Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3583
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3583  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/17/2023, by Rep. Tom Weber


225 ILCS 46/10
225 ILCS 46/15
225 ILCS 46/25

    Amends the Health Care Worker Background Check Act. Provides that the Act applies to persons licensed, certified, or registered by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation under specified Acts. Provides that a felony conviction of specified offenses is a disqualifying offense and requires immediate review of the license, registration, or certification under those specified licensing Acts. Sets forth provisions concerning applicability of the changes made by the amendatory Act. Effective 6 months after becoming law.

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1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Health Care Worker Background Check Act is
5amended by changing Sections 10, 15, and 25 as follows:
6    (225 ILCS 46/10)
7    Sec. 10. Applicability.
8    (a) This Act applies to all individuals employed or
9retained by a health care employer as home health care aides,
10nurse aides, personal care assistants, private duty nurse
11aides, day training personnel, or an individual working in any
12similar health-related occupation where he or she provides
13direct care or has access to long-term care residents or the
14living quarters or financial, medical, or personal records of
15long-term care residents. This Act also applies to all
16employees of licensed or certified long-term care facilities
17who have or may have contact with residents or access to the
18living quarters or the financial, medical, or personal records
19of residents.
20    (b) This Act applies to persons licensed, certified, or
21registered by the Department of Financial and Professional
22Regulation under the Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Nurse
23Practice Act, the Illinois Dental Practice Act, the Massage



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1Licensing Act, the Illinois Optometric Practice Act of 1987,
2the Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics Practice Act, the
3Illinois Physical Therapy Act, the Physician Assistant
4Practice Act of 1987, the Podiatric Medical Practice Act of
51987, the Respiratory Care Practice Act, the Registered
6Surgical Assistant and Registered Surgical Technologist Title
7Protection Act, the Acupuncture Practice Act, and the Illinois
8Athletic Trainers Practice Act.
9(Source: P.A. 94-665, eff. 1-1-06.)
10    (225 ILCS 46/15)
11    Sec. 15. Definitions. In this Act:
12    "Applicant" means an individual enrolling in a training
13program, seeking employment, whether paid or on a volunteer
14basis, with a health care employer who has received a bona fide
15conditional offer of employment.
16    "Conditional offer of employment" means a bona fide offer
17of employment by a health care employer to an applicant, which
18is contingent upon the receipt of a report from the Department
19of Public Health indicating that the applicant does not have a
20record of conviction of any of the criminal offenses
21enumerated in Section 25.
22    "Department" means the Department of Public Health or the
23Department of Financial and Professional Regulation with
24regard to persons licensed, certified, or registered by the
25Department of Professional Regulation under any of the Acts



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1specified in subsection (b) of Section 10.
2    "Direct care" means the provision of nursing care or
3assistance with feeding, dressing, movement, bathing,
4toileting, or other personal needs, including home services as
5defined in the Home Health, Home Services, and Home Nursing
6Agency Licensing Act. The entity responsible for inspecting
7and licensing, certifying, or registering the health care
8employer may, by administrative rule, prescribe guidelines for
9interpreting this definition with regard to the health care
10employers that it licenses.
11    "Director" means the Director of Public Health.
12    "Disqualifying offenses" means those offenses set forth in
13Section 25 of this Act.
14    "Employee" means any individual hired, employed, or
15retained, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, to which this
16Act applies.
17    "Finding" means the Department's determination of whether
18an allegation is verified and substantiated.
19    "Fingerprint-based criminal history records check" means a
20livescan fingerprint-based criminal history records check
21submitted as a fee applicant inquiry in the form and manner
22prescribed by the Illinois State Police.
23    "Health care employer" means:
24        (1) the owner or licensee of any of the following:
25            (i) a community living facility, as defined in the
26        Community Living Facilities Licensing Act;



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1            (ii) a life care facility, as defined in the Life
2        Care Facilities Act;
3            (iii) a long-term care facility;
4            (iv) a home health agency, home services agency,
5        or home nursing agency as defined in the Home Health,
6        Home Services, and Home Nursing Agency Licensing Act;
7            (v) a hospice care program or volunteer hospice
8        program, as defined in the Hospice Program Licensing
9        Act;
10            (vi) a hospital, as defined in the Hospital
11        Licensing Act;
12            (vii) (blank);
13            (viii) a nurse agency, as defined in the Nurse
14        Agency Licensing Act;
15            (ix) a respite care provider, as defined in the
16        Respite Program Act;
17            (ix-a) an establishment licensed under the
18        Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act;
19            (x) a supportive living program, as defined in the
20        Illinois Public Aid Code;
21            (xi) early childhood intervention programs as
22        described in 59 Ill. Adm. Code 121;
23            (xii) the University of Illinois Hospital,
24        Chicago;
25            (xiii) programs funded by the Department on Aging
26        through the Community Care Program;



