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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code, the Clerks of Courts Act, and the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that any person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a serious traffic violation, as defined in the Illinois Vehicle Code, shall pay an additional fee of $40 (rather than $20). Provides that $15 (rather than $7.50) of the fee shall be deposited into the Fire Prevention Fund in the State treasury, $15 (rather than $7.50) shall be deposited into the Fire Truck Revolving Loan Fund in the State treasury, and $10 (rather than $5) shall be deposited into the Circuit Court Clerk Operation and Administrative Fund created by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Makes technical changes. Effective 60 days after becoming law.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Provides that any person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a serious traffic violation, as defined in the Illinois Vehicle Code, shall pay an additional fee of $35 (rather than $20 in current law and $40 in the introduced bill). Restores current law with respect to the amount of money ($5 rather than $10, as provided by the introduced bill) that shall be deposited into the Circuit Court Clerk Operation and Administrative Fund created by the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
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