Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1252
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1252  103rd General Assembly



SR1252LRB103 43103 LAW 76361 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Illinois State Trooper Corey Steven
4Thompsen of rural St. Joseph, who was killed in the line of
5duty on October 18, 2024; and
6    WHEREAS, Trooper Thompsen was born to Steve and Susan
7Thompsen in Urbana on August 28, 1996; he was raised in St.
8Joseph, graduating from St. Joseph-Ogden High School in 2014,
9where he was a four-year letter winner in cross country and
10track; he graduated from the criminal justice program at
11Danville Area Community College and then attended Western
12Illinois University, running track at both institutions; he
13earned his Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from
14Indiana State University in 2018; he married Chelsea Blaase in
15Tennessee on June 2, 2024; and
16    WHEREAS, Trooper Thompsen began his career in law
17enforcement after graduating from the Southwestern Police
18Academy as part of Session 137, and he initially worked with
19the Vermilion County Metropolitan Enforcement Group (VMEG); he
20then attended the Illinois State Police Academy as a member of
21Cadet Class 130 from 2019 to 2020; he was assigned to Illinois
22State Police District 10 in Pesotum; he joined the Illinois
23State Police Motorcycle Enforcement Bureau in 2022; he was



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1assigned to Central Special Operations Group (SOG) Fatal 4
2Team in 2023, serving Troop 7; and
3    WHEREAS, Trooper Thompsen was proud of serving the
4Illinois State Police; he was especially proud of being part
5of the motor unit, viewing his colleagues as a second family
6and a tight-knit group of friends; during his service, he
7participated in several escort details across the State that
8included the president, the vice president, memorial services,
9and charity bike rides; and
10    WHEREAS, Trooper Thompsen was a member of the Fraternal
11Order of Police (FOP) Troopers Lodge 41, the Alpha Phi Sigma
12national criminal justice society, and the Phi Theta Kappa
13honor society; and
14    WHEREAS, Outside of his work, Trooper Thompsen loved
15vehicles, and he was particular about those he owned and took
16meticulous care of them; he loved attending family gatherings,
17and his favorite family activities involved teasing and joking
18with family members; and
19    WHEREAS, Trooper Thompsen was a family man who was always
20there when anyone needed him, a respected member of the
21Illinois State Police, and a friend to many; and



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1    WHEREAS, Trooper Thompsen is survived by his wife,
2Chelsea; his parents; his brothers, Ryan and Mitchell; his
3parents-in-law, Doug and Nanci Blaase; his brother-in-law,
4Drew Blaase; his maternal grandparents, Joseph and Barbara
5Peters; his paternal grandparents, John and Donna Thompsen; a
6host of extended family members, aunts, uncles, and cousins;
7and his German shepherds, Garmin and Grimm; therefore, be it
9ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
10Illinois State Trooper Corey Steven Thompsen and extend our
11sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew
12and loved him; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to the family of Trooper Thompsen as an expression
15of our deepest sympathy.