Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1249
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1249  103rd General Assembly



SR1249LRB103 43054 MST 76307 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of John W. Sheppard of Pittsfield, who
4passed away on October 15, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, John Sheppard was born to Earl and Jessie Smith
6Sheppard in Time on September 12, 1931; he married Karolyn J.
7Beatty at New Salem United Methodist Church on September 20,
81953; he was drafted into the U.S. Army in December 1954, and
9he served as a radar technician in Thule, Greenland until his
10honorable discharge in November 1956; he later married Carlene
11Dunham on July 27, 2012; and
12    WHEREAS, John Sheppard was a livestock farmer until he was
1391 years old; he raised shorthorn cattle, Oxford sheep, and
14Poland China hogs with his faithful farm dog by his side; he
15was also a Burrus seed salesman for numerous years; and
16    WHEREAS, John Sheppard formed the Bay Creek Watershed
17Board in 1973 and was the first appointee, serving on the board
18for 50 years; and
19    WHEREAS, John Sheppard was committed to serving the people
20of Pittsfield and Pike County; he was a member of the Pike
21County Board from 1978 to 2000, serving as chair for a number



SR1249- 2 -LRB103 43054 MST 76307 r

1of years; and
2    WHEREAS, John Sheppard was the last president of the Pike
3and Louisiana Railroad; he was honored as Volunteer of the
4Year by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and was
5instrumental in the restoration of the historic bandstand in
6Time; he also served as a board member for Looking for Lincoln;
8    WHEREAS, John Sheppard and his first wife, Karolyn, were
94-H leaders for many years and were inducted into the Illinois
104-H Hall of Fame for their service in 2009; and
11    WHEREAS, John Sheppard will be remembered as a devoted and
12loving husband, father, and grandfather, a dedicated public
13servant, a loyal friend, and a man of strong faith; and
14    WHEREAS, John Sheppard was preceded in death by his first
15wife of 55 years, Karolyn; his parents; his
16great-granddaughter, Piper Isabel Lewis; and his sister,
17Catherine Moore; and
18    WHEREAS, John Sheppard is survived by his wife, Carlene;
19his sons, Robert (Kelly) Sheppard, Tom Sheppard, Bill (Martha)
20Sheppard, Jim Sheppard, and Ron (Mary Ann) Sheppard; his
21daughters, Sandy (Larry) Wigington, Mary (Dave) Lagemann, and



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1Kathy (Tom) Scranton; 13 grandchildren; 19
2great-grandchildren, with another on the way; his
3brother-in-law, Dale Moore; and numerous nieces and nephews;
4therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
7John W. Sheppard and extend our sincere condolences to his
8family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to the family of John Sheppard as an expression of
12our deepest sympathy.