Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1243
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1243  103rd General Assembly



SR1243LRB103 42843 LAW 76094 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of James Raymond "Jim" Scheskie of Des
4Plaines, who passed away on September 10, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Jim Scheskie, the son of Fred and Harriet
6Scheskie, was born in Evanston on October 2, 1927; he dropped
7out of high school during his senior year at age 17 to enlist
8in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and he continued to serve
9in the occupation forces in Japan after the war; he married
10Beverly Wirth on July 2, 1949, and they built a home on Henry
11Avenue in Des Plaines; he was a resident of Des Plaines until
12he moved into a care home in Oswego in 2022; and
13    WHEREAS, Upon his return from military service, Jim
14Scheskie initially joined the women's garment industry, where
15both of his parents worked; he later joined the Des Plaines
16Police Department in 1956, where he concluded an almost
1730-year career as a lieutenant; he taught defensive driving
18classes and started a local chapter of Crime Stoppers in Des
19Plaines; and
20    WHEREAS, Jim Scheskie was an active member of The Church
21of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), serving with his
22wife as a missionary at a LDS church history site in Liberty,



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1Missouri for a year; he also served as an ordinance worker at
2the Chicago Temple for nearly 25 years; and
3    WHEREAS, Jim Scheskie was proud of his career and loved
4his community, but his greatest joy was being with his family;
5he enjoyed taking his grandsons to their Little League games
6and attending their sporting events as well as their Boy Scout
7activities, and he continued helping with the local Boy Scout
8campouts after his grandsons were grown; he adored his
9great-grandchildren, and he thoroughly enjoyed spending time
10with them; and
11    WHEREAS, Jim Scheskie was known for helping others, his
12great sense of humor, and his love of making people laugh; and
13    WHEREAS, Jim Scheskie was preceded in death by his wife,
14Beverly; his parents; his stepfather, Al Zupfer; his infant
15daughter, Karen Scheskie; his daughter, Susan (Gary Pavlenkov)
16Scheskie; his sister, Annabel Wolf; and other loved ones; and
17    WHEREAS, Jim Scheskie is survived by his daughter, Debbie
18(David) Buchanan; his grandchildren, Scott (Emily) Leonard,
19James (Jaime) Leonard, Jared (Amanda) Leonard, and Ryan
20Leonard; 14 great-grandchildren; two
21great-great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews,
22cousins, and friends; therefore, be it



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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
3James Raymond "Jim" Scheskie and extend our sincere
4condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved
5him; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the family of Jim Scheskie as an expression of our
8deepest sympathy.