Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 4/3/2024 8:00 AM |
Addison Sharpe | none | self |
Aimee smith | Self | |
al Schroader | none | none |
Al Theis | tax payer | self |
Alan Dorfmeyer | Self | |
Alice Ruscitti | taxpayer | |
Allison Nicole Jabaay | taxpayer | |
alta fry | Self | |
Alvin Alexander | On behalf of self | Illinois Voter |
Alyssa Sonnenburg | None | self |
Amanda Kern | Self | Self |
Amelia Ladd | personal | |
Amy Hartke | Self | |
Amy Ritter | self | self |
Amy Scranton | Self | Self |
Andrew Horn | None | Self |
Andrew Von Gillern | Citizen | |
Andrew Von Gillern | Citizen | Self |
Angela Casper | Taxpayer | |
Angela M Harris | Self | self |
Angela Renfroe | Na | |
Anita Bush | Taxpayer | |
Anita Kuhn | Self | Self |
Ann Marie Salemi | Taxpayer | |
Ann Ritter | none | self |
Anna Muccianti | self | self |
Annalisa McMaster | Taxpayer | |
Anne Uhrina | self | self |
Annette Overman | Taxpayer | |
Anthony Madormo | None | |
Anthony Muccianti | self | self |
Ashley VanDriel | taxpayer | |
Barbara Fischer | Self | Self |
Barbara Stein | Taxpayer | |
Barbara Wilson | none | |
Barry Williamson | Taxpayer | self |
Belinda Guyton | On behalf of self | Self |
Bernard DeYoung | Taxpayer | |
Beth DeYoung | Taxpayer | |
Bethany Jarvis | Self | |
Betty Nelson | Taxpayer | |
Beverley Dawn Houseworth | none | |
Beverly Garland | NA | Self |
Beverly Garland | NA | Self |
Beverly Lewis | same | same |
Bill Beckman | Illinois Family Life Coalition | Illinois Family Life Coalition |
Bill Kramer | Self | Self |
Bill Lehman | Taxpayer | |
bonnie baker | self | self |
Bradley G Cole | NA | Same |
Brian Josephs | self | self |
Brian Pettlon | On behalf of self | Self |
Brian Pohlman | Taxpayer | Self |
Brian R Backstrom | Self | |
Brittany Vander Veer | Taxpayer | |
Bryan Anderson | Self | Self |
Burdette Rosendale | Self | Self |
Carol Howard | Self | |
Carol M Schaap | Taxpayer | |
Carol Robben | Taxpayer | |
Carol Skasick | Myself | Myself |
Carol VanDerWoude | Home | Family |
Carol Wagner | Tax payer | |
Carole Lanier | citizen | |
Carole Revers | taxpayer | |
Carolyn Wagner | Self | |
Carrie Savino | taxpayer | |
Catherine Hansen | Self | Self |
Catherine Hansen | Self | Self |
Catherine Stack | taxpayer | self |
CATHY F TOWNSEND | self | Self |
Cathy Jenkins | Vermilioncounty | |
Chad Clendening | self | self, family |
Chanli Liu | Tax Payer | |
charles backhaus | self | self |
Charles Town | Town Studios Inc | Resident |
Charlotte Bendorf | self | |
Charlotte Drozdowski | self | self |
Cheryl Ann Haugen | self | |
Cheryl Fornelli | Self | |
Cheryl Gilmartin | Self | |
Cheryl Gilmartin PharmD | Self | |
Chonya Davis | Taxpayer | |
Christina Mesker | taxpayer | |
Christine Henthorn | Taxpayer | |
Christine Martha | Self | Family |
Christopher G Dahm | Dahm Resources, Inc. | Dahm Resources, Inc. |
Christopher Raymond | self | self |
Claire Sullivan | Taxpayer | |
Colleen D Skarin | taxpayer | |
Colleen Sylvester | Self | Self |
Connie Davis | Self | |
Corrie Broberg | self | self |
Craig Billington | Self | |
Craig Odegaard | NA | |
Cyndi Holich | Illinois Voter | Illinois Voter |
Cynthia Faford-Westphal | Taxpayer | |
Dale Dragert | taxpayer | self |
Dale Tippett | Self | Self |
Dana Wagner | Personal | Self |
Daniel Sedols | EWT3DCNC | |
Daniel Whiteside | self | self |
Darren Wiseman | Private Citizen | |
David Allen Mikitka | Taxpayer | |
David Curtin | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
DAVID E NORBECK Jr | self | |
Dawn Renee Hill | self | self |
Deb Mulder | tax payer | |
Debby Mason | taxpayer | |
deborah brown | self | |
Deborah Coonley | Taxpayer | Self |
Deborah Leininger | self | |
Denise cross | Self | |
Dennis Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Derrick Franklin | Antioch Christian Assembly | |
Diana Richards | Taxpayer | |
Diane Gray | NA | |
Diane Neumann | taxpayer | |
Diane Squiers | taxpayer | |
Diane Strieter | Self | |
