Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1281
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1281  103rd General Assembly



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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate Sylvia Puente on the occasion of her retirement
4as president and CEO of the Latino Policy Forum; and
5    WHEREAS, Sylvia Puente was the first person in her family
6to graduate from college; she received a Bachelor of Arts in
7Economics from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,
8completed graduate studies at the John F. Kennedy School of
9Government at Harvard University, and earned her master's
10degree from the Harris School of Public Policy at the
11University of Chicago; and
12    WHEREAS, Sylvia Puente has dedicated her life's work to
13public policy on Latino issues while highlighting the vital
14role Latinos play in society; she has served as president and
15CEO of the Latino Policy Forum, a state-wide, non-profit
16advocacy organization in Illinois, for the past 16 years;
17prior to that, she served as director at the Center for
18Metropolitan Chicago Initiatives for the University of Notre
19Dame's Institute for Latino Studies from 2001 to 2008; and
20    WHEREAS, Sylvia Puente's strategic leadership at the
21Latino Policy Forum has shaped public policy to improve
22educational outcomes for children, to make housing more



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1accessible and affordable, to promote just immigration reform,
2and to build on the influence and leadership of Latinos in
3Illinois; under her guidance, the organization has promoted
4increased access to early education and advocated for more
5than $25 million to build early childhood education centers,
6the nation's first ever capitol grant program of its kind; and
7    WHEREAS, Through the Latino Policy Forum, Sylvia Puente
8has empowered thousands of parents and communities to advocate
9for themselves, their families, and their communities through
10the organization's Know Your Rights trainings to access
11information regarding bilingual education, fair housing, and
12immigrant rights; she has also overseen the evolution of the
13Multicultural Leadership Academy, a leadership development
14program that has created a vast, powerful, and inspiring
15network of nearly 300 Black and Latino leaders, uniting them
16to further promote diversity in the region and empower
17communities in working collaboratively; and
18    WHEREAS, Sylvia Puente has continually served her
19community and the State, being selected by Governor JB
20Pritzker to serve on his transition team as part of the
21Educational Success Committee, which was tasked with tackling
22the State's educational issues, and through her stewardship,
23all Illinois children, regardless of immigration status, have
24access to early childhood education through the State's new



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1Department of Early Childhood; she also received appointments
2from two previous governors to serve on the Illinois Education
3Funding Advisory Board and the Illinois Early Learning
4Council; more recently, she was instrumental in the passage of
5the Work Permits for All resolution in Illinois, calling for
6more than 40,000 undocumented immigrants in Illinois to
7receive legal work authorization and lawful permanent status
8without separation from their families, and its victorious
9passage in the 103rd General Assembly served as a catalyst for
10generating the most significant action on immigration policy
11in the United States since DACA; and
12    WHEREAS, Sylvia Puente also serves as co-chair of the
13Illinois Latino Agenda, a partnering organization that
14provides opportunities for Latino leaders to work and advocate
15as a collective body and through which she played a pivotal
16role in establishing the Welcome to Illinois Coalition, an
17organization where government, philanthropic organizations,
18service providers, everyday people, and volunteers come
19together to address the humanitarian crisis in Illinois; she
20is also considered a valuable resource for Chicagoland media
21outlets for her respected insights on Latino issues and
22political trends; and
23    WHEREAS, Sylvia Puente has rightfully earned a national
24reputation as a bridge builder and a trailblazer, having been



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1recognized by Hispanic Business Magazine as one of the 100
2Most Influential Hispanics in the U.S.; therefore, be it
4ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Sylvia
5Puente on her retirement as president and CEO of the Latino
6Policy Forum, and we recognize her impact on Latino
7empowerment across the State of Illinois; and be it further
8    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
9presented to Sylvia Puente as an expression of our esteem and