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LRB093 12743 HSS 17937 r
2 WHEREAS, Celiac disease is a genetic disorder affecting
3 children and adults; celiac disease can affect one in every
4 133 Americans; this makes celiac disease twice as common as
5 Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and cystic fibrosis
6 combined; and
7 WHEREAS, People with celiac disease are unable to eat
8 foods that contain gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and
9 barley; these grains are used as ingredients in many foods,
10 or are processed into other ingredients that in turn are
11 included in foods; and
12 WHEREAS, In people with celiac disease, eating gluten
13 sets off an autoimmune reaction that causes damage to the
14 small intestine; untreated celiac disease can be life
15 threatening and has been linked to an increased risk of
16 certain types of cancer, especially non-Hodgkin's lymphoma;
17 it can lead to growth failure in children, and it is known to
18 cause osteoporosis, anemia, infertility, and depression in
19 adults; and
20 WHEREAS, The only known treatment for celiac disease is
21 adherence to a strict, life-long, gluten-free diet; current
22 labeling laws do not adequately address the needs of persons
23 with celiac disease or food allergies; because gluten is a
24 binding protein, it can be used in many food products, which
25 would make them unsafe for people with celiac disease to eat;
26 food processors do not define gluten the same as the medical
27 community, therefore, a peron with celiac disease might not
28 recognize some ingredients as containing gluten when reading
29 a food label; individuals with celiac disease must go to
30 great lengths to determine if a product is safe for their
31 consumption; therefore, be it
-2- LRB093 12743 HSS 17937 r
2 we urge the United States Congress to pass legislation
3 regarding the labeling of food products containing gluten and
4 other known allergins in order to address the needs of those
5 with celiac disease and food allergies; and be it further
6 RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be presented to
7 each member of the Illinois congressional delegation.
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