Dianne Mitropulos | taxpayer | |
Don Blair | Self | Self |
Donald Vander Zee | Tax payer | |
Donna K Bishop | self | Self |
Douglas Ankele | Taxpayer | |
Douglas C Carr | self | |
Dwayne Wilson | Self | |
Edith Bieker | self | |
edward karecki | self | self |
Edward Kight | taxpayer | self |
Eileen Blahnik | Eileen Blahnik | Self |
Eileen Garvin | self | self |
Elaine De Young | Taxpayer | |
Elizabeth Bron | Prairie Team Productions | |
Elizabeth Bron | Prairie Team Productions | |
Elizabeth Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Elizabeth Killion | Taxpayer | na |
Elizabeth Lang | taxpayer | self |
Elizabeth Thompson | Self | Self |
Ellen Hedrick | none | self |
ellen smith | na | |
ellen smith | na | |
Emma Wenger | NA | taxpayer |
Eric Gaston | Taxpayer | Self |
Erica Donoho | self | self |
Freddy M Robinson | Taxpayer | |
Gary A Brines | Self | |
Gary Fogleman | taxpayer | taxpayer |
Gayle Holste | self | self |
Geniece Brandt | Taxpayer | Voter |
Gentry Dayla | Na | |
Glen Hankins | Taxpayer | |
Glen Meisner | Self | Self |
Glenda Raby | Taxpayer | |
Glenn M Becker | taxpayer | |
Gloria Collins | Taxpayer | |
Gloria Collins | Taxpayer | |
Gloria Turner | Taxpayer | Myself |
Grant Richter | Illinois Citizen | Self |
H D Mattingly | Self | Concerned citizen |
Hai-Lin Li | Please Select | |
Heather Hankins | Taxpayer | |
Heather Longbons | Taxpayer | |
Heather McCord | Self | Self |
helen kinser | self | self |
Helen Sluis | Taxpayer | |
Hollie Shoup | IL citizen | self |
Hugh W Shown | taxpayer | |
Ilene Briner | none | |
Jack Harper | SELF | SELF |
Jacqueline K Vander Zee | Not Applicable | |
James Barth | self | |
James I Judith McGann | Citizen | |
James Scudder | Quentin Road Christian School | |
James Thompson | self | SELF |
James Trosky | self | |
Janice Clark | taxpayer | |
Janine Rocke | Self | |
Jason Hinkle | Taxpayer | |
Jason Wenger | NA | taxpayer |
Jay Sales | Myself | |
Jayne Hellrung | Taxpayer | |
Jeanette Heesaker | self | |
Jeff Kypta | Self | Illinois Family Institute |
Jeff Miller | NA | |
Jeffrey Mack | Self | |
Jerry Bieker | self | |
Jerry Brown | Taxpayer | |
Jessica Wenger | NA | taxpayer |
Jim Lazaro | None | Self |
Jim McNeil | None | None |
Joanne Gaston | Taxpayer | |
Joanne McCoy | taxpayer | |
Joe Reinhard | Taxpayer | IL taxpayer citizen |
John Joseph Bieker | Tax Payer | |
John Zirbes | Self | |
Jonathan Sebastian | taxpayer | |
Jorge Gomez | Self | |
Joseph P Skaff | Self | Self |
Joyce McNamara Coughlin | citizen | |
Judith Berg | self | self |
Judith Maggos | Taxpayer | |
Judy Repking | self | self |
Julia D Katsion | Taxpayer | |
Julie Ann Embalabala | Taxpayer | |
Julie K Barth | self | |
Justus Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Karen | taxpayer | |
Karen Blee Nickels | Self | Self |
Karen Rust | self | |
Karen Stinson | taxpayer | |
Karie Nordin | Tax Payer | |
Katherine Erickson | Self | Self |
Katherine Murschel | Household | Self |
Kathleen Anderson | self | self |
Kathleen Down | Taxpayer | |
Kathleen Driscoll | Taxpayer | |
kathleen Kaufman | self | self |
Kathleen Valente | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Kathy Kramer | Self | Self |
Kathy Nelson | Henry County Board Member | |
Kathy Sales | Self | |
Kathy Wolsing | Self | Self |
Katie Davis | Illinois citizen | self |
Keith Dixon | Taxpayer | |
Keith Eng | none | self |
Keith Eng | none | self |
Kelli Jackson | 62518 | |
Kem Wilson | Taxpayer | My family |
Kendra Renfroe | Na | |
Kenneth B Cooley Jr | Myself | Myself |
Kenneth James Cooley | Self | Self |
Kenneth Story | None | |
Kevin Leman | personal | personal |
Kim R Mersman | Self | Self |
Kimberly Rapp | Taxpayer | |
Kristin Salzman | Taxpayer | |
L R Bechtoldt | NA | Self |
Lana Kee | Citizen | |
Lara J Solonickne | my family | |
Latasha Fields | taxpayer | |
Laura a A Williams | self | |
Laura Hois | None | |
Laura Lee Hanson | Self | |
Laura Miller | Retired School Nurse | |
Laura S Giese | Self | |
