (v) in accordance with the wishes of the older adult, advocacy | 28 |
| on behalf of the older adult for needed services or resources. | 29 |
| (3) Coordinated point of entry. The Department shall | 30 |
| implement and publicize a statewide coordinated point of entry | 31 |
| using a uniform name, identity, logo, and toll-free number. | 32 |
| (4) Public web site. The Department shall develop a public | 33 |
| web site , which shall be known as the Illinois ElderCare Web | 34 |
| Site, that provides links to available services, resources, and | 35 |
| reference materials concerning caregiving, diseases, and best | 36 |
| practices for use by professionals, older adults, and family |
SB2730 |
- 23 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| caregivers. | 2 |
| (5) Expansion of older adult services. The Department shall | 3 |
| expand older adult services that promote independence and | 4 |
| permit older adults to remain in their own homes and | 5 |
| communities. | 6 |
| (6) Consumer-directed home and community-based services. | 7 |
| The Department shall expand the range of service options | 8 |
| available to permit older adults to exercise maximum choice and | 9 |
| control over their care. | 10 |
| (7) Comprehensive delivery system. The Department shall | 11 |
| expand opportunities for older adults to receive services in | 12 |
| systems that integrate acute and chronic care. | 13 |
| (8) Enhanced transition and follow-up services. The | 14 |
| Department shall implement a program of transition from one | 15 |
| residential setting to another and follow-up services, | 16 |
| regardless of residential setting, pursuant to rules with | 17 |
| respect to (i) resident eligibility, (ii) assessment of the | 18 |
| resident's health, cognitive, social, and financial needs, | 19 |
| (iii) development of transition plans, and (iv) the level of | 20 |
| services that must be available before transitioning a resident | 21 |
| from one setting to another. | 22 |
| (9) Family caregiver support. The Department shall develop | 23 |
| strategies for public and private financing of services that | 24 |
| supplement and support family caregivers.
| 25 |
| (10) Quality standards and quality improvement. The | 26 |
| Department shall establish a core set of uniform quality | 27 |
| standards for all providers that focus on outcomes and take | 28 |
| into consideration consumer choice and satisfaction, and the | 29 |
| Department shall require each provider to implement a | 30 |
| continuous quality improvement process to address consumer | 31 |
| issues. The continuous quality improvement process must | 32 |
| benchmark performance, be person-centered and data-driven, and | 33 |
| focus on consumer satisfaction.
| 34 |
| (11) Workforce. The Department shall develop strategies to | 35 |
| attract and retain a qualified and stable worker pool, provide | 36 |
| living wages and benefits, and create a work environment that |
SB2730 |
- 24 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| is conducive to long-term employment and career development. | 2 |
| Resources such as grants, education, and promotion of career | 3 |
| opportunities may be used. | 4 |
| (12) Coordination of services. The Department shall | 5 |
| identify methods to better coordinate service networks to | 6 |
| maximize resources and minimize duplication of services and | 7 |
| ease of application. | 8 |
| (13) Barriers to services. The Department shall identify | 9 |
| barriers to the provision, availability, and accessibility of | 10 |
| services and shall implement a plan to address those barriers. | 11 |
| The plan shall: (i) identify barriers, including but not | 12 |
| limited to, statutory and regulatory complexity, reimbursement | 13 |
| issues, payment issues, and labor force issues; (ii) recommend | 14 |
| changes to State or federal laws or administrative rules or | 15 |
| regulations; (iii) recommend application for federal waivers | 16 |
| to improve efficiency and reduce cost and paperwork; (iv) | 17 |
| develop innovative service delivery models; and (v) recommend | 18 |
| application for federal or private service grants. | 19 |
| (14) Reimbursement and funding. The Department shall | 20 |
| investigate and evaluate costs and payments by defining costs | 21 |
| to implement a uniform, audited provider cost reporting system | 22 |
