Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB1002
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB1002  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 1/12/2023, by Rep. Mary E. Flowers


110 ILCS 330/8h new
210 ILCS 85/6.34 new
410 ILCS 50/3.5 new

    Amends the University of Illinois Hospital Act and the Hospital Licensing Act. Provides that before using any diagnostic algorithm to diagnose a patient, a hospital must first confirm that the diagnostic algorithm has been certified by the Department of Public Health and the Department of Innovation and Technology, has been shown to achieve as or more accurate diagnostic results than other diagnostic means, and is not the only method of diagnosis available to a patient. Amends the Medical Patient Rights Act. Provides that a patient has the right to be told when a diagnostic algorithm will be used to diagnose him or her. Provides that before a diagnostic algorithm is used to diagnose a patient, the patient must first be presented with the option of being diagnosed without the diagnostic algorithm and consent to the diagnostic algorithm's use.

LRB103 04881 CPF 49891 b





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1    AN ACT concerning health.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The University of Illinois Hospital Act is
5amended by adding Section 8h as follows:
6    (110 ILCS 330/8h new)
7    Sec. 8h. Diagnostic algorithm. Before using any
8diagnostic algorithm to diagnose a patient, the University of
9Illinois Hospital must first confirm all of the following:
10        (1) The diagnostic algorithm has been certified by the
11    Department of Public Health and the Department of
12    Innovation and Technology.
13        (2) The diagnostic algorithm has been shown to achieve
14    as or more accurate diagnostic results than other
15    diagnostic means.
16        (3) The diagnostic algorithm is not the only method of
17    diagnosis available to a patient.
18    Section 10. The Hospital Licensing Act is amended by
19adding Section 6.34 as follows:
20    (210 ILCS 85/6.34 new)
21    Sec. 6.34. Diagnostic algorithm. Before using any



HB1002- 2 -LRB103 04881 CPF 49891 b

1diagnostic algorithm to diagnose a patient, a hospital
2licensed under this Act must first confirm all of the
4        (1) The diagnostic algorithm has been certified by the
5    Department of Public Health and the Department of
6    Innovation and Technology.
7        (2) The diagnostic algorithm has been shown to achieve
8    as or more accurate diagnostic results than other
9    diagnostic means.
10        (3) The diagnostic algorithm is not the only method of
11    diagnosis available to a patient.
12    Section 15. The Medical Patient Rights Act is amended by
13adding Section 3.5 as follows:
14    (410 ILCS 50/3.5 new)
15    Sec. 3.5. Diagnostic algorithm. A patient has the right to
16be told when a diagnostic algorithm will be used to diagnose
17him or her. Before a diagnostic algorithm is used to diagnose a
18patient, the patient must first:
19        (1) be presented with the option of being diagnosed
20    without the diagnostic algorithm; and
21        (2) consent to the diagnostic algorithm's use.