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1            (xiv) programs certified to participate in the
2        Supportive Living Program authorized pursuant to
3        Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code;
4            (xv) programs listed by the Emergency Medical
5        Services (EMS) Systems Act as Freestanding Emergency
6        Centers;
7            (xvi) locations licensed under the Alternative
8        Health Care Delivery Act;
9        (2) a day training program certified by the Department
10    of Human Services;
11        (3) a community integrated living arrangement operated
12    by a community mental health and developmental service
13    agency, as defined in the Community-Integrated Living
14    Arrangements Licensure and Certification Act;
15        (4) the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program,
16    including any regional long term care ombudsman programs
17    under Section 4.04 of the Illinois Act on the Aging, only
18    for the purpose of securing background checks; or
19        (5) the Department of Corrections or a third-party
20    vendor employing certified nursing assistants working with
21    the Department of Corrections.
22    "Initiate" means obtaining from a student, applicant, or
23employee his or her social security number, demographics, a
24disclosure statement, and an authorization for the Department
25of Public Health or its designee to request a
26fingerprint-based criminal history records check; transmitting



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1this information electronically to the Department of Public
2Health; conducting Internet searches on certain web sites,
3including without limitation the Illinois Sex Offender
4Registry, the Department of Corrections' Sex Offender Search
5Engine, the Department of Corrections' Inmate Search Engine,
6the Department of Corrections Wanted Fugitives Search Engine,
7the National Sex Offender Public Registry, and the List of
8Excluded Individuals and Entities database on the website of
9the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General to
10determine if the applicant has been adjudicated a sex
11offender, has been a prison inmate, or has committed Medicare
12or Medicaid fraud, or conducting similar searches as defined
13by rule; and having the student, applicant, or employee's
14fingerprints collected and transmitted electronically to the
15Illinois State Police.
16    "Livescan vendor" means an entity whose equipment has been
17certified by the Illinois State Police to collect an
18individual's demographics and inkless fingerprints and, in a
19manner prescribed by the Illinois State Police and the
20Department of Public Health, electronically transmit the
21fingerprints and required data to the Illinois State Police
22and a daily file of required data to the Department of Public
23Health. The Department of Public Health shall negotiate a
24contract with one or more vendors that effectively demonstrate
25that the vendor has 2 or more years of experience transmitting
26fingerprints electronically to the Illinois State Police and



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1that the vendor can successfully transmit the required data in
2a manner prescribed by the Department of Public Health. Vendor
3authorization may be further defined by administrative rule.
4    "Long-term care facility" means a facility licensed by the
5State or certified under federal law as a long-term care
6facility, including without limitation facilities licensed
7under the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health
8Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or
9the MC/DD Act, a supportive living facility, an assisted
10living establishment, or a shared housing establishment or
11registered as a board and care home.
12    "Resident" means a person, individual, or patient under
13the direct care of a health care employer or who has been
14provided goods or services by a health care employer.
15(Source: P.A. 101-176, eff. 7-31-19; 102-226, eff. 7-30-21;
16102-503, eff. 8-20-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff.
18    (225 ILCS 46/25)
19    Sec. 25. Hiring of people with criminal records by health
20care employers and long-term care facilities.
21    (a) A health care employer or long-term care facility may
22hire, employ, or retain any individual in a position involving
23direct care for clients, patients, or residents, or access to
24the living quarters or the financial, medical, or personal
25records of clients, patients, or residents who has been