Laurie Whitaker | self | |
Laurinda Meisner | Self | Self |
Lawrence Servin | Taxpayer | |
Leah Koch | Self | Self |
LiAna Modder | Tax paying Citizen | The Modder Family |
Linda Parsons | Taxpayer | Self |
Linda Brines | Self | |
Linda Calzada | self | self |
Linda Curtis | NA | |
Linda H Carroll | None | self |
Linda Heifner | Tax Payer | self |
LINDA Johnson | Taxpayer | |
Linda Marie Yoder | none | |
Linda Marie Yoder | none | |
Linda Oleson | Taxpayer | Self |
LINDA REINING | taxpayer | |
Linda Samuta | Illinois Citizen | |
Linda Wolfe | Self | My Family |
Linda Wolfe | Self | My Family |
Lisa Stankus | self | |
Lisa Thompson | Self | |
Lisa Wells | Self | Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells |
Lorelei Marvel | taxpayer | |
Lori Etzel | Taxpayer | |
Luann Lytell | Self | Self |
Lynn A Cook | self | self |
Lynn Bos | Self | Self |
Lynn Ferguson | taxpayer | none |
Lynn Wellman | HOUSEHOLD | |
Manuel Calzada | self | |
marcia bonnema | tax payer | |
Marcia E Sailsbury | none | none |
Maria Slattery | Self | Self |
Marietta Lowery | Taxpayer | Self |
Marina Stein | Taxpayer | |
Marina Stockton | Taxpaying | |
Mark | St Marys Catholic Church | St Mary's Pittsfield Illinois |
Mark Lytell | Self | |
Marla Ainscough | voter | |
Mary Ann Block | Self | Self |
Mary Beth Nagle | self | |
Mary C Nedza | Taxpayer | |
Mary F Lester | taxpayer | |
Mary Lambert | Taxpayer | |
Mary M Lewis | self | Self |
Mary P Robin | Taxpayer | |
Mary Wolski | Taxpayer | |
Matthew Kern | Self | Self |
Matthew Simon | taxpayer | |
Megan Cloherty | NA | Self |
Melissa Williamson | Citizen | Self |
MICHAEL ADEN | Self | Self |
Michael Carroll | self | Self |
Michael Leininger | Self | |
Michael Pszczolkowski | self | self |
Michael Ross | Tax Payer | Self |
Michael Schlautman | Taxpayer | |
Michael Walsh | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Michelle Han | Self | Self |
Michelle Mathia | Taxpayer | Self |
Michelle Parish | Taxpayer | |
Mickey Franson | Taxpayer | |
Mickey Franson | Tsxpayer | |
Mike and Pat Hardison | Taxpayer | |
Mike Steffen | RICO GOP | |
Misty Blomquist | Voter | |
Mitzi Bradley | None | |
Molly Rumley | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Molly Julian | Taxpayer | |
Monte Larrick | Self | |
Mrs Judith Idorwatt | none | self |
Mycah Amstutz | self | |
Nancy Beckman | self | self |
Nancy Cole | None | |
Nancy Kelsey | Taxpayer | Self |
nancy perritano | Self | |
Nancy Sullivan | none | |
Nancy Tessmann | na | self |
Naomi Bennett | Taxpayer | |
Naomi Bennett | Taxpayer | |
Naomi Bennett | Taxpayer | |
Neal Zirbes | Self | |
Nick Muccianti | self | self |
Nikeya Young | no title | |
Noel C Samuta | taxpayer | |
Norma White | Self | Self |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | taxpayer | self |
Pamela R Cooley | Taxpayer | Self |
Pamela Rose | Taxpayer | Citizens |
Pastor Art Ellingsen | Talk 2 a Pastor a Biblical Counseling Ministry | Talk 2 a Pastor a Biblical Counseling Ministry |
Patrice Ronczkowski | Citizen | |
Patricia Josephs | none | self |
Patricia Neumann | Self | Self |
Patricia Power-LeSage | SELF | |
Patricia Stoa | Taxpaper | |
Patti Power-LeSage | Self | |
Patti Sharpe | none | self |
pattie tackett | na | |
pattie tackett | na | |
Patty Bertrand | Self | Self |
Patty Miller | Self | Self |
Patty Miller | Self | Self |
Paul Hofmann | Personal | Self |
Paul Kenna | Illinois Intiative | Citizen |
Penny Hinrichs | tax payer | |
Peter Bria | Taxpayer | None |
Peter Matrenec | Registered Voter | Self |
Phil Block | Citizen | Self |
Philip Lambert | Taxpayer | |
Phyllis McClellan | Taxpayer | |
Preston Lewis | Self | |
Quincy Vanderhoof | taxpayer | |
Rachel Banning | Self | |
Rachel Birky | self | None |
Ralph Rivera | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Randy Berger | self | self |
Raymond Wagner | Tax payer | |
Rebecca Cheek | self | |
Rebecca Darling | None | Self |
Rebecca Terhark | Taxpayer | |
