Illinois General Assembly - HB4867Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4867  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002
Bill Status

Legislation: HB4867
Proponents: 67Opponents: 697No Position: 2
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 5/22/2024 2:00 PM
Cindy GovekarSelfSelf
A Nicklausselfself
Aaron SparlingSelfSelf
Adam Millerselfself
Adele DunnSelfSelf
Adriana DinelloSelfSelf
Adrianus SpronkCROSSVIEW CHURCHAdrianus and Christine Spronk, Joan and Ben Nelson, Mike and Tina Calacci, Karen and Teli Lau, Sandy and larre Lannert, CrossView Church
Adrienne WorrellSelfSelf
Alaina CarterSelfSelf
Alexander KleiberSelfSelf
Alexander TrieceSercoImmanuel Lutheran Church
Alexis Millerselfself
Alice WatsonSelfSelf
Alicia O'ConnellSelfSelf
Allen Holsteselfself
Amanda LeNANA
Amanda SandersSanders HouseholdSelf
Amanda Teresa AdamsLaw Offices of Amanda T. AdamsAmanda T. Adams
Amy BachmanBachmanself
Amy CollinsSelfSelf
Amy CrowleySelfself
Amy HenningsElim Covemant ChurchAmy Hennings
Andrea E BeardenSaint Mary's Pro Life CommitteeSaint Mary's Pro Life Committee
Angel HernandezSelfSelf
Angela Eskernoneself
Angela LaBancaSelfSelf
Angelica Del PilarEducationFamilies
Anita WennlundNoneNone
Ann Charbonneauselfself
Ann Noonanselfself
Ann SandbergVoterRepresenting the unborn
Ann WolfeSelfSelf
Anna Mucciantiselfpro life advocates
Anne LarsonSelfSelf
Anne Marie Millerselfself
Anne Uhrinaselfself
Annette I ParchertIllinois Freedom AllianceIllinois Freedom Alliance
Annette ReitzelSelfSelf
Annie MilderSelfSelf
Anthony Mucciantiselfpro life advocates
Anthony OliphantSelfSelf
Anthony Zordanselfself
Arsenia FleresNONENONE
Art EllingsenArlington Heights TEA PartyArlington Heights TEA Party
Arthur BermanSelfSelf
Barb PringleSelfSelf
Barbara HallerSelfSelf
Barbara JohnsonSelfSelf
Barbara Mullinerselfself
Barbara PaschkeNoneMyself
Barbara Zawadzkaindividualindividual
Belinda GuytonOn behalf of selfSelf
Ben Grammitsiself
Benjamin C McCuneselfself
Benjamin SawyerFamily Life Center of EffinghamFamily Life Center of Effingham
Bernadette GleiterSelfSelf
Beth Carol RueggParents MatterPro Life Action League
Beth K KorenchanSelfSelf
Beth KaiserSelfSelf
Bethany BreyneHomemakerNone
Beverlee L DallmannSelfSelf
Bill BeckmanIllinois Family Life CoalitionIllinois Family Life Coalition
Bob BlackSelfSelf
Bob RaffertySelfSelf
Bonnie Bakerselfself
Bonnie BarringtonSelfSelf
Bonnie NeubauerIndividualIndividual
Brandon EdwardsSelfOn Behalf of Self
Braydon EdwardsSelfOn Behalf of Self
Brenda MolinaSelfSelf
Brenda Pottsselfself
Brett NicklausTrinoity FinancialIL Right to Life
Brian J KovacsSaint Michael ParishSaint Michael Parish
Bridget BaltuskaSelfSelf
Bridget RooneySelfSelf
Brittany AndersonSelfSelf
Brooke PowellIFIIFI
Calista Riceselfself
camille kingnonenone
Candice CarmenSelfSelf
Cara Paschalselfself
Carl LambrechtLaurel IndustriesLaurel Industries
Carla Kempselfself
Carla Richardsonselfself
Carmen ViramontesSelfSelf
carol addatenonedoes not apply
Carol Ann NorbutTaxpayernone
Carol CimoRight for LifeRight for Life
Carol MossesSelfSelf
