Full Text of HB4099 93rd General Assembly
HB4099 Enrolled |
LRB093 16165 BDD 44166 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT in relation to energy conservation.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | 5 |
| Energy
Efficient Commercial Building Act.
| 6 |
| Section 5. Findings.
| 7 |
| (a) The legislature finds that an effective energy | 8 |
| efficient commercial building code
is essential to:
| 9 |
| (1) reduce the air pollutant emissions from energy | 10 |
| consumption that are
affecting the health of residents of | 11 |
| this State;
| 12 |
| (2) moderate future peak electric power demand;
| 13 |
| (3) assure the reliability of the electrical grid and | 14 |
| an adequate supply
of heating oil and natural gas; and
| 15 |
| (4) control energy costs for residents and businesses | 16 |
| in this State.
| 17 |
| (b) The legislature further finds that this State has a | 18 |
| number of different
climate types, all of which require energy | 19 |
| for both cooling and heating, and
that there are many | 20 |
| cost-effective measures that can reduce peak energy use and
| 21 |
| reduce cooling, heating, lighting, and other energy costs in | 22 |
| commercial buildings.
| 23 |
| Section 10. Definitions.
| 24 |
| "Board" means the Capital Development Board.
| 25 |
| "Code" means the 2000 International Energy Conservation | 26 |
| Code, the ASHRAE 90.1-1999 Standard, which is included within | 27 |
| that Code, the 2001
supplement to that Code, and the | 28 |
| adaptations to the Code that are made by the
| 29 |
| "Commercial building" means any building except a building | 30 |
| that is a residential building, as defined in this Section. | 31 |
| "Department" means the Department of Commerce and Economic |
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| 1 |
| Opportunity. | 2 |
| "Municipality" means any city, village, or incorporated | 3 |
| town.
| 4 |
| "Residential building" means (i) a detached one-family or | 5 |
| 2-family dwelling or (ii) any building that is 3 stories or | 6 |
| less in height above grade that contains multiple dwelling | 7 |
| units, in which the occupants reside on a primarily permanent | 8 |
| basis, such as a townhouse, a row house, an apartment house, a | 9 |
| convent, a monastery, a rectory, a fraternity or sorority | 10 |
| house, a dormitory, and a rooming house.
| 11 |
| Section 15. Energy Efficient Building Code. The Board, in | 12 |
| consultation with the Department, shall adopt the Code as | 13 |
| minimum
requirements applying to the construction of, | 14 |
| renovations to, and additions to all commercial buildings in | 15 |
| the State. The Board may
appropriately adapt the International | 16 |
| Energy Conservation Code to apply to the
particular economy, | 17 |
| population distribution, geography, and climate of the
State | 18 |
| and construction therein, consistent with the public policy
| 19 |
| objectives of this Act.
| 20 |
| Section 20. Applicability.
| 21 |
| (a) The Code shall take effect one year after it is adopted | 22 |
| by the Board and shall apply
to any commercial building or | 23 |
| structure in this State for which a building permit
application | 24 |
| is received by a municipality or county, except as otherwise | 25 |
| provided by this Act.
In the case of any addition, alteration, | 26 |
| renovation, or repair to an existing commercial structure, the | 27 |
| Code adopted under this Act applies only to the portions of | 28 |
| that structure that are being added, altered, renovated, or | 29 |
| repaired.
| 30 |
| (b) The following buildings shall be exempt from
the Code:
| 31 |
| (1) Buildings otherwise exempt from the provisions of a | 32 |
| locally adopted
building code and buildings that do not | 33 |
| contain a conditioned space.
| 34 |
| (2) Buildings that do not use either electricity or |
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| fossil fuel for
conditioning. For purposes of | 2 |
| determining whether this exemption applies, a
building | 3 |
| will be presumed to be heated by electricity, even in the | 4 |
| absence of
equipment used for electric comfort heating, | 5 |
| whenever the building is provided
with electrical service | 6 |
| in excess of 100 amps, unless the code enforcement
official | 7 |
| determines that this electrical service is necessary for | 8 |
| purposes
other than providing electric comfort heating.
| 9 |
| (3) Historic buildings. This exemption shall apply to | 10 |
| those buildings
are listed on the National Register of | 11 |
| Historic Places or the Illinois
Register of Historic | 12 |
| Places, and to those buildings that have been designated
as | 13 |
| historically significant by a local governing body that is | 14 |
| authorized to
make such designations.
| 15 |
| (4) Residential buildings. | 16 |
| (5) Other buildings specified as exempt by the | 17 |
| International Energy Conservation Code.
| 18 |
| Section 25. Technical assistance.
| 19 |
| (a) The Department shall make available to builders, | 20 |
| designers, engineers, and
architects implementation materials | 21 |
| that explain the requirements of the
Code and describe methods | 22 |
| of compliance
acceptable to Code Enforcement Officials.
| 23 |
| (b) The materials shall include software tools, simplified | 24 |
| prescriptive
options, and other materials as appropriate. The | 25 |
| simplified materials shall be
designed for projects in which a | 26 |
| design professional may not be involved.
| 27 |
| (c) The Department shall provide local jurisdictions with | 28 |
| technical assistance
concerning implementation and enforcement | 29 |
| of the
| 30 |
| Section 30. Enforcement. The
Board, in consultation with | 31 |
| the Department, shall
procedures for compliance with | 32 |
| the Code. These procedures
may include but need not be
limited | 33 |
| to certification by a national, State, or local accredited | 34 |
| energy
conservation program or inspections from private |
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| Code-certified inspectors
using the Code.
| 2 |
| Section 35. Rules. The Board may adopt any rules that are | 3 |
| necessary for the
furtherance of this Act.
| 4 |
| Section 40. Input from interested parties. When
developing | 5 |
| Code adaptations, rules, and procedures for
compliance with the | 6 |
| Code, the Capital Development Board, or
the Illinois Building | 7 |
| Commission as directed by the Board,
shall seek input from | 8 |
| representatives from the building
trades, design | 9 |
| professionals, construction professionals,
code | 10 |
| administrators, and other interested entities affected.
| 11 |
| Section 45. Home rule. No unit of local government, | 12 |
| including any home rule unit, may regulate energy efficient | 13 |
| building standards in a manner that is less stringent than the | 14 |
| provisions contained in this Act. This Section is a denial
and | 15 |
| limitation
of home rule powers and functions under subsection | 16 |
| (i) of Section 6
of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on | 17 |
| the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and | 18 |
| functions exercised by the State.
Nothing in this Section, | 19 |
| however, prevents a unit of local government from adopting an | 20 |
| energy efficiency code or standards that are more stringent | 21 |
| than the Code under this Act.
| 22 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 23 |
| becoming law. |