Regan Deering | Self | Self |
Regina Post | Self | |
Renee Adams | Adams Family Eye Care, PC | |
Rhiannon Brown Midkiff | - None - | Myself |
Rhonda Wingerter | none | |
Richard Alan Sonneson | Taxpayer | |
Richard and Melinda Boice | selves | Selves |
Richard Browne | Tax Payer | |
Richard Burkhart | Self | Self |
Richard J Marcantonio | On behalf of self. | On behalf of self. |
Richard Leininger | Citizen | |
Richard Vogler | Retired | Self |
Rick Laib | Self | Self |
Rob Renfroe | Na | |
Robert H McCann Barbara A McCann | self | |
Robert Strieter | Self | |
Robert Wolfe | Self | Families |
Roberta Jane Evensen | Taxpayer | |
Rodney McMahon | Self | Self |
Roger German | none | Macon County Parents Demanding their Parental Rights |
RogerBirky | Taxpayer | |
Ronald Rock | CITIZEN | Self |
Rose block | None | Self |
Roxann Moss | taxpayer | |
Roxanne Dragert | taxpayer | self |
Ruby J Geiler | taxpayer | |
Rudolf Hebling | Taxpayer | citizen |
Russell Bennett | Taxpayer | |
Russell Bennett | Taxpayer | |
Russell Bennett | Taxpayer | |
Russell Bonnell | Tax Payer | |
Russell Christ | Taxpayer | Self |
Samantha Stutz | citizen | citizen |
Sandi Koch | none | self |
Sandra Fritzenmeier | Taxpayer | |
Sandra R Moore | Self | |
Sandra R Moore | Self | |
Sandra Shoemaker | Taxpayer | |
Sarah Turner | Self | Self |
Scott Hendrie | Taxpayer | |
Sharon Larson | self | |
Sharon Thomas | Taxpayer | Self |
Shelley s Anderson | private citizen | |
Sherry Parker | None | |
Sheryl Palmateer | taxpayer | |
Sheryl Palmateer | taxpayer | |
Shirley Gerace | Taxpayer | |
Skot Lien | self | self |
Stephanie | Citizen | |
Stephanie Blazen | self | |
Stephanie Johnson | Self | |
Steve kitchens | self | |
Steve Scherrer | NA | Self |
Steven Bergquist | SELF | SELF |
Steven Borello | Tax payer | |
Streenz Tony | Taxpayer | |
Sue Lecas | taxpayer | |
Susan A Evans | taxpayer | |
Susan Fischer | taxpayer | |
Susan Freise | voter & citizen | self |
Susan Manuel | Self | None |
Susan Mills | Taxpayer | |
Susan Reichart | Taxpayer | |
Susan Schulenberg | self | self |
Susan Whitson | Taxpayer | |
Suzanne Ritter | taxpayer | |
Tamara Efsen | Self | Self |
Tammy Kosarek | Taxpayer | |
Tanya Ross | Tax Payer | Citizen |
Terrence O'Rourke | Tax Payer | |
Terry Coonley | Taxpayer | Self |
Terry Spuler | na | |
Tex Darling | None | Self |
Theresa Hardesty | Self | Self |
Thiffany Lozano | Taxpayer | Self |
Thomas R Hampson | None | Self |
Tiara Bertrand | Self | |
Tim Miller | Self | Self |
Tim Miller | Self | Self |
Tim Stein | Taxpayer | |
Timothy P Friedrich | none | self |
Tina Lehman | Taxpayer | |
Tom Davis | Individual | Individual |
Tom Siegler | Bartelso School District 57 | |
Tony Savino | taxpayer | |
Tricia Maxey | Does not apply | |
Valerie Kemme | NA | Self |
VICKI McMAHON | Self | Self |
Vickie Vines | Self | |
Viktoriia Naughton | Self | Family. |
Virginia Brashinger | Taxpayer | |
Voter | None | |
Walter Cercavschi | Taxpayer | |
Wayne Lela | Taxpayer | |
Wendy Lynn Simmons | taxpayer | |
Wendy Owano | Self | Self |
William Beckman | self | self |
William De Young | Taxpayer | |
William Robin | Self | |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 3/21/2024 8:30 AM |
Addison Sharpe | none | self |
al schroader | none | me |
Alan Dorfmeyer | self | |
Alvin Alexander | On behalf of self | Illinois Voter |
Alyssa Sonnenburg | None | self |
Angela Esker | taxpayer | |
Anita Bush | Tax payer | |
Anita Hintz | Self | |
Ann Ritter | none | self |
Anna Butzin | self | self |
Barb Kepner | citizen | self |
Barbara Fischer | Self | Self |
Barbara Stein | Taxpayer | |
Belinda Guyton | On behalf of self | Self |
Benjamin Sonnenburg | None | self |
Beth Carol Ruegg | Northside GOP | Illinois Family Institute |
Beth Novak | self | self |
Betty Nelson | Taxpayer | |
Beverley Dawn Houseworth | none | self |
Beverly Bryant | Self | Self |
Beverly Garland | Taxpayer | Self |
Bill Lehman | Taxpayer | |
Billie Bingenheimer | NA | SELF |