Carol MuzzySelfSelf
Carol Wrightselfself
Caroline Devlinon behalf of selfSelf
Carolyn Buenteselfself
Carolyn Porter69102Parents Matter
Carolyn RigheimerNonenone
Catherine A HartenbowerHart Electric, LLCHart Electric, LLC
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Catherine HubenySelfSelf
Catherine LangloisSelfSelf
Catherine WallerSelf1
Cathleen Hullselfself
Cathy CokerSelfNA
Cathy CurrySpringfield Right to LifeLife
Cathy SeveranceSelfSelf
Charles AlltonParents Matter CoalitionParents Matter Coalition
Charles DawsonSelfSelf
Charles FrySelfself
Charles WatsonSelfSelf
Charlotte Drozdowskiselfself
Charmaine Fairselfself
Charmaine WillandCCWIndividual
Cheri waltermaxim homecarenot in person
Cheryl GilmartinSelfSelf
Chrisine BarrNASelf
Christina meskerSelfSelf and the unborn
Christina OlarSelfSelf
Christine MarthaSelfFamily
Christine Mary ParanWaterleafWaterleaf
Christopher LamekaLeague of Women VotersLeague of Women Voters
Christy HakmanNaSelf
Cindy HeslingaSelfSelf
Cindy PapeJones JewelersSelf
Clyde BumgarnerOn behalf of selfSelf
Colleen FoleyDiocese of JolietColleen Foley
Colleen malloyNaNa
Connie L ClampittGood Shepherdnot sure
Connie RobbenSelfSelf
Connie WittboldSelfIllinois Right to Life
Connor OrabuttSelfSelf
Conrad M O'Connell JrConrad O'ConnellConrad O'Connell
Conrad S WojnarMary Mother of Martyrs ParishMary Mother of Martyrs Parish
Constance Malinowskiselfself
Coralea Reckowskynot applicableself and all who care for the unborn children
Courtney JulianQuentin Road Baptist ChurchQuentin Road Baptist Church
Craig NunnallySelfSelf
Cristine Wiesnerselfself
Cynthia A GoddardSelfSelf
Cynthia Louise Shiverdeckerselfself
Cyril SilarioSelfSelf
Dale Spindlerselfself
Dan PatlakNoneNone
Dana AlbersSelfSelf
Daniel CostelloNANA
Daniel ItanoNoneSelf
Daniel J McsweeneySelfSelf
Daniel M Wrightselfself
Daniel MitchellretiredSelf
Daniel R BreyneSelfSelf
Daniel ReitzelSelfSelf
Daniel SedolsTaxpayerTaxpayer
Danielle TomczakNoneNone
Danny HidalgoNonePublic
Darrell RollSelfSelf
Dave HeslingaMyselfMyself
David A CokerselfNA
David Allen MikitkaTaxpayerSelf
David CurtinIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
David DavisSelfSelf
David KaiserSelfSelf
David LarsonSelfSelf
David RappHome WorksDavid Rapp
Dawn KujawaSELFCrisis Pregnacy Center in Illinois; Unborn
Dawn MulvaneyA concerned citizenNA
Dean PottsSelfSmithfield Church of the Nazarene
Debbie MannSelfSelf
Debbie WakefieldSelfSelf
Deborah CoonleySelfSelf
Deborah H KruseSelfSelf
Deborah MolinaroD Molinaro ReportingSelf
Deborah QuayleSelfSelf
Dena R ShullTaxpayerSelf
Dena WiesnerWiesnerself
Denise GrashoffSelfself
Denise RamosSt. John the Baptist Catholic ChurcSelf
Dennis LindellselfDennis Lindell
Dennis MorrissySelfSelf
Destiny BakerIL right to lifeIL RIGHT TO LIFE
Diane SpiottaSelfSelf
Diane N Massuranot applicablemyself
Don BlairSelfSelf
Donna GlaubSelfSelf
Donna JulianoSelfSelf
Donna K BishopselfSelf
DONNA McAlisterretiredIllinois right to life
Donna MooreSelfSelf
Donna ShehaneSelfSelf
Donna Smithselfself
Donna ZanderSelfSelf
Doris LordenNikkenSelf
Dorothy KolschowskySelfSelf
