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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Community Emergency Services and Supports Act. Provides that the Act applies to every unit of local government that provides or coordinates ambulance or similar emergency medical response or transportation services for individuals with emergency medical needs. A home rule unit may not respond to or provide services for a mental or behavioral health emergency, or create a transportation plan or other regulation, relating to the provision of mental or behavioral health services in a manner inconsistent with this Act. Provides that one plan shall describe how the EMS Region will provide mobile emergency mental and behavioral health services to individuals who do not present as a threat to the responders, and are not involved in criminal activity at the time of the response. Provides that the plan shall conform to the requirements of the Act and, recognizing the variety of systems, services, and needs across the State, provide the specific requirements and guidance appropriate for that region. Provides that the plan shall be identified as the region's community emergency services and supports plan. Provides that the second plan shall describe the manner and extent to which responders operating under the region's Community Emergency Services and Supports Plan coordinate with law enforcement when responding to individuals who appear to be in a mental or behavioral health emergency while engaged in conduct alleged to constitute a non-violent misdemeanor. Provides that the plan shall be identified as the region's Non-Violent Misdemeanor Coordination Plan. Amends the Emergency Telephone System Act to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.
Fiscal Note (Dept. of Human Services)
The fiscal impact to IDHS to provide for the establishment and oversight on the committees would be minimal.
House Floor Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Community Emergency Services and Support Act. Provides that each 9-1-1 call center and provider of emergency services dispatched through a 9-1-1 system must coordinate with the mobile mental and behavioral health services established by the Division of Mental Health of the Department of Human Services so that the following State goals and State prohibitions are met whenever a person interacts with one of these entities for the purpose seeking emergency mental and behavioral health care or when one of these entities recognizes the appropriateness of providing mobile mental or behavioral health care to an individual with whom they have engaged. Provides that the Division of Mental Health is also directed to provide guidance regarding whether and how these entities should coordinate with mobile mental and behavioral health services when responding to individuals who appear to be in a mental or behavioral health emergency while engaged in conduct alleged to constitute a non-violent misdemeanor. Provides that 9-1-1 call centers, emergency services dispatched through 9-1-1 call centers, and the mobile mental and behavioral health service established by the Division of Mental Health must coordinate their services so that certain specified State prohibitions are avoided. Provides that the Division of Mental Health shall establish regional advisory committees in each EMS Region to advise on emergency response systems for mental and behavioral health. Provides that the Act applies to persons of all ages, both children and adults. Provides that the Act does not limit an individual's right to control his or her own medical care. No provision of this Act shall be interpreted in such a way as to limit an individual's right to choose his or her preferred course of care or to reject care. Provides that no provision of this Act shall be interpreted to promote or provide justification for the use of restraints when providing mental or behavioral health care. Amends the Emergency Telephone System Act to make conforming changes.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Community Emergency Services and Support Act. Provides that each 9-1-1 call center and provider of emergency services dispatched through a 9-1-1 system must coordinate with the mobile mental and behavioral health services established by the Division of Mental Health of the Department of Human Services so that the following State goals and State prohibitions are met whenever a person interacts with one of these entities for the purpose seeking emergency mental and behavioral health care or when one of these entities recognizes the appropriateness of providing mobile mental or behavioral health care to an individual with whom they have engaged. The Division of Mental Health is also directed to provide guidance regarding whether and how these entities should coordinate with mobile mental and behavioral health services when responding to individuals who appear to be in a mental or behavioral health emergency while engaged in conduct alleged to constitute a non-violent misdemeanor. Provides that 9-1-1 PSAPs, emergency services dispatched through 9-1-1 PSAPs, and the mobile mental and behavioral health service established by the Division of Mental Health must coordinate their services so that the State goals listed in this Section are achieved. Appropriate mobile response service for mental and behavioral health emergencies shall be available regardless of whether the initial contact was with 9-8-8, 9-1-1 or directly with an emergency service dispatched through 9-1-1. Provides that the Division of Mental Health shall establish a Statewide Advisory Committee to review and make recommendations for aspects of coordinating 9-1-1 and the 9-8-8 mobile mental health response system most appropriately addressed on a State level. Provides that the Division of Mental Health shall establish Regional Advisory Committees in each EMS Region to advise on regional issues related to emergency response systems for mental and behavioral health. Provides that the exemptions from civil liability in the Emergency Telephone Systems Act apply to any act or omission in the development, design, installation, operation, maintenance, performance, or provision of service directed by the Act. Provides that the Act applies to persons of all ages, both children and adults. This Act does not limit an individual's right to control his or her own medical care. No provision of this Act shall be interpreted in such a way as to limit an individual's right to choose his or her preferred course of care or to reject care. No provision of this Act shall be interpreted to promote or provide justification for the use of restraints when providing mental or behavioral health care.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Make technical and stylistic changes in the bill as amended by Senate Amendment No. 1. Adds additional responsibilities for 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point telecommunicators and emergency service providers. Places the applicability and home rule preemption provisions in a separate Section of the bill.
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