bonnie baker | self | self |
Bradley G Cole | NA | Same |
Bradley Recker | Self | |
Brett Wiegers | citizen | |
Brian Josephs | self | self |
Brian Pettlon | On behalf of self | Self |
Brooklyn Mays | Taxpayer | Self |
Bruce Guss | Person | Person |
Bryan LaForge | Self | |
Burdette Rosendale | Self | Self |
Byron R Sever | self | self |
Byron R Sever | self | self |
Cari Klinkenborg | na | na |
Carl E Knable | self | |
Carl M Knable | self | |
Carol Howard | Self | Self |
CAROL RIBAR | NA | self |
Carol Robben | Taxpayer | Self |
Carol Schaap | Taxpayer | |
Carol Skasick | Citizen | Myself |
Carol Voss | Gardening Angels | |
Carol Wagner | Self | |
Carole Revers | Taxpayer | self |
Catherine Hansen | Self | Self |
Charles Hartman | Self | |
Charles Smith | Self | Self |
Charmaine Fair | self | self |
Charmaine Willand | Taxpayer | Self |
Cherie R Ingold | Taxpayer | |
Cheryl Fornelli | Self | |
Cheryl Hartman | Self | |
Cheryl Mathews | self | self |
Chonya Davis | Taxpayer | Self |
Christine Martha | Self | Family |
Christine Muratori | Self | SELF |
Christopher Raymond | self | self |
Cindy Heslinga | Self | Self |
Cindy Parr | Taxpayer | Self |
Cindy Recker | None | |
Claudia Loethen | self | |
Colleen Sylvester | Taxpayer | Self |
Constance Malinowski | self | self |
Craig Bakalich | self | self |
Cyndi Holich | Illinois Voter | Illinois Voter |
Cynthia Dunn | voter | |
Dale Gaskins | none | |
Dale Gaskins | None | |
Dale Tippett | Self | Self |
Dan Risley | taxpayer | citizen |
Dana Wagner | Personal | Self |
Daniel Miller | Self | Self |
Daniel Mitchell | retired | Self |
Daniel Whiteside | self | self |
Darla Day | Tax payer | Tax payer |
Dave Heslinga | Myself | Myself |
David Guss | Person | Person |
David Weinberger | On Behalf of Self | Self |
David Zalar | Private Citizen | Myself |
Deborah Brown | self | |
Deborah Reed | Taxpayer | |
Delores Tanis | self | VOTER |
Dena R Shull | taxpayer | |
Dena Wiesner | Wiesner | self |
Dennis Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Dennis Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Dennis Menke | self | self |
Devin Corbett | Self | Self |
Diane Benjamin | None | None |
Diane Johnson | Taxpayer | --- |
Diane Strieter | Self | |
Dona G Bell | self | self |
Douglas C Carr | self | self |
Edward Kight | taxpayer | self |
Elizabeth Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Ellen Sims | Taxpayer | |
Elsie Morrissey | Illinois Right to Life | |
Eric Bridges | taxpayer | |
Eric Gaston | Taxpayer | Self |
Erin Lyons | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Frank Johnson | Taxpayer | --- |
FRANKLIN DAVIS JR | self | Self |
Gary Fogleman | taxpayer | |
Gary Rickman | Self | Self |
Gaye Ahlers | Self | Self |
Gayle Holste | self | self |
Geniece Brandt | Taxpayer | Voter |
George Jensen | Self | |
Glen Meisner | Self | Self |
Grant Richter | Illinois Citizen | Self |
Heather McCord | Self | Self |
Heidi Siebert | Taxpayer | Self |
Heidi Holan | Self | Self |
Helen Sluis | Taxpayer | |
Herb Backhaus | Self | Self |
Hollie Shoup | IL citizen | self |
Holly Mocko | Taxpayer | Self |
Holly Mocko | Taxpayer | Self |
Ilene Briner | none | none |
Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Jack Shelton | self | self |
James Laures | On behalf of Self | Self |
James M Odom | Taxpayer | Self |
James Muratori | Self | SELF |
James Ozee | Taxpayer | |
James Spieler | taxpayer | |
James Trosky | self | |
Jamieson Banman | self | self |
Jan Klaas | Taxpayer | |
Jan Shaw | self | |
jan sosinski | none | |
Janet Mohrman | Self | |
Janet Ulmer | self | |
Janet Van Ryswyk | NA | NA |
Janice Miller | None | Illinois Freedom Alliance |
Janice Miller | None | Illinois Freedom Alliance |
Janine Rocke | Self | |
Jean Schiszik | self | self |
Jeannette Nedza | tax payer | |
Jeff Miller | NA | NA |
Jeffrey Morin | Taxpayer | none |
Jennifer A Stout | taxpayer | none |
Jennifer Hughes | Self | Self |
Jennifer Hughes | Self | Self |