Douglas KlisterSelfSelf
Dwight D WyethZion Lutheran Church of BonfieldDwight Wyeth
Edward RylkoSelfSelf
Edward SchippSelfSelf
Edwin McLeanMonroe County Republican Central CommitteeEdwin McLean
Eileen BlahnikEileen BlahnikSelf
Eileen NahmSelfSelf
Elaine LuseNoneParents Rights Coalition
Elizabeth ColeSelfSelf
Elizabeth Earlnoneself
Elizabeth Fleming SemonResidentResident
Elizabeth LeahySelfSelf tax payer
Elizabeth RudaSelfSelf
Emmett McGovernNorthridge Prepself
Ethan CasherNANA
Eugene KaniaSelfSelf
Eva AdamsSelfSelf
Felicia JochumSelfSelf
Francis Michl JrSelfSelf
Frank B Ricehomeself
Frank DavisSelfSelf
Franklin SkorskiRetiredChristian
Fredric KarlIndividualIllinois Right to Life
Gabrielle CarselloSelfSelf
Gail L RitzSt Mary's Catholic ChurchRespect Life Chairman
Gail ShannonNoNone
Gail ShawSelfSelf
Gary GovekarSelfSelf
Gayle HempelSelfSelf
Gayle Holsteselfself
George Robert TrammellRetiredGood Shepherd Lutheran Church Marion
Glena ThompsonPersonalSelf
Gracie MarateaGMM Consulting, LLCGracie Maratea
Gregory CampbellNo business or agencyself
Halima PhelpsSupporter of Illinois Right to Life and Pro- life pregnancyHalima Phelps
Han JinSelfSelf
Heather Voelznoneself
Helen KnicleyFamily Life CenterHelen Knicley
Helen Sluiscitizenno
Holly MockoSelfSelf
Hugh W Shownselfself
Ilene BrinerNoneSelf
Isaac SuchaczewskiSelfSelf
Jack M McGrawParents Matter CoalitionJack M McGraw
Jacob A PrattSelfSelf
Jacob ReitzelSelfSelf
Jacqueline DawsonSelfSelf
James Costasselfself
James GuarascioSelfSelf
James L Shiverdeckerselfself
James O'DonnellselfSelf
James P Rohrselfself
James PowerSelfSelf
James SchultzNoneNone
James WakefieldSelfSelf
James WittboldSelfIllinois Right to Life
Jane McCagueSelfSelf
janet chantharasyBehalf of selfParents matter coalition
Janet KehoeSelfSelf
Janet M OttSelfself
Janet RepkingNoneNone
Janice WellsNASelf
Janness AbrahamSelfSelf
Jared L OlarOlar familySelf
Jared RutnickiSaints Peter and Paul Catholic ChurchSelf
Jason GochSelfSelf
Jason ReitzelSelfSelf
Jayne BoyleSelfSelf
Jean SchneiderSelfSelf
Jeanna DesideriCorbella ClinicSelf
Jeanne B WackerSelfSelf
Jeanne Berezaselfself
Jeff ClevelandCleveland trustUnborn
Jeff KyptaSelfIllinois Family Institute
Jeffrey AnemaSelfSelf
Jeffrey MinarcikSelfSelf
Jennifer Allenselfself
Jennifer CiaccioSelfSelf
Jennifer DiehlIndividualSelf
Jennifer LewisNAself
Jennifer Mucciantitaxpayerpro life advocates
Jennifer PatelMotherSelf
Jerald MaySelfSelf
Jessica CampbellMyselfMyself
Jessica Paynenoneself
Jessica WolfFamilyFamily
Jim FairJim FairPersonal
Jim PromboSS. Peter and Paul Catholic ChurchJim Prombo
Jin SimIndividualSelf
Joan C Sendziak Swigonselfself
Joan CieslicaSelfSelf
Joan O'HaraSelfSELF
Joan RussellSpoon River Pregnancy CenterNA
Joan Schommerselfself
Joan Taylorselfself
JoAnn JacksonSelf.Self
Joanne Coutureselfself
Joanne GastonTaxpayerSelf
Joanne TalbotMy Family and FriendsAll pro-Life persons
Joe Kaiserselfself
Joe Mucciantitaxpayerpro life advocates
Joe SchulenbergSelfSelf
Joe Sekuranonenone
Joe Simeononeself
John FryselfSelf
John HubenySelfSelf
