Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3490
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3490  103rd General Assembly



State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/9/2024, by Sen. Paul Faraci


New Act

    Creates the Caregiver Repayment Program Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to develop and implement, by January 1, 2025, a Caregiver Repayment Program that shall provide payments to caregivers of children with severe medical needs who are ineligible for benefits under the State's Medical Assistance Program. Requires the Caregiver Repayment Program to provide payments in the most integrated and cost-effective way possible in order to utilize available funding to assist as many children and families as possible. Provides that payments under the program may not exceed $10,000 per family per year; and that eligibility for payments through the program must be determined solely based on medical necessity. Requires the Department to submit annual reports to the Governor and the General Assembly, beginning January 1, 2026, that includes, but is not limited to, information on: (i) the total amount of funding spent on the program, including State and federal funds; (ii) the number of children served through the program; (iii) the types of services required by children whose caregivers received funding through the program; and (iv) the income range of caregivers receiving payments through the program. Permits the Department to adopt any rules necessary to implement and administer the program. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning public aid.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Caregiver Repayment Program Act.
6    Section 5. Caregiver Repayment Program.
7    (a) As used in this Section:
8    "Children with severe medical needs" means children who
9have medical needs that (i) would qualify the child for
10institutionalization in an acute care hospital, nursing
11facility, or intermediate care facility for individuals with
12intellectual disabilities or place the child at risk of
13institutionalization; and (2) are likely to last at least 12
14months or result in death.
15    "Program" means the Caregiver Repayment Program.
16    (b) By January 1, 2025, the Department of Human Services
17shall develop and implement a Caregiver Repayment Program that
18shall provide payments to caregivers of children with severe
19medical needs who are ineligible for benefits under the
20State's Medical Assistance Program established in Article V of
21the Illinois Public Aid Code.
22    (c) The program must provide payments in the most
23integrated and cost-effective way possible in order to utilize



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1available funding to assist as many children and families as
2possible. Payments under the program may not exceed $10,000
3per family per year. Eligibility for payments through the
4program must be determined solely based on medical necessity.
5    (d) Beginning January 1, 2026, and each January 1
6thereafter, the Department of Human Services shall submit to
7the Governor and the General Assembly an annual report which
8includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
9        (1) the total amount of funding spent on the program,
10    including State and federal funds;
11        (2) the number of children served through the program;
12        (3) the types of services required by children whose
13    caregivers received funding through the program; and
14        (4) the income range of caregivers receiving payments
15    through the program.
16    Section 10. Rules. The Department of Human Services may
17adopt any rules necessary to implement and administer the
19    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
20becoming law.