| to be considered by all Departments in establishing payments. | 23 |
| To the extent possible, multiple cost reporting mandates shall | 24 |
| not be imposed. | 25 |
| (15) Medicaid nursing home cost containment and Medicare | 26 |
| utilization. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services | 27 |
| (formerly Department of Public Aid ) , in collaboration with the | 28 |
| Department on Aging and the Department of Public Health and in | 29 |
| consultation with the Advisory Committee, shall propose a plan | 30 |
| to contain Medicaid nursing home costs and maximize Medicare | 31 |
| utilization. The plan must not impair the ability of an older | 32 |
| adult to choose among available services. The plan shall | 33 |
| include, but not be limited to, (i) techniques to maximize the | 34 |
| use of the most cost-effective services without sacrificing | 35 |
| quality and (ii) methods to identify and serve older adults in | 36 |
| need of minimal services to remain independent, but who are |
SB2730 |
- 25 - |
LRB094 18074 DRJ 53379 b |
| 1 |
| likely to develop a need for more extensive services in the | 2 |
| absence of those minimal services. | 3 |
| (16) Bed reduction. The Department of Public Health shall | 4 |
| implement a nursing home conversion program to reduce the | 5 |
| number of Medicaid-certified nursing home beds in areas with | 6 |
| excess beds. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services
| 7 |
| Public Aid shall investigate changes to the Medicaid nursing | 8 |
| facility reimbursement system in order to reduce beds. Such | 9 |
| changes may include, but are not limited to, incentive payments | 10 |
| that will enable facilities to adjust to the restructuring and | 11 |
| expansion of services required by the Older Adult Services Act, | 12 |
| including adjustments for the voluntary closure or layaway of | 13 |
| nursing home beds certified under Title XIX of the federal | 14 |
| Social Security Act. Any savings shall be reallocated to fund | 15 |
| home-based or community-based older adult services pursuant to | 16 |
| Section 20. | 17 |
| (17) Financing. The Department shall investigate and | 18 |
| evaluate financing options for older adult services and shall | 19 |
| make recommendations in the report required by Section 15 | 20 |
| concerning the feasibility of these financing arrangements. | 21 |
| These arrangements shall include, but are not limited to: | 22 |
| (A) private long-term care insurance coverage for | 23 |
| older adult services; | 24 |
| (B) enhancement of federal long-term care financing | 25 |
| initiatives; | 26 |
| (C) employer benefit programs such as medical savings | 27 |
| accounts for long-term care; | 28 |
| (D) individual and family cost-sharing options; | 29 |
| (E) strategies to reduce reliance on government | 30 |
| programs; | 31 |
| (F) fraudulent asset divestiture and financial | 32 |
| planning prevention; and | 33 |
| (G) methods to supplement and support family and | 34 |
| community caregiving. | 35 |
| (18) Older Adult Services Demonstration Grants. The | 36 |
| Department shall implement a program of demonstration grants |
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| that will assist in the restructuring of the older adult | 2 |
| services delivery system, and shall provide funding for | 3 |
| innovative service delivery models and system change and | 4 |
| integration initiatives pursuant to subsection (g) of Section | 5 |
| 20. | 6 |
| (19) Bed need methodology update. For the purposes of | 7 |
| determining areas with excess beds, the Departments shall | 8 |
| provide information and assistance to the Health Facilities | 9 |
| Planning Board to update the Bed Need Methodology for Long-Term | 10 |
| Care to update the assumptions used to establish the | 11 |
| methodology to make them consistent with modern older adult | 12 |
| services.
| 13 |
| (20) Affordable housing. The Departments shall utilize the | 14 |
| recommendations of Illinois' Annual Comprehensive Housing | 15 |
| Plan, as developed by the Affordable Housing Task Force through | 16 |
| the Governor's Executive Order 2003-18, in their efforts to | 17 |
| address the affordable housing needs of older adults.
| 18 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-1031, eff. 8-27-04; 94-236, eff. 7-14-05; | 19 |
| revised 12-15-05.)
| 20 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 21 |
| becoming law.