Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1270
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1270  103rd General Assembly



SR1270LRB103 43099 LAW 76357 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Dolores "Lorrie" McMahon Michael of
4River Forest, who passed away on March 25, 2024 at the age of
587; and
6    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael was born on March 11, 1937, and
7she lived most of her life in the house her father built on the
8north side of River Forest; and
9    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael was a lifelong resident of River
10Forest, and she attended Willard Elementary School and later
11Oak Park and River Forest High School; and
12    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael attended Marquette University,
13where she studied English and French; and
14    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael met her husband, Tom, while
15studying at Marquette University, and they moved back into her
16childhood home in 1962; and
17    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael was deeply involved in the Girl
18Scouts of America, where she was a district treasurer; and
19    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael and her husband had seven



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1children, and she managed their household, running the family
2finances and fixing up the family home; and
3    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael worked for State Farm Insurance
4for many years; and
5    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael enjoyed the Oak Park Country Club
6(OPCC), as well as traveling with her sisters, bowling, and
7spending time with her family; and
8    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael was involved in curling and
9appeared on several championship teams for the OPCC and
10Wilmette Curling, even trying out for the Winter Olympics; and
11    WHEREAS, Lorrie Michael was preceded in death by her
12parents, Vincent Purtell McMahon and Anne Fogarty McMahon; her
13siblings, Mary Jane Kenefick White, Joanne Kenefick Timms,
14Anne McMahon, and Robert V. McMahon; and her grandson, Martin
15McMahon Bergquist; and
16    WHEREAS, At the time of her passing, Lorrie Michael was
17survived by her husband, Tom; her children, Vincent (Felicity
18Rich) Michael, Clare (Steven) Bergquist, Maureen Michael,
19Sheila (Edward) Krueger, Laura (Anna Kramer) Michael, Tom
20(Katherine Shaughnessy) Michael II, and Kevin Michael; her
21grandchildren; and her great-grandchildren; therefore, be it



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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
3Dolores "Lorrie" McMahon Michael and extend our sincere
4condolences to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved
5her; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the family of Dolores "Lorrie" McMahon Michael as
8an expression of our deepest sympathy.