Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0265
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0265  102nd General Assembly




HR0265LRB102 18315 MST 26055 r


2    WHEREAS, The Illinois Department of Human Services' (DHS)
3mission is to provide equitable access to social and human
4services, supports, programs, and resources to enhance the
5lives of all it serves; and
6    WHEREAS, The DHS mission is conducted by multiple
7divisions, including the Division of Developmental
8Disabilities (DDD), which has oversight for the Illinois
9system of programs and services designed for individuals with
10intellectual and developmental disabilities; and
11    WHEREAS, In July 2018, the Auditor General released a
12performance audit of the DHS oversight of the Community
13Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) program, a program under
14the purview of DDD; and
15    WHEREAS, The audit found weaknesses in the licensing
16process for CILAs and the monitoring of CILAs by DHS,
17resulting in 26 recommendations to DHS to improve CILA
18oversight; and
19    WHEREAS, In July 2020, the Auditor General released a
20compliance audit of DHS for the period that ended June 30,
212019; this audit found that DHS had not yet fully implemented



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119 of the 26 recommendations (74 percent) from the audit
2released in 2018; and
3    WHEREAS, In April 2020, the Auditor General released a
4management audit of the DHS process for the selection of
5Independent Service Coordination providers, providers that
6serve the front line providing information and assistance to
7help individuals and families make informed choices for
8services; and
9    WHEREAS, The audit found significant problems with the
10competitive procurement process used to select the Independent
11Service Coordination providers, resulting in 13
12recommendations, including:
13        (1) 274 scoring irregularities in this one grant
14    opportunity;
15        (2) Failure to uniformly apply the grant criteria to
16    grantee proposals;
17        (3) Failure to maintain documentation to show how
18    protests resolutions were made; and
19        (4) Failure to follow selection criteria for the grant
20    opportunity; and
21    WHEREAS, The Auditor General, given the failures by DDD,
22could not conclude with absolute certainty that the correct
23proposers were selected by DHS for the awards, estimated to



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1value over $38 million; and
2    WHEREAS, DDD oversees the administration of the
3Independent Service Coordination providers, including awarding
4competitively procured grants; and
5    WHEREAS, The Grant Accountability and Transparency Act
6website lists the grant opportunities available by State
7Agency; and
8    WHEREAS, DHS reported 225 grant opportunities available
9through the department, including 15 within DDD; and
10    WHEREAS, DHS received nearly $1.6 billion in
11appropriations in FY20 for DDD grants-in-aid and purchased
12care; therefore, be it
15the Auditor General is directed to conduct a management audit
16of the Department of Human Services' Division of Developmental
17Disabilities oversight of the CILA program and the awarding of
18competitively-procured grants; and be it further
19    RESOLVED, That the audit investigate the findings from the
202018 performance audit and 2020 management audit and include,



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1but not be limited to, the following determinations:
2        (1) The process for licensing developmental services
3    agencies and certifying CILAs for persons with
4    developmental disabilities;
5        (2) Whether oversight and monitoring of licensed CILA
6    providers complies with statutory and regulatory
7    requirements, including site visits and inspections of
8    records and premises;
9        (3) The extent and timing of follow-up and monitoring
10    by DDD of individuals transitioned from state-operated
11    developmental centers to CILAs, including its provision of
12    follow-along services to support an individual's
13    transition into new service arrangements;
14        (4) The role of any contractors in the administration
15    or oversight of the CILA program and whether these
16    contractors were selected in compliance with any required
17    regulation and whether oversight by DHS was adequate;
18        (5) Whether all aspects of the competitive funding
19    process was conducted in accordance with applicable laws,
20    rules, regulations, and policies for grant opportunities
21    overseen by DDD; and
22        (6) An examination for a sample of competitive
23    procurements conducted by DDD of whether:
24            (a) The evaluative criteria guiding the selection
25        of the award winner was adequate and were uniformly
26        applied;



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1            (b) Decisions concerning the selection of
2        successful bidding agencies were adequately supported
3        and documented;
4            (c) Decisions concerning the resolution of
5        protests were adequately supported and documented; and
6            (d) The competitive funding process was adequately
7        planned to allow reasonable time frames for responses
8        from bidding agencies and review of responses by DDD;
9        and be it further
10    RESOLVED, That the Department of Human Services and any
11other entity having information relevant to this audit
12cooperate fully and promptly with the Auditor General's Office
13in the conduct of this audit; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That the Auditor General commence this audit as
15soon as possible and report his findings and recommendations
16upon completion in accordance with the provisions of Section
173-14 of the Illinois State Auditing Act; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19delivered to the Auditor General.