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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Requires, upon written request by the Director of State Police, an interstate highway, State highway, or segment of an interstate highway or State highway to be named in honor and memory of one or more Illinois State Troopers killed in the line of duty. Requires the Director of State Police to submit a request to the Secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation to erect one or more signs containing certain information about each memorialized Trooper. Requires the Secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation to consult with the Director of the State Police on the design of the signs and to erect the signs by an agreed upon date. Requires the costs associated with the signs to be borne by the labor organization representing the Trooper. Requires the Secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation and the labor organization to enter into an agreement regarding payment of those costs before those costs are incurred. Specifies that if the road segment identified in the request has already been named for another individual or organization, then the Secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Director of State Police shall consult on and determine an alternate location that is acceptable to both agencies. Effective immediately.
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