Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3387
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3387  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/17/2023, by Rep. Curtis J. Tarver, II


410 ILCS 705/50-5

    Amends the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. In provisions relating to laboratory testing, defines "batch" to mean: (1) for cannabis concentrate, 10 grams of every 2.2 pounds of concentrate; (2) for edible cannabis-infused products, 1% of a run, being a minimum of 2 packaged units or, if a bulk product, 10 grams; (3) for cannabis-infused beverage products, 1% of a run, being a minimum of 2 packaged units; and (4) for other cannabis-infused products (not including edibles and beverages), 1% of a run, being a minimum of 2 packaged units, or, if a bulk product, 10 grams. Requires the Department of Agriculture to adopt rules creating an incentive program for cultivation centers to use minority-owned or women-owned cannabis-testing laboratories.

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1    AN ACT concerning health.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act is amended
5by changing Section 50-5 as follows:
6    (410 ILCS 705/50-5)
7    Sec. 50-5. Laboratory testing.
8    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
9following acts, when performed by a cannabis testing facility
10with a current, valid registration, or a person 21 years of age
11or older who is acting in his or her capacity as an owner,
12employee, or agent of a cannabis testing facility, are not
13unlawful and shall not be an offense under Illinois law or be a
14basis for seizure or forfeiture of assets under Illinois law:
15        (1) possessing, repackaging, transporting, storing, or
16    displaying cannabis or cannabis-infused products;
17        (2) receiving or transporting cannabis or
18    cannabis-infused products from a cannabis business
19    establishment, a community college licensed under the
20    Community College Cannabis Vocational Training Pilot
21    Program, or a person 21 years of age or older; and
22        (3) returning or transporting cannabis or
23    cannabis-infused products to a cannabis business



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1    establishment, a community college licensed under the
2    Community College Cannabis Vocational Training Pilot
3    Program, or a person 21 years of age or older.
4    (b)(1) No laboratory shall handle, test, or analyze
5cannabis unless approved by the Department of Agriculture in
6accordance with this Section.
7    (2) No laboratory shall be approved to handle, test, or
8analyze cannabis unless the laboratory:
9        (A) is accredited by a private laboratory accrediting
10    organization;
11        (B) is independent from all other persons involved in
12    the cannabis industry in Illinois and no person with a
13    direct or indirect interest in the laboratory has a direct
14    or indirect financial, management, or other interest in an
15    Illinois cultivation center, craft grower, dispensary,
16    infuser, transporter, certifying physician, or any other
17    entity in the State that may benefit from the production,
18    manufacture, dispensing, sale, purchase, or use of
19    cannabis; and
20        (C) has employed at least one person to oversee and be
21    responsible for the laboratory testing who has earned,
22    from a college or university accredited by a national or
23    regional certifying authority, at least:
24            (i) a master's level degree in chemical or
25        biological sciences and a minimum of 2 years'
26        post-degree laboratory experience; or



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1            (ii) a bachelor's degree in chemical or biological
2        sciences and a minimum of 4 years' post-degree
3        laboratory experience.
4    (3) Each independent testing laboratory that claims to be
5accredited must provide the Department of Agriculture with a
6copy of the most recent annual inspection report granting
7accreditation and every annual report thereafter.
8    (c) Immediately before manufacturing or natural processing
9of any cannabis or cannabis-infused product or packaging
10cannabis for sale to a dispensary, each batch shall be made
11available by the cultivation center, craft grower, or infuser
12for an employee of an approved laboratory to select a random
13sample, which shall be tested by the approved laboratory for:
14        (1) microbiological contaminants;
15        (2) mycotoxins;
16        (3) pesticide active ingredients;
17        (4) residual solvent; and
18        (5) an active ingredient analysis.
19    (d) The Department of Agriculture may select a random
20sample that shall, for the purposes of conducting an active
21ingredient analysis, be tested by the Department of
22Agriculture for verification of label information.
23    (e) A laboratory shall immediately return or dispose of
24any cannabis upon the completion of any testing, use, or
25research. If cannabis is disposed of, it shall be done in
26compliance with Department of Agriculture rule.



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1    (f) If a sample of cannabis does not pass the
2microbiological, mycotoxin, pesticide chemical residue, or
3solvent residue test, based on the standards established by
4the Department of Agriculture, the following shall apply:
5        (1) If the sample failed the pesticide chemical
6    residue test, the entire batch from which the sample was
7    taken shall, if applicable, be recalled as provided by
8    rule.
9        (2) If the sample failed any other test, the batch may
10    be used to make a CO2-based or solvent based extract. After
11    processing, the CO2-based or solvent based extract must
12    still pass all required tests.
13    (g) The Department of Agriculture shall establish
14standards for microbial, mycotoxin, pesticide residue, solvent
15residue, or other standards for the presence of possible
16contaminants, in addition to labeling requirements for
17contents and potency.
18    (h) The laboratory shall file with the Department of
19Agriculture an electronic copy of each laboratory test result
20for any batch that does not pass the microbiological,
21mycotoxin, or pesticide chemical residue test, at the same
22time that it transmits those results to the cultivation
23center. In addition, the laboratory shall maintain the
24laboratory test results for at least 5 years and make them
25available at the Department of Agriculture's request.
26    (i) A cultivation center, craft grower, and infuser shall



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1provide to a dispensing organization the laboratory test
2results for each batch of cannabis product purchased by the
3dispensing organization, if sampled. Each dispensing
4organization must have those laboratory results available upon
5request to purchasers.
6    (j) The Department of Agriculture shall may adopt rules
7related to testing in furtherance of this Act. The rules shall
8include, at a minimum, rules creating an incentive program for
9cultivation centers to use minority-owned or women-owned
10cannabis-testing laboratories.
11    (k) As used in this Section, "batch" means:
12        (1) for cannabis concentrate, 10 grams of every 2.2
13    pounds of concentrate;
14        (2) for edible cannabis-infused products, 1% of a run,
15    being a minimum of 2 packaged units, or, if a bulk product,
16    10 grams;
17        (3) for cannabis-infused beverage products, 1% of a
18    run, being a minimum of 2 packaged units; and
19        (4) for other cannabis-infused products other than
20    edibles and beverages, 1% of a run, being a minimum of 2
21    packaged units, or, if a bulk product, 10 grams.
22(Source: P.A. 101-27, eff. 6-25-19; 101-593, eff. 12-4-19.)