Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (S) 11/5/2013 4:00 PM |
Andrew Chusid | Health Care Council of Illinois | Health Care Council of Illinois |
Ann Fisher | AIDS Legal Council of Chicago | AIDS Legal Council of Chicago |
Ashley Fontaine | NAMI Chicago | NAMI Chicago |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Brittan Bolin | Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators | Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators |
Brittan Bolin | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Chrissy Carlson | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium |
Dave Lowitzki | SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana | SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana |
Dave Marsh | Illinois State Dental Society | Illinois state Dental society |
DeShana Forney | University of Illinois | University of Illinois College of Dentistry |
Diana Knaebe | Heritage Behavioral Health Center | Heritage Behavioral Health Center, Board, staff and clients |
Dr David Miller | IL Dept. of Public Health | Division of Oral Health, IDPH |
Faye Manaster | The Arc of Illinois Family to Family Health Information Center | Family Voices of Illinois |
Graham Bowman | The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Gregory Gross | AIDS Legal Council | Gregory Gross |
Heather ODonnell | Thresholds | Thresholds |
Ireta Gasner | Ounce of Prevention Fund | Ounce of Prevention Fund |
Jenni Purdue | J & J Legislative | Aunt Martha's |
Jennifer Creasey | AARP Illinois | AARP |
Jim Morphew Bill Enlow | SORLING NORTHRUP | Illinois State Dental Society |
Jim Parker | Dept of Healthcare and Family Services | HFS |
Joel K Johnson | Human Resources Development Institute, Inc. | Medicaid recipients, currently being provided behavioral health and primary health services |
Jordan Powell | Illinois Primary Health Care Association | Illinois Primary Health Care Association |
Josh Evans | IARF | IARF |
Joshua Collins | Citizen Action Illinois | Citizen Action Illinois |
Kathy Waligora | EverThrive Illinois Formerly Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition | EverThrive Illinois |
Kimberley Egonmwan | IL Dept. of Public Health | Governmental Affairs, IDPH |
Kimberley Egonmwan | Illinois Department of Public Health | Illinois Department of Public Health |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Luvia Quinones | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights |
Lynn Chapman | Lynn Chapman | Il state dental society |
MargaretStapleton | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Marsha Conroy | Aunt Martha's | Aunt Martha's |
Michael McFadden | Howard Brown Health Center | Howard Brown Health Center |
Nadeen Israel | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights |
Phil Milsk | The Arc of Illinois | The Arc of Illinois |
Ramon Gardenhire | AIDS Foundation of Chicago | AIDS Foundation of Chicago |
Ryan Elliott | NAMI of Greater Chicago | The 482 current Members of NAMI of Greater Chicago |
Shirley Perez | Family Support Network | Family Support Network |
Stepnanie Altman | Health and Disability Advocates | Health and Disability Advocates |
Susanne Hack | Susanne hack & associates | IL State Dental Society |
Willie Gunther | Illinois Assistive Technology Program | Illinois Assistive Technology Program |