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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Green Governments Illinois Act. Provides for the creation of the Green Governments Coordinating Council and sets out the composition and responsibilities of the Council. Gives the Council the authority to solicit and receive grants to fulfill the Council's functions and to solicit, use, and publish advice and information to assist in the Council's duties. Provides that participation in the Green Governments Illinois program by units of State and local government and educational institutions is voluntary. Sets out responsibilities of State agencies under the Act. Provides that a member of the Lieutenant Governor's staff shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a Green Governments Illinois website with specified content. Effective immediately.
Governor Amendatory Veto Message Provides that the Governor shall appoint a chair or co-chairs of the Green Governments Coordinating Council (instead of providing that the Lieutenant Governor shall serve as the chair). Provides that the Lieutenant Governor is a member of the Council. Provides that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Central Management Services (instead of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor) shall provide administrative support to the Council. Deletes a provision providing that a minimum of one staff position in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor shall be dedicated to the Green Governments Illinois program. Makes corresponding changes.
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