John N PeetersSaint Patrick Church - KankakeeSaint Patrick Church - Kankakee
John Patrick RyanRETIREDNone
John ScheidemantelScheidemantel Family FoundationIllinois Right to Life
John SeveranceSelfSelf
Jon BoehneTrinity Lutheran ChurchTrinity Lutheran Church
Joseph D Eskernoneself
Joseph E GoolsbyOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Joseph M SandersSelfSelf
Joseph MorganSelfSelf
Josephine McMahonSelfSelf
Joyce PittsNARight to Life
Judith CastriconeSelfSelf
Judith P HarrisSelfSelf
Julie UtingIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois right to life action
Julie DavisSelfSelf
Julie Garofaloselfself
Julie Knoxselfself
Julie Turcichself emplyedself
Justin WeberTaxpayerSelf
Kara Beth Vancecitizenself
Kara SwordSelfSelf
Karen Blee NickelsSelfSelf
Karen Borowselfself
Karen L Bourbonselfself
Karen RednourSelfSelf
Kari RappHomeworksSelf
Karin MulderNAMyself
Karlene CampbellNaSelf
Katherine A FunkSelfSelf
Kathleen GlennonSelfSelf
Kathleen JabbarNoneSelf
Kathleen kellerSt. michaelsMyself
Kathleen Kenney-SmithSelfSelf
Kathleen QuinnSIUMEDKathleen Quinn
Kathleen SeggermanNoneNone
Kathleen ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Kathryn A McVeighSelfSelf
Kathy RutkowskiSelfSelf
Kelley GillenwaterGillenwater FamilyGillenwater Family
Kelly FitzgeraldFitzgerald Companycrisis pregnancy centers and Illinois Right to Life
Kelly PrimoSelfSelf
Kelly Pudelekselfself
Kelly RileySelfSelf
Kenneth KosekSelfSelf
Kenneth LandinghamNASelf
Kenneth VoelkerSelfself
Kevin Savageselfself
Kim CurryRetiredKim Curry
Kim Pinkermanselfself
Kimberly AndersenSelfSelf
Kimberly MeinhartNoneSelf
Kimberly SparlingSelfSelf
Kimberly TravisSelfSelf
Kirk ReinhartSelfSelf
Kirstin EmmerichNoneNone
Kristen ProbstSelfself
Kristen ToddSelfSelf
Kristi Lynn HofferberSelfSelf
Kristine Thallemernoneself
Larry HovdeNoneSelf
Laura HughesEPICEPIC
Laura Millerretired school nurseself
Laura WojcikSelfSelf
Lauren AndersonSelfSelf
Laurie AstrowskiSelfSelf
Lawrence HauSelfSelf
Leah DoddPregnancy Resourcespro-life groups
Lee Lansfordselfself
Leonard AstrowskiImmanuel Lutheran Church, Rock Island, IL - LCMSRev. Leonard Astrowski
Libby MakrisWaterleaf Women's CenterSelf
Lillian wardenNANA
Linda CrockettSelfSelf
Linda HiggsIndividualIndividual
Linda JohnsonSelfSelf
Linda Kay BlakeFamily Life CenterLinda kay Blake, Family Life Center
Linda LeBreuxselfself
Linda schlipmannIndividualIndividual
Linda Spindlerselfself
Linda SullivanSELFSELF
Linda WolfeSelfIllinois Family Institute
Lisa A RossOptions Now dba ThriVe Metro EastOptions Now dba ThriVe Metro East
Lisa LaurenSelfSelf
Lori ItanononeSelf
Lori SaundersselfSelf
Lori Woodcockselfself
Louis BanetSelfSelf
Luann LytellSelfSelf
Lucy MarionSelfSelf
Lurene Filipskiselfself
Lynn A Cookselfself
Lynn EsserSelfSelf
Lynne C BugleNoneSelf
Madeleine Millerselfself
Magali MontoyaSelfSelf
Magdalen PayneselfSelf
Malek Rihaninoneself
Mandy BaylesnaIllinois Right to Life
Marcia SommerfeldSelfSelf
Margaret BassoSelfSelf
Margee Simeononeself
Maria Simeononeself
Marian KritzlerNot ApplicableSelf
Marian E PurtscherCentral Illinois Right to Lifeself