Jennifer Muccianti | taxpayer | self |
Jerry Hengehold | taxpayer | self |
Jessica Campbell | Citizen | Citizens |
Jessica Wenger | NA | taxpayer |
Jim Lazaro | None | Self |
Joan Woodyatt | Tax Payer | Taxpayer |
Joanne Savage | Self | Self |
Jody Oltman | self | self |
Jody Oltman | self | self |
Joe Reinhard | Taxpayer | IL tax payer |
John Aabram | Self | Self |
John Treacy | NA | |
Joseph A Rodrick | Self | Self |
Joseph Aabram | Self | Self |
Joseph D Esker | taxpayer | |
Joseph P Skaff | Self | Self |
Judith Berg | self | self |
justin nena | self | |
Justus Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Justus Detweiler | Self | Taxpayer |
Kandy Waldie | None | Self |
Karen Blee Nickels | Taxpayer | Self |
Karen Rednour | Self | Self |
Kathleen Aabram | Self | Self |
Kathleen Anderson | self | self |
kathleen domitrovits | self | self |
Kathleen Fanone | self | |
Kathleen Kaufman | self | self |
Kathryn Wolsing | Self | Self |
Kathy R Ressler | self | self |
Katie Knable | self | |
Keith Dixon | Taxpayer | |
Kenneth B Cooley Jr | Myself | Myself |
Kenneth Fischer | Self | Self |
Kevin Leman | personal | personal |
Kevin Rust | self | self |
Kevin Savage | self | self |
Kim Kolbert | self | |
Kim M Kimpler | Taxpayer | None |
Kim M Paputsa | self | |
Kimberly Rapp | Taxpayer | Self |
Kurt Bobsin | Self | |
Kyle Counter | Taxpayer | |
L R Bechtoldt | NA | Self |
Lana kee | Self | |
Laura Miller | retired | Self |
Laura S Giese | Self | Self |
Laurinda Meisner | Self | Self |
Lawrence Srvin | Taxpayer | |
Lee Ann Samford | self | |
Linda Calzada | self | self |
Linda Gritton | Taxpayer | |
Linda H Carroll | taxpayer | self |
Linda Heifner | Tax Payer | self |
Linda Hutcheson | self | self |
Linda L Cala | none | self |
Lisa Wells | Self | Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells |
Lissette Guzman | Self | Self |
Loraine Henthorn | Taxpayer | |
Lori White | Taxpayer | Self |
Lorrie K Crose | taxpayer | |
Luann Lytell | Self | Self |
Lynn A Cook | self | self |
Lynn Bos | Self | Self |
Lynn Ferguson | taxpayer | none |
Manuel Calzada | self | self |
Margaret L Furto | taxpayer | self |
Margarita Matlis | Self | Self |
Marian Cross | self | self |
Marietta Lowery | Taxpayer | Self |
Marietta Lowery | Taxpayer | Self |
Marina Stein | Taxpayer | |
Marjorie McCullough | Citizen | None |
Mark E Greg | self | self |
Mark Stella | Taxpayer | |
Mark Welch | St Marys Catholic Church | St Mary's Pittsfield Illinois |
Marla Ainscough | voter | |
Mary Ann Kerley | My self | None |
Mary C Nedza | Taxpayer | |
Mary Carol Powers | Self | Self |
Mary Driscoll | Na | Self |
Mary F Lester | taxpayer | |
Mary Gorski | self | self |
Mary Wolski | Taxpayer | Self |
Matthew Zurek | Taxpayer | |
Maureen Tarrant | Tax payer | |
Meegan McNulty | self | self |
Megan Brady | Self | |
Megan Cloherty | Taxpayer | NA |
Melissa Williamson | Citizen and Taxpayer | Self |
Melissa Williamson | Taxpaying Citizen | Self |
Michael Aabram | Self | Self |
Michael Carroll | self | Self |
Michael F Delaney | self | self |
Michael Fenelon | Taxpayer | Self |
Michael Gasso | Taxpayer | |
Michael O'Toole | Self | Self |
Michael P Jakubiec | self | na |
Michael P Jakubiec | self | na |
Michelle Lapeyre | self-employed | self |
Michelle Mathia | Self | Self |
Mike and Pat Hardison | None | Self |
Mike Lawrence | na | self |
Mike Steffen | RICO GOP | |
Molly Rumley | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Monte Larrick | Self | |
Mrs Judith Idorwatt | none | self |
Nancy Albrecht | tax payer | |
Nancy Kelsey | Self | Self |
Nicholas DeVries | Taxpayer | |
Pam Johnson | Pam Johnson | Self |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | taxpayer | self |
Pamela H Hall | Taxpayer | |
Pamela R Cooley | Taxpayer | Self |
Pamela Rose | Taxpayer | Citizens |
Patricia Josephs | self | self |
Patricia Neumann | Self | Self |
Patricia Schnepp | Retired Law Firm Administrator | Self |
Patrick Aabram | Self | Self |
