Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0721
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0721  103rd General Assembly



SR0721LRB103 37082 ECR 67200 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Mary Seton Elizabeth Killeen
4McDermott, who passed away on December 18, 2023; and
5    WHEREAS, Mary McDermott was born to Sarah Matilda Ann
6Cassidy Killeen and Thomas Joseph Valentine Killeen in
7Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 25, 1939; she attended
8Immaculate Conception Grade School in Germantown and Little
9Flower High School in Philadelphia; in her youth, she loved
10dancing and appeared on American Bandstand; she married John
11Daniel "Jack" McDermott; and
12    WHEREAS, Mary McDermott was primarily a stay-at-home
13mother who took on multiple part-time jobs over the years;
14after moving from Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1977, she worked
15for Montgomery Ward for many years; she retired from AIG New
16Hampshire Insurance in 2005; and
17    WHEREAS, Mary McDermott was a member of the Social Event
18Committee at St. John of the Cross Church, the M.E.R.C.Y.
19Community Committee at St. Joseph the Worker Church in
20Chatham, and the OWLS senior group at St. Joseph; she
21volunteered as a cub scout den mother for the Boy Scouts, a
22lunchroom mother at the local grade school, and at Memorial



SR0721- 2 -LRB103 37082 ECR 67200 r

1Medical Center and the Baylis Building; and
2    WHEREAS, Mary McDermott enjoyed entertaining and feeding
3friends and family, traveling, cross stitching, gardening, and
4playing solitaire or Wordle on her phone; she kept up with
5technology to maintain deep connections with her family and
6faithfully attended her grandchildren's sporting events; she
7enjoyed visiting with her friends at local wineries and
8restaurants; she loved all the family pets; and
9    WHEREAS, Mary McDermott was preceded in death by her
10parents; her husband of 59 years; three brothers; six sisters;
11her son-in-law, Bill Smart; and her grandsons, Brandon Casper
12and Brian Smart; and
13    WHEREAS, Mary McDermott was the mother of five children,
14Mary Seton (Bill) Smart, Eileen (Steve) Parn, John (Connie)
15McDermott, Joan (Tim) Casper, and Bill (Kristin) McDermott;
16the grandmother of 17 grandchildren; and the great-grandmother
17of 18 great-grandchildren; therefore, be it
19ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
20Mary Seton Elizabeth Killeen McDermott and extend our sincere
21condolences to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved
22her; and be it further



SR0721- 3 -LRB103 37082 ECR 67200 r

1    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to the family of Mary McDermott as an expression of
3our deepest sympathy.