Mark BroderiusNorthern Illinois UniversitySelf
Mark Edward JablonskiSelf - US and IL citizenSelf - US and IL citizen
Mark FrustiFaith Lutheran Church NID LCMSFaith Lutheran congregation
Mark LytellSelfSelf
Mark O SternSelfSelf
Mark ReckowskyCalvary Chapel RadioSelf
Mark SpiottaSelfSelf
Mark SurburgGood Shepherd Lutheran ChurchSelf
Martha ClevelandSelfSelf
Martin E Ketterernonenone
Mary CallahanRetiredSelf
Mary Alice CarlsonSelfSelf
Mary Ann Cronauerselfself
Mary Ann HolotaSelfSelf
Mary Beth ReiterNoneCitizen
Mary CichonSelfSelf
Mary ClarkSelfSelf
Mary CullitanSelfSelf
Mary DoetschSelfSelf
Mary E JennettSelfSelf
Mary Georgene JonesSacred Heart Catholic Church12 persons
Mary HallSelfSelf
Mary HoersterselfSelf
Mary HovisSelfSelf
Mary J SheetsSpringfield Right to LifeSpringfield Right to Life
Mary Kate ZanderIllinois Right to Lifena
Mary ScottNot applicableSelf
Mary T Olson40 Days for LifeMary T Olson
Mary WeberTaxpayerSelf
MaryAnn McGertySelfSelf
Matthew KaneSelfSelf
Matthew MazzaSelfSelf
Maureen BarnesSelfSelf
Maureen HarneyAbbVieNot Applicable
Maureen McHughselfself
Mavis C HoldenNANA
Maximilian ReitzelSelfSelf
megan barberIllinois Right to LifeIllinois Right to Life
Meghan GargasSelfSelf
Melissa LamekaLeague of Women VotersLeague of Women Voters
Melissa MorrisonSelfSelf
Merlyn RauhSelfSelf
Micah Albersselfmyself
Michael SmithSelfSelf
Michael AndersonSelfSelf
Michael BarrySelfSelf
Michael BryscanSelfself
Michael CarrollThe Carroll Law Center, LimitedSelf
Michael Edward BreierBreier Consulting Ltd.Breier Consulting Ltd.
Michael Flynncitizenself
Michael IwanskiIllinois Right to LifeIllinois Right to Life
Michael J BoyceNoneNone
Michael KernerselfSelf
Michael McGrathRetiredSelf
Michael NahmSelfSelf
Michael ShannonNoNo
Michaela Millerselfself
Michelle Lapeyreself-employedself
Michelle SullivanSelfSelf
Michie DeBerryMichie DeBerryMichie DeBerry
Mike GoreySelfself
Mike Millerselfself
Mildred Banwartselfself
Molly RumleyPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Molly Kathleen Julianselfself
Molly MarionSelfSelf
Molly RumleyIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Morgan ZemanNoneMorgan Zeman
Nancy Ann EdenSelfSelf
Nancy Beckmanselfself
Nancy Countrymanselfself
Nancy FlynnMyselfMyself
Nancy KochNANot applicabl
nancy perritanoSelfSelf
Nancy Petersselfself
Nancy Sulllivan StrenkSelfself
nancy weslingnonenone
Naomi ReckowskyDoes not applyMyself
Natalia AcostaCitizenSelf concerned citizen
Nathan MitreHouse of MitreNathan Mitre, Cherilyn Mitre
Nathan SevertIllinois Right to LifeIllinois Right to Life
Nathaniel J Tarulloselfself
Nicholas G DiGiovannion behalf of selfon behalf of self
Nicholas LaBancaSelfPregnancy Centers
Nick ItanoNoneSelf
Nick Mucciantiselfpro life advocates
Nicole TibbettsPrivate IndividualNot applicable
Nicole KislerKnox County Right to LifeNone
Nikki ZiomekSelfSelf
Nola Krisikselfself
Orla DePerezNANA
Pastor Art EllingsenTalk 2 a PastorTalk 2 a Pastor
Pat DustPat & Maria Dust FamilySelf
Patrice Bassoselfself
Patrice RonczkowskiCitizenCitizen
Patricia A Ricehomeself
Patricia BarbierSelfSELF
Patricia CarrollMyselfMyself