Patrick Weber | Tax payer | Self |
Patti Sharpe | none | self |
Patty Bertrand | Self | Self |
Paul Kenna | Illinois Intiative | Citizen |
Paul Lindstrom | Self | Self and Church |
Paul White | Taxpayer | Self |
Paula Esser | Taxpayer | |
Paula Esser | Taxpayer | |
Paula Konczal | Taxpayer | |
Peter Bria | Taxpayer | None |
Peter Tarcha | self | self |
Quincy Vanderhoof | citizen | |
Rachel Birky | taxpayer | None |
Ralph Rivera | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Randall C Bogott | Taxpayer | |
Rebecca Darling | None | Self |
Rebecca Terhark | Taxpayer | Self |
Regina Ng | on behalf of self | |
Regina Post | Self | Self |
Rev Bob Vanden Bosch | Concerned Christian Americans | Concerned Christian Americans |
Rhonda Zeman | Taxpayer | |
Richard Burkhart | Self | |
Richard G Vogler | Self | Self |
Richard J Marcantonio | On behalf of self. | On behalf of self. |
Rick Laib | Self | Self |
Robert Carlton | Personal | |
Robert E Bell | self | self |
Robert Strieter | Self | |
Roberta J Wilson-Dreifke | Taxpayer | |
Roberta Updyke | self | |
Robin Netzel | Taxpayer | |
Robyn Murov | Self | Concerned citizens |
Roger Birky | taxpayer | |
Ronald D Rock | CITIZEN | |
Rose Anna Nelson | Self | |
Roy Horras | Self | Self |
Ruby J Geiler | taxpayer | |
Rudolf Hebling | Taxpayer | Citizen |
Russ Hintz | Self | |
Russell Christ | Taxpayer | Self |
Ruth Hahn | taxpayer | self |
Ruth Hahn | taxpayer | self |
Ruth Thompson | Self | Self |
Sam Entile | self | |
Samantha Stutz | citizen | individual |
Sandi Koch | none | self |
Sandra Fritzenmeier | Taxpayer | None |
Sarah Lindquist | self | self |
Scott Butzin | self | self |
Scott Hendrie | Taxpayer | |
Scott Shoup | Self | Self |
Sharon Thomas | Taxpayer | Self |
Sherri Urban | tax payer | Self |
Sherrie Saratore | Self | Self |
Sherry Hall | Self | |
Sherry L kurz | Self | Self |
Stephanie Wright | Citizen | |
Stephen Cross | self | self |
Steve kitchens | self | |
Steve Scherrer | NA | Self |
Steven Bergquist | Self | |
steven white | taxpayer | |
Sue Johnson | self | self |
Sue MacRoy | Taxpayers | Self |
Sue Pratt | self | self |
Susan A Evans | taxpayer | |
Susan B Dixon | self | self |
Susan Beever | Taxpayer | Self |
Susan Freise | Registered Voter and US Citizen | |
Susan Ordner | Taxpayer | |
Susan P Jordan | on behalf of self | on behalf of self |
Susan Shea | Taxpayer | |
Susan Tolley | Myself | Myself |
Suzanne Gasso | Taxpayer | |
Suzanne H Pavlus | Self | |
Suzanne Rickman | Self | Self |
t | none | self |
Terry Spuler | na | |
Tex Darling | None | Self |
Thomas Hampson | None | |
Thomas James Livorsi | taxpayer | |
Tiffany Ehlers | Taxpayer | |
Tim Stein | Taxpayer | |
Timothy Kowach | Taxpayer | |
Tina Lehman | Taxpayer | |
tom lahart | taxpayer | none |
VIKTORIIA CIUMMO | Taxpayer | Self |
Vittorio T Ciummo | Taxpayer | Self |
Walt Cercavschi | self | Self |
Wendy Bartolini | self | |
William Bulthuis | Taxpayer | Self |
William Schifferer | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 3/13/2024 8:00 AM |
Judith Berg | Self | self |
Abby Walker | taxpayer | |
Alice E Ruscitti | taxpayer | |
Alice Steljes | self | |
Allen Holste | self | self |
Alvin A Suess | Taxpayer | |
Alvin Alexander | On behalf of self | Illinois Voter |
Alyssa Sonnenburg | None | self |
Amanda Kern | Self | Self |
Amanda Piker | Self | Self |
Amy Christensen | Taxpayer | |
Amy E Ritter | self | self |
Amy Eissens | Self | Self |
Amy Gorski | self | |
Amy Krahula | Self | Self |
Amy Visel | Taxpayer | |
Anamaria Aybar | Self | |
Andrew Horn | None | Self |
Andrew Von Gillern | Citizen | |
Aneta Szewczyk | Logos Christian Academy | Logos Christian Academy |
Angela Buhl | Taxpayer | |
Angela Cushing | Taxpayer | Self |
Angela Esker | taxpayer | |
Angela Galassi | Self | |
Angela Lipcamon | Taxpayer | |
Ann Caravello | Self | Self |
Ann Iwatsuki | Self | Self |
Ann Noonan | self | self |
Ann Ritter | none | self |
Anna Butzin | self | self |