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1convicted of committing or attempting to commit one or more of
2the following offenses only with a waiver described in Section
340: those defined in Sections 8-1(b), 8-1.1, 8-1.2, 9-1,
49-1.2, 9-2, 9-2.1, 9-3, 9-3.1, 9-3.2, 9-3.3, 9-3.4, 10-1,
510-2, 10-3, 10-3.1, 10-4, 10-5, 10-7, 11-1.20, 11-1.30,
611-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 11-6, 11-9.1, 11-9.2, 11-9.3,
711-9.4-1, 11-9.5, 11-19.2, 11-20.1, 11-20.1B, 11-20.3, 12-1,
812-2, 12-3.05, 12-3.1, 12-3.2, 12-3.3, 12-4, 12-4.1, 12-4.2,
912-4.3, 12-4.4, 12-4.5, 12-4.6, 12-4.7, 12-7.4, 12-11, 12-13,
1012-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, 12-16, 12-19, 12-20.5, 12-21, 12-21.5,
1112-21.6, 12-32, 12-33, 12C-5, 12C-10, 16-1, 16-1.3, 16-25,
1216A-3, 17-3, 17-56, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-5, 19-1, 19-3,
1319-4, 19-6, 20-1, 20-1.1, 24-1, 24-1.2, 24-1.5, 24-1.8,
1424-3.8, or 33A-2, or subdivision (a)(4) of Section 11-14.4, or
15in subsection (a) of Section 12-3 or subsection (a) or (b) of
16Section 12-4.4a, of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal
17Code of 2012; those provided in Section 4 of the Wrongs to
18Children Act; those provided in Section 53 of the Criminal
19Jurisprudence Act; those defined in subsection (c), (d), (e),
20(f), or (g) of Section 5 or Section 5.1, 5.2, 7, or 9 of the
21Cannabis Control Act; those defined in the Methamphetamine
22Control and Community Protection Act; those defined in
23Sections 401, 401.1, 404, 405, 405.1, 407, or 407.1 of the
24Illinois Controlled Substances Act; or subsection (a) of
25Section 3.01, Section 3.02, or Section 3.03 of the Humane Care
26for Animals Act.



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1    (a-1) A health care employer or long-term care facility
2may hire, employ, or retain any individual in a position
3involving direct care for clients, patients, or residents, or
4access to the living quarters or the financial, medical, or
5personal records of clients, patients, or residents who has
6been convicted of committing or attempting to commit one or
7more of the following offenses only with a waiver described in
8Section 40: those offenses defined in Section 12-3.3,
912-4.2-5, 16-2, 16-30, 16G-15, 16G-20, 17-33, 17-34, 17-36,
1017-44, 18-5, 20-1.2, 24-1.1, 24-1.2-5, 24-1.6, 24-3.2, or
1124-3.3, or subsection (b) of Section 17-32, subsection (b) of
12Section 18-1, or subsection (b) of Section 20-1, of the
13Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012; Section 4,
145, 6, 8, or 17.02 of the Illinois Credit Card and Debit Card
15Act; or Section 11-9.1A of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the
16Criminal Code of 2012 or Section 5.1 of the Wrongs to Children
17Act; or (ii) violated Section 50-50 of the Nurse Practice Act.
18    A health care employer is not required to retain an
19individual in a position with duties involving direct care for
20clients, patients, or residents, and no long-term care
21facility is required to retain an individual in a position
22with duties that involve or may involve contact with residents
23or access to the living quarters or the financial, medical, or
24personal records of residents, who has been convicted of
25committing or attempting to commit one or more of the offenses
26enumerated in this subsection.



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1    (a-5) A felony conviction of any of the following offenses
2is a disqualifying offense and requires immediate review of
3the license, registration, or certification under the relevant
4Acts for the professions identified in subsection (b) of
5Section 10:
6        (1) first degree murder, under Section 9-1 of the
7    Criminal Code of 2012;
8        (2) second degree murder, under Section 9-2 of the
9    Criminal Code of 2012;
10        (3) predatory criminal sexual assault of a child,
11    under Section 11-1.40 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
12        (4) aggravated criminal sexual assault, under Section
13    11-1.30 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
14        (5) criminal sexual assault; under Section 11-1.20 of
15    the Criminal Code of 2012;
16        (6) aggravated kidnaping, under Section 10-2 of the
17    Criminal Code of 2012;
18        (7) kidnapping, under Section 10-1 of the Criminal
19    Code of 2012;
20        (8) aggravated battery resulting in great bodily harm
21    or permanent disability or disfigurement, under subsection
22    (a) of Section 12-3.05 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
23        (9) solicitation of murder, under subsection (b) of
24    Section 8-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
25        (10) solicitation of murder for hire, under Section
26    8-1.2 of the Criminal code of 2012;



