Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0904
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0904  103rd General Assembly



HR0904LRB103 42716 MST 75953 r


2    WHEREAS, It is highly fitting that the Illinois House of
3Representatives pays honor and respect to those who have
4served our country and State and, in doing so, have made the
5ultimate sacrifice; and
6    WHEREAS, The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA)
7announced that U.S. Army Private First Class Harry Jerele of
8Berkeley, who was captured and died as a prisoner of war during
9World War II, was accounted for on December 20, 2023; and
10    WHEREAS, PFC Jerele was born to Leopold Jerele and Mary
11Flori-Jerele in Clinton, Iowa on February 1, 1916; he and his
12family eventually resettled in Berkeley, Illinois; and
13    WHEREAS, PFC Jerele was a member of the 33rd Tank Company
14of the Illinois National Guard in Maywood; after his unit was
15called to federal service on September 1, 1940, he became a
16member of the 192nd Tank Battalion, Company B in the U.S. Army,
17which included 104 soldiers from Illinois, and was deployed to
18the Philippines; and
19    WHEREAS, In the summer of 1941, PFC Jerele and the 192nd
20Tank Battalion were serving in the Philippines when Japanese
21forces invaded the country in December 1941; intense fighting



HR0904- 2 -LRB103 42716 MST 75953 r

1continued until the surrender of the Bataan Peninsula on April
29, 1942 and of Corregidor Island on May 6, 1942, leading to
3thousands of U.S. and Filipino service members being captured
4and interned at POW camps; and
5    WHEREAS, PFC Jerele was among those reported captured when
6U.S. forces in Bataan surrendered to the Japanese; he and
7fellow POWs were subjected to the 65-mile Bataan Death March
8and then held at the Cabanatuan POW Camp, where more than 2,500
9POWs perished during the war; and
10    WHEREAS, According to prison camp and other historical
11records, PFC Jerele died on December 28, 1942, and he was
12buried along with other deceased prisoners in Common Grave 804
13of the local Cabanatuan Camp Cemetery; and
14    WHEREAS, Following the war, American Graves Registration
15Service (AGRS) personnel exhumed those buried at the
16Cabanatuan Camp Cemetery and relocated the remains to a
17temporary U.S. military mausoleum near Manila; the AGRS
18examined the remains in an attempt to identify them in 1947;
19while two sets of remains from Common Grave 804 were
20identified, the remaining two were declared unidentifiable,
21which included those of PFC Jerele; the unidentified remains
22were buried as Unknowns at the Manila American Cemetery and
23Memorial (MACM); and



HR0904- 3 -LRB103 42716 MST 75953 r

1    WHEREAS, In early 2020, the remains associated with Common
2Grave 804 were disinterred and sent to the DPAA laboratory for
3analysis; to identify PFC Jerele's remains, scientists from
4DPAA used anthropological analysis, as well as circumstantial
5evidence; additionally, scientists from the Armed Forces
6Medical Examiner System used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
7analysis; and
8    WHEREAS, Although interred as an Unknown in MACM, PFC
9Jerele's grave was meticulously cared for by the American
10Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) for the past 70 years; and
11    WHEREAS, PFC Jerele will be buried with full military
12honors at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood on
13October 4, 2024; therefore, be it
16we recognize U.S. Army Private First Class Harry Jerele for
17making the ultimate sacrifice in service to his State and
18country during World War II; and be it further
19    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
20presented to the family of PFC Jerele as an expression of our
21deepest sympathy.