Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1282
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1282  103rd General Assembly



SR1282LRB103 43056 MST 76309 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Mervin Lester Kleinik of Mulberry
4Grove, who passed away on October 18, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Mervin Kleinik, the son of Walter M. and Ruth I.
6(Hoyle) Kleinik, was born in rural Fayette County on September
710, 1934; he was raised in Mulberry Grove, where he lived his
8whole life; he married Reta Ilene Gelsinger in Vandalia on
9January 7, 1956; and
10    WHEREAS, Mervin Kleinik worked as a forklift operator for
11Alton Box and Board, later known as Jefferson Smurfit, in
12Highland for 46 years; and
13    WHEREAS, Mervin Kleinik was a hard worker; he had a
14remarkable ability to outpace those who were half his age,
15embodying his belief that success comes from reaching the
16peak; his word was his bond, and he was known for his organized
17approach to life, always knowing where the most random things
18were located; his life was a testament to hard work,
19dedication, and the importance of family; and
20    WHEREAS, Mervin Kleinik was known for his meticulous
21nature; he took pride in his yard, mowing on a precise four-day



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1schedule and ensuring every weed was pulled; he discovered a
2love for deer hunting, embracing the outdoors with the same
3enthusiasm he showed in all his pursuits; while he had a
4notorious dislike for snakes, he enjoyed spending time
5outside; he could always be found outside with Ilene, working
6around the house, washing the truck, and waving at the
7neighbors; and
8    WHEREAS, Mervin Kleinik cherished his time with his wife,
9especially when they were able to work together, side by side;
10his passion for ice cream was matched only by his love for time
11spent with his grandchildren, instilling in them the values of
12hard work and responsibility; and
13    WHEREAS, Mervin Kleinik was preceded in death by his
14parents; his brothers, Dale, Gale, Berthal, and Norman
15Kleinik; and his sister, Geneva Mohrbacker; and
16    WHEREAS, Mervin Kleinik is survived by his wife of 68
17years, Ilene; his sons, Michael D. and Terry L. (Sandy)
18Kleinik; his daughter, Shelia K. (Randy) Long; his
19grandchildren, Ryan (Rebecca) Kleinik, Amanda Perkins, Kyle
20(Stephanie) Hessenauer, Jared (Brooke) Kleinik, and Tristin
21(Monica) Long; seven great-grandchildren; and his siblings,
22Elmer Hoyle and Barbara Ann (Dewayne) Spencer; therefore, be



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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
3Mervin Lester Kleinik and extend our sincere condolences to
4his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
6    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the family of Mervin Kleinik as an expression of
8our deepest sympathy.