Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1289
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1289  103rd General Assembly



SR1289LRB103 43242 MST 76519 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of William Noel "Billy" Lawless, who
4passed away on November 8, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless was born on December 24, 1950; he
6came to the United States in 1998 from Galway, Ireland after
7his daughter, Amy, won a college rowing scholarship at Boston
8University; he eventually settled in Chicago; and
9    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless was a dairy farmer in Ireland and a
10medal-winning rower who trained for the 1976 Olympics in
11Montreal before opening pubs and an inn in Galway; and
12    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless considered opening a restaurant at
13Penn's Landing in Philadelphia when he arrived in America but
14changed his focus and became a real estate agent and began
15brokering restaurant properties; this led to him opening the
16Irish Oak on Clark Street, just south of Wrigley Field; he
17followed with The Gage in 2007 in a vintage building on South
18Michigan Avenue and subsequently founded the Gage Hospitality
19Group in Chicago, which also includes Acanto, Coda Di Volpe,
20and The Dawson; and
21    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless's pathway sensitized him to the



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1plight of undocumented immigrants in America, especially in
2the restaurant industry; it motivated his interest in
3reforming immigration policy, which led to an appearance with
4President Barack Obama in 2014, the year he and his wife, Anne,
5became U.S. citizens; and
6    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless worked with the Illinois Coalition
7for Immigrant & Refugee Rights in an ultimately successful
8effort to extend driver's license privileges to undocumented
9immigrants; and
10    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless served as an appointed emigrant
11senator from the Republic of Ireland from 2016 to 2020, during
12which he championed the Irish diaspora and broader immigration
13reform; and
14    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless was a true gentleman, an
15accomplished businessman, and a political force who made a
16difference in Irish and American politics over many decades;
18    WHEREAS, Billy Lawless was the husband of Anne (O'Tolle)
19Lawless; the father of Billy, Clodagh, Amy, and John Paul; the
20father-in-law of Catherine Gilmore-Lawless, Colm Murphy,
21Cynthia Galvan, and Julianne Bendel Lawless; the grandfather
22of Kieran and Darragh Lawless, Jack and Gavin Murphy, Lillyana



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1and Luke Galvan Lawless, and Ellen and Eoin Lawless; the son of
2the late Ellen and Thomas Lawless; the brother of Gerald
3Lawless, Helen Brennan, and Mary Loughman; and the
4brother-in-law of Neasa Lawless, the late George Xuereb
5Brennan, Kieran Loughman, and Pat O' Toole; therefore, be it
7ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
8William Noel "Billy" Lawless and extend our sincere
9condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved
10him; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Billy Lawless as an expression of
13our deepest sympathy.