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1        (11) intentional homicide of an unborn child, under
2    Section 9-1.2 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
3        (12) voluntary manslaughter of an unborn child, under
4    Section 9-2.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
5        (13) concealment of homicidal death, if committed in
6    the pursuance of job duties, under Section 9-3.4 of the
7    Criminal Code of 2012;
8        (14) concealment of death, if committed in the
9    pursuance of job duties, under Section 9-3.5 of the
10    Criminal Code of 2012;
11        (15) aggravated unlawful restraint, under Section
12    10-3.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
13        (16) forcible detention, under Section 10-4 of the
14    Criminal Code of 2012;
15        (17) child abduction, under Section 10-5 of the
16    Criminal Code of 2012;
17        (18) luring of a minor, under Section 10-5.1 of the
18    Criminal Code of 2012;
19        (19) aiding or abetting child abduction, under Section
20    10-7 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
21        (20) trafficking in person, involuntary servitude, and
22    related offenses, under Section 10-9 of the Criminal Code
23    of 2012;
24        (21) failure to report the death or disappearance of a
25    child under 13 years of age, if committed in the pursuance
26    of job duties, under Section 10-10 of the Criminal Code of



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1    2012;
2        (22) aggravated criminal sexual abuse, under Section
3    11-1.60 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
4        (23) indecent solicitation of a child, under Section
5    11-6 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
6        (24) solicitation to meet a child, under Section
7    11-6.6 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
8        (25) sexual exploitation of a child, under Section
9    11-9.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
10        (26) permitting sexual abuse of a child, under Section
11    11-9.1A of the Criminal Code of 2012;
12        (27) failure to report sexual abuse of a child, if
13    committed in pursuance of job duties, under Section
14    11-9.1B of the Criminal Code of 2012;
15        (28) custodial sexual misconduct, under Section 11-9.2
16    of the Criminal Code of 2012;
17        (29) sexual misconduct with a person with a
18    disability, under Section 11-9.5 of the Criminal Code of
19    2012;
20        (30) promoting juvenile prostitution, under Section
21    11-14.4 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
22        (31) patronizing a minor engaged in prostitution,
23    under Section 11-18.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
24        (32) child pornography, under Section 11-20.1 of the
25    Criminal Code of 2012;
26        (33) distributing harmful material to a minor, under



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1    Section 11-21 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
2        (34) non-consensual dissemination of private sexual
3    images, under Section 11-23.5 of the Criminal Code of
4    2012;
5        (35) grooming, under Section 11-25 of the Criminal
6    Code of 2012;
7        (36) traveling to meet a child, under Section 11-26 of
8    the Criminal Code of 2012;
9        (37) aggravated assault, under Section 12-2 of the
10    Criminal Code of 2012;
11        (38) aggravated battery, under Section 12-3.05 of the
12    Criminal Code of 2012;
13        (39) aggravated battery of an unborn child, under
14    Section 12-3.1 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
15        (40) aggravated domestic battery, under Section 12-3.3
16    of the Criminal Code of 2012;
17        (41) criminal abuse or neglect of a long term care
18    facility resident, under paragraph (2) of subsection (a)
19    of Section 12-4.4a of the Criminal Code of 2012;
20        (42) aggravated intimidation, under Section 12-6.2 of
21    the Criminal Code of 2012;
22        (43) compelling confession or information by force or
23    threat, under Section 12-7 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
24        (44) educational intimidation, under Section 12-7.2 of
25    the Criminal Code of 2012;
26        (45) aggravated stalking, under Section 12-7.4 of the



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1    Criminal Code of 2012;
2        (46) tongue splitting, under Section 12-10.2 of the
3    Criminal Code of 2012;
4        (47) sale of body parts, under Section 12-10 of the
5    Criminal Code of 2012;
6        (48) dismembering of a human body, under Section
7    12-20.5 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
8        (49) abuse of a corpse, under Section 12-20.6 of the
9    Criminal Code of 2012;
10        (50) ritual mutilation, under Section 12-32 of the
11    Criminal Code of 2012;
12        (51) ritualized abuse of child, under Section 12-33 of
13    the Criminal Code of 2012;
14        (52) female genital mutilation, under Section 12-34 of
15    the Criminal Code of 2012;
16        (53) inducement to commit suicide, under Section
17    12-34.5 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
18        (54) organized retail crime; under paragraphs (1) and
19    (2) of subsection (a) of Section 16-25.2 of the Criminal
20    Code of 2012;
21        (55) financial exploitation of an elderly person or a
22    person with a disability by intimidation, under Section
23    16-1.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
24        (56) aggravated robbery, under subsection (b) of
25    Section 18-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
26        (57) armed robbery, under Section 18-2 of the Criminal