Patricia GrossSelfPatricia Gross
Patricia Hoffmeiernoneself
Patricia KovacsSt, Michael Pro-Life MinistrySt. Michael Pro-LIfe Ministry
Patricia Lenahanselfself
Patricia Sue HatterRetiredCitizen
Patricia VoissemSelfSelf
Patrick McNallySelfSelf
Patrick SeveranceSelfSelf
Patrick T Brady- None -Illinois Right to Life
Paul RubioSelfSelf
Paula fryselfSelf
Paula LambrechtSelfSelf
Penelope R GiojaSelfSelf
Penney KerstenNASelf
Peter MakrisSelfself
Peter VanderheydenRepresenting selfself
Phil KelllySelfSelf
Philip MeyersNoneNone
Rachel Burchselfself
Rachel C StellaSelfSelf, All crisis pregnancy centers and those who benefit from them
Rachel Kramerselfself
Rachel PhelanSelfOther
Ralph M LeavittselfSelf
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Raymond LordenNASelf
Rebecca DarlingNoneSelf
Rebecca HarpsterSelfFamily
Regan DeeringSelfSelf
Rev Bob Vanden BoschConcerned Christian AmericansConcerned Christian Americans
Rhonda Dehnselfself
Richard MantoanSelfSelf
Richard MartinezNehemiah Family Fellowship ChurchNehemiah Family Fellowship Church & Nehemiah Leaders
Richard PetraitisSelfSelf
Richard VigsnesSELFSelf
Rita GrabowskiSelfSelf
Rita SweeneyPro life groupPro life groups across the State of Illinois
Rita WakefieldSelfSelf
Robert Alan Bestselfself
Robert C BugleNoneSelf
Robert E TarulloSelfself
Robert ErxlebenSelfSelf
Robert GilliganCatholic Conference of IllinoisCatholic Conference of Illinois
Robert GoettingSelfSelf
Robert GonnellaSelfSelf
Robert J SwigonSelfself
Robert M WardNoneSelf
Robert Vincent Gubbelsmyselfmyself
Robert W BuererSelfSelf
Robert W Swigonselfself
Robert WolfeSelfIllinois Family Institute
Roberta Wilson-DreifkeSelfSelf
Robin KeelSelfSelf
Robin McGranahanSelfSelf
Robin StefanikSelf employedself
Rocco BusatoHomeMyself
ronald marshallIllinois Right to Lifeself
Roniva D Brown IIISelfSelf
Rose KriebSelfSelf
Rose SontagNoneSelf
Rosemary OCONNORSelfSelf
Ross Johnsoncitizencitizen
Roy PletschNoneSelf
Russell LundsgaardSelfSelf
Ruth Ann KostrevaSELFSELF
Ruth Ann SummersStrong Tower ChurchStrong Tower Church
Sam Entileselfself
Sandra L KascewiczSelfSelf
Sandra MaySelfSelf
Sandra WaldenNoneNone
Sandra WollinWollin FarmsRight to Life
Sarah GieserSelfSelf
Sarah LindquistSelfSelf
Sarah StrzempekSelfSelf
Sarah SwansonOn behalf of selfSelf
Sarah SwansonOn behalf of selfSelf
Sarah SwansonOn behalf of selfSelf
Scott Kumerselfself
Scott MorrisonSelfSelf
Sean HancockSelfSelf
Shanna Facenselfself
Sharon B LeavittselfSelf
Sharon CloughSelfSelf
Sharon LievensSelfSelf
Shea MahoneySelfSelf
Sherrie V SaratoreSaratore Resource Groupself
Sherrie V SaratoreSaratore Resource Groupself
Shirley GlaserSJA Pro-Life MinistrySt. Joan of Arc Pro-Life Ministry
Silmara Nantesn.aself
Staci BumgarnerOn behalf of selfSelf
Stephanie StupperichThrive Metro EastSelf
Stephen Jordanselfself
Steve HarrisNot applicableIndividual
Steven GarbeSelfSelf
Steven P DeSitterSelfSelf
Steven PetersonElim Covenant ChurchElim Covenant Church & Pregnancy Resource Center
Sue Prattselfself
Susan CraneSelfSelf
Susan LiskaSelf EmployedSelf
