Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1288
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1288  103rd General Assembly



SR1288LRB103 42676 ECR 75910 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Evin Agassi, who passed away on
4September 17, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Evin Agassi was born to Elisha and Olga Agassi in
6Kermanshah, Iran on September 25, 1945; he married Julia Bet
7Malik on November 11, 1969; and
8    WHEREAS, Evin Agassi was an Assyrian-American singer whose
9career spanned over 50 years; his passion for music was
10ignited through his involvement with National Iranian Radio
11and Television, where he collaborated with celebrated poets
12and composers, including his brother, renowned writer and
13historian Givargis Agassi; he crafted a diverse repertoire
14that embraced the social, political, and cultural spectrum,
15blending traditional Assyrian melodies with modern styles; his
16musical journey included releasing over 50 albums, leaving an
17indelible mark on Assyrian music; and
18    WHEREAS, Evin Agassi was invited to perform in the United
19States in 1976, where his talent sparked a six-month concert
20tour across California, Connecticut, Michigan, Illinois, and
21New York; his successful tour was followed by performances in
22Australia and historical visits to Syria in 1991 and 1992,



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1northern Iraq in 1993, 2005, and 2006, Iran in 1996 and 2006,
2and Russia in 1997; and
3    WHEREAS, Over the course of his career, Evin Agassi's
4socially and politically charged music faced heavy censorship
5in the Middle East, leading to bans, confiscations, and
6blacklisting under various regimes; he fearlessly continued to
7perform in dangerous regions, circulating his music under
8aliases to avoid government crackdowns; and
9    WHEREAS, Evin Agassi supported philanthropic organizations
10that championed the Assyrian cause; and
11    WHEREAS, Evin Agassi was a pioneer of Assyrian music and a
12voice for his people, and his legacy will continue to inspire
13and uplift those across the world; and
14    WHEREAS, Evin Agassi was the husband of Julia Bet Malik;
15the father of Bianca and Brynner; the grandfather of Ava and
16Baylin; and the brother of David Agassi, the late Ninos
17Agassi, and Givargis Agassi; therefore, be it
19ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, we mourn the passing of Evin
20Agassi and extend our sincere condolences to his family,
21friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to the family of Evin Agassi as an expression of our
3deepest sympathy.