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1    Code of 2012;
2        (58) aggravated vehicular hijacking, under Section
3    18-4 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
4        (59) vehicular invasion, under Section 18-6 of the
5    Criminal Code of 2012;
6        (60) burglary, under Section 19-1 of the Criminal Code
7    of 2012;
8        (61) aggravated arson, under Section 20-1.1 of the
9    Criminal Code of 2012;
10        (62) aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, under
11    Section 24-1.6 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
12        (63) unlawful manufacture or delivery of nitrous
13    oxide, under Section 24.5-10 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
14        (64) mob action, under paragraphs (1) and (3) of
15    subsection (a) of Section 25-1 of the Criminal Code of
16    2012;
17        (65) terrorism, under Section 29D-14.9 of the Criminal
18    Code of 2012;
19        (66) causing a catastrophe, under Section 29D-15.1 of
20    the Criminal Code of 2012;
21        (67) treason, under Section 30-1 of the Criminal Code
22    of 2012;
23        (68) perjury, under Section 32-2 of the Criminal Code
24    of 2012;
25        (69) subordination of perjury, under Section 32-3 of
26    the Criminal Code of 2012;



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1        (70) armed violence, under Section 33A-2 of the
2    Criminal Code of 2012;
3        (71) solicitation of any of the offenses specified in
4    this subsection, under subsection (a) of Section 801 of
5    the Criminal Code of 2012;
6        (72) conspiracy to commit any of the offenses
7    specified in this subsection, under Section 802 of the
8    Criminal Code of 2012;
9        (73) attempt to commit any of the offenses specified
10    in this subsection, under Section 8-4 of the Criminal Code
11    of 2012; or
12        (74) any felony not listed for which an offense
13    specified in this subsection is a lesser included offense.
14    This subsection applies after the effective date of this
15amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly to all initial
16applications for licensure, certification, or registration
17with the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
18under the Acts specified in subsection (b) of Section 10. For
19every licensure, certification, or registration renewal under
20the Acts specified in subsection (b) of Section 10, the
21Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall
22conduct a review of the applicant's criminal background to
23determine whether the applicant committed an offense specified
24in this subsection after the effective date of this amendatory
25Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
26    (b) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or



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1retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any individual
2in a position with duties involving direct care of clients,
3patients, or residents, and no long-term care facility shall
4knowingly hire, employ, or retain, whether paid or on a
5volunteer basis, any individual in a position with duties that
6involve or may involve contact with residents or access to the
7living quarters or the financial, medical, or personal records
8of residents, if the health care employer becomes aware that
9the individual has been convicted in another state of
10committing or attempting to commit an offense that has the
11same or similar elements as an offense listed in subsection
12(a), or (a-1), or (a-5), as verified by court records, records
13from a state agency, or an FBI criminal history record check,
14unless the applicant or employee obtains a waiver pursuant to
15Section 40 of this Act. This shall not be construed to mean
16that a health care employer has an obligation to conduct a
17criminal history records check in other states in which an
18employee has resided.
19    (c) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or
20retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any individual
21in a position with duties involving direct care of clients,
22patients, or residents, who has a finding by the Department of
23abuse, neglect, misappropriation of property, or theft denoted
24on the Health Care Worker Registry.
25    (d) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or
26retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any individual



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1in a position with duties involving direct care of clients,
2patients, or residents if the individual has a verified and
3substantiated finding of abuse, neglect, or financial
4exploitation, as identified within the Adult Protective
5Service Registry established under Section 7.5 of the Adult
6Protective Services Act.
7    (e) A health care employer shall not hire, employ, or
8retain, whether paid or on a volunteer basis, any individual
9in a position with duties involving direct care of clients,
10patients, or residents who has a finding by the Department of
11Human Services of physical or sexual abuse, financial
12exploitation, or egregious neglect of an individual denoted on
13the Health Care Worker Registry.
14(Source: P.A. 99-872, eff. 1-1-17; 100-432, eff. 8-25-17.)
15    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect 6 months
16after becoming law.