Susan P Jordanon behalf of selfon behalf of self
Susan PhillipSelfSelf
Susan SchulenbergSelfSelf
Susana padillaRescue Our Children OrganizationSusana Padilla
Suzanne H PavlusSelfSelf
Suzanne P RohrIndividualself
Suzanne PletschNoneSelf
Suzanne RickmanSelfSelf
Suzanne ShirleySelfSelf
Suzanne VaccaroSelfSelf
Tamara BurriellSelfSelf
Taylor CashSelfSelf
Terence MoellerNot ApplicableSelf
Teresa MilichSelfSelf
Terese Biondoselfself
Terrence MaloneyTerrence MaloneyTerrence Maloney
Terry SullivanPrivate citizenPrivate citizen
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Tex ShockeySelfSelf
Theresa Bullselfself
Theresa MaternaNaNa
Theresa MockevichSelfSelf
Therese A DeSitterSelfSelf
Therese KanabrockiMyselfMyself
Thomas FleresNONENONE
Thomas Heidenfelderselfself
Thomas KannallPrivate CitizenCatholics
Thomas LivorsiSelfSelf
Thomas MillerIllinois Right to LifeIllinois Right to Life
Thomas SchulzRetiredRight to Life
Tiffany McClanathanSelfSelf
Tim DonahueSelfSelf
Tim Prattselfself
Timothy SmithNot applicableTimothy M. SMITH
Toby ItanoNoneSelf
Tom Morrisonselfself
Tracy BedfordSelfSelf
Tracy SmodillaSelfSelf
Valerie KemmeNASelf
Vanessa N SchweihsSelfFamily
Venessa LopatkaNoneSelf
Veronica EdwardsSelfOn Behalf of Self
Veronica M ErxlebenSelfSelf
Vicky MartinSelfSelf
victoria anzaloneSelfself
Victoria SchneiderSelfSelf
Viktor von AlmenSelfSelf
Vincent HeatonPersonalNone
Vincent TessitoreLindell & Tessitore P.C.Self
Walt Noonanselfself
Walter P DrakisIllinois Right to LifeIllinois Right to Life
Warren Dormanselfself
Wendy Harryman AyersNoneNone
William AdamsSelfSelf
William Beckmanselfself
William E SchorrSelfSELF
William HarderLiving Christ Lutheran ChurchLiving Christ Lutheran Church
William HinckleySelfSelf
William MuellerSelfSelf
William SolomonSolomon FamilySelf
William Zanderselfself
Yesenia GarciaDivine SalonSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 4/3/2024 8:30 AM
Brad SloanDahlgren Baptist ChurchDahlgren Baptist Church
John HastenNAMyself
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/21/2024 8:30 AM
Belinda HensonLegacy Classical Christian Academy
Brandon MooreSelf
Courtney CaldwellTrinity Academy
Danny Lee Brushgrandparent
Don HoodOlney Southern Baptist Church
Jason M ChattertonTrinity Academy in Industry, ILTrinity Academy in Industry, IL
Joe LawsonRehoboth baptist associationReligious organizations
Katharine KoteckiNaperville Christian Academy
Molly RumleyPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Molly RumleyIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Nick De JongNaperville Christian AcademyNaperville Christian Academy
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Susannah Goochnoneself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/13/2024 8:30 AM
Bob GilliganCatholic Conference of IllinoisCatholic Conference of Illinois
Daniel MillerSelfSelf
Molly RumleyPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance
Molly RumleyIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraIllinois Right to Life ActionIllinois Right to Life Action
Ralph RiveraPro-Family AlliancePro-Family Alliance