Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4976
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4976  103rd General Assembly



State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/8/2024, by Rep. Bob Morgan


65 ILCS 5/11-1-12

    Amends the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that a municipality may not require a police officer to issue a specific number of citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests within a designated period of time (rather than may not require a police officer to issue a specific number of citations within a designated period of time). For purposes of evaluating a police officer's job performance, prohibits a municipality from comparing the average, percentage, or number of citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests to be issued on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis issued (rather than the number of citations issued) by the police officer to the average, percentage, or number of citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests issued by any other police officer who has similar job duties. Removes language allowing a municipality to evaluate a police officer based on the police officer's points of contact. Provides that quotas may not be used as a criterion for an officer's demotion or penalization, including unfavorable assignments, transfer, termination, constructive dismissal, promotion, or lack of earning of any benefit, including awarded time off. Defines "quota".

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1    AN ACT concerning local government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by
5changing Section 11-1-12 as follows:
6    (65 ILCS 5/11-1-12)
7    Sec. 11-1-12. Quotas prohibited. A municipality may not
8require a quota for a police officer to issue a specific number
9of citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests
10within a designated period of time. This prohibition shall not
11affect the conditions of any federal or State grants or funds
12awarded to the municipality and used to fund traffic
13enforcement programs.
14    A municipality may not, for purposes of evaluating a
15police officer's job performance, compare the average,
16percentage, or number of citations, warnings, points of
17contact, stops, or arrests to be issued on a daily, weekly,
18monthly, quarterly, or annual basis number of citations issued
19by the police officer to the average, percentage, or number of
20citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests
21issued by any other police officer who has similar job duties.
22Nothing in this Section shall prohibit a municipality from
23evaluating a police officer based on the police officer's



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1points of contact. For the purposes of this Section, "points
2of contact" means any quantifiable contact made in the
3furtherance of the police officer's duties, including, but not
4limited to, the number of traffic stops completed, arrests,
5written warnings, and crime prevention measures. Quotas may
6not be used as a criterion for an officer's demotion or
7penalization, including unfavorable assignments, transfer,
8termination, constructive dismissal, promotion, or lack of
9earning of any benefit, including awarded time off. Points of
10contact shall not include either the issuance of citations or
11the number of citations issued by a police officer.
12    As used in this Section, "quota" means a specified
13average, percentage, or number of citations, warnings, points
14of contact, stops, or arrests to be issued on a daily, weekly,
15monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, including using
16evaluative jargon, such as "benchmarks", "productivity goals",
17"targets", "performance management", or "objectives".
18    A home rule municipality may not establish requirements
19for or assess the performance of police officers in a manner
20inconsistent with this Section. This Section is a denial and
21limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection
22(g) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
23(Source: P.A. 100-1001, eff. 1-1-19.)