Anna Harrington | Self | Self |
Anne Kumaranayagam | Taxpayer | |
Anne Uhrina | self | |
Annette Suess | Taxpayer | |
Anthony Holmes | Self | |
Anthony Koehler | self | self |
Antoinette Lenzi | citizen | |
April Salava | Self | |
Art Ellingsen | Citiizen Voter and Taxpayer | Citiizen Voter and Taxpayer |
Barb Kepner | ci | |
Barbara Androvandi | Barbara Androvandi | Barbara Androvandi |
Barbara Fischer | Self | Self |
Barbara Schexnayder | Self | Self |
Barbara Schexnayder | Taxpayer | Self |
Barbara Schwark | Taxpayer | |
Barbara Stein | Concerned Taxpayer | |
Barbara Stein | Taxpayer | |
Barbara Stillman | Tax Payer | |
Barbara T Wasilewski | Self | |
Barbara Viviano | Self | |
Barry Williamson | taxpayer | self |
Belinda Guyton | On behalf of self | Self |
Benjamin Sonnenburg | None | Self |
Bernard butcher | Tax payer | |
Bessie Karrgianes | Taxpayer | |
Beth Carol Ruegg | Northside GOP | |
Bethany D Mead | Winnebago County | voter |
Betsy Drew | Taxpayer | |
Betty Nelson | Taxpayer | |
Betty Nelson | Taxpayer | |
Beverley Dawn Houseworth | none | citizen |
Bill Kramer | Self | Self |
Bill Kuhlemeier | Taxpayer | |
Bill Lehman | Taxpayer | |
Billie Bingenheimer | NA | Self |
Billie Michael | Taxpayer | |
Bonnie Baker | self | self |
Bonnie Kimker | Taxpayer | None |
Brad Baurer | taxpayer | |
Bradley G Cole | NA | |
Bradley Recker | Self | |
Brent Snyder | taxpayer | |
Bret Hemmer | Self | |
Brett Wiegers | citizen | |
Brian D Reilly | Self | Citizens |
Brian Jones | NA | |
Brian Josephs | self | self |
Brian Josephs | Taxpayer | |
Brian Pettlon | On behalf of self | Self |
Brian Pohlman | taxpayer | |
Brian R Backstrom | Self | |
Brian Rooney | Tax-payer | |
Bruce Guss | Person | Person |
Bruce Peters | self | self |
Bryan Spears | Taxpayer | |
Burdette Rosendale | Self | Self |
Byron R Sever | self | self |
Carl Lambrecht | Laurel Industries | Laurel Industries |
Carl Pasquarelli Jr | Retired | Awake Illinois Member |
Carla K Midgett | Self | |
Carla K Midgett | Self | |
Carol Davis | Illinois Conservative Union | Illinois Conservative Union IEIP |
Carol Howard | Self | |
Carol Howard | Self | |
Carol Mosses | Self | Self |
Carol Norbut | Taxpayer | None |
Carol Schaap | Taxpayer | |
Carol Skasick | Taxpayer | Myself |
Carol VanDerWoude | Home | Family |
Carol Voss | Gardening Angels | |
Carol Wagner | Self | |
Caroline Masso | taxpayer | |
Carolyn Carrillo | self | family |
Carrie Savino | taxpayer | |
Catherine Eeg | Taxpayer | |
Catherine Hansen | Self | Self |
Catherine Holmes | Self | |
Cathleen Barrett | Taxpayer | |
CATHY F TOWNSEND | self | self |
Charles Hartman | Self | |
Charles Keith Gibson | Taxpayer | |
CHARLES SMITH | self | self |
CHARLES SMITH | self | self |
Charlotte Bendorf | Taxpayer | |
Charlotte Drozdowski | self | |
Cheri Dzik | Illinois Resident | Myself |
Cherie R Ingold | Taxpayer | |
Cheryl Hartman | Self | |
Cheryl Mathews | self | self |
Cheryl Szmuksta | taxpayer | |
Chonya Davis | Taxpayer | |
Christian Jepsen | Taxpayer | |
Christie Fearnley | taxpayer | |
Christina Mesker | self | eslf |
Christine Fuba | Citizen | |
Christine Martha | Self | Self |
Christopher Dahm | Dahm Resources, Inc. | |
Christopher R Andersen | none | Self |
Cindy Alvis | Self | Self |
Cindy Hallahan | Taxpayer | Citizen |
Cindy Prentice | Taxpayer | |
Cindy Recker | Self | |
Cindy witt | Taxpayer | |
Claire Ingersoll | Tax payer | |
Claire Ingersoll | Taxpayer | |
Claire Perez | Self | Self |
claudia | self | |
CLAUDIA LOZNEANU | Logos Christian Academy | |
Claudia Loethen | self | |
Colette Gaston | Taxpayer | |
Colleen Sylvester | Self | Self |
Colleen Sylvester | Self | Self |
Connie Wade | taxpayer | |
Constance Atterbury | None | |
Constance M Mally | Taxpayer | |
Constance Malinowski | self | self |
Constance Rielley | taxpayer | |
Constance Whitcomb | Taxpayer | |
Craig Bakalich | self | |
Craig Odegaard | Self | Self |
Craig T Pleva | Taxpayer | |
Cristina Burke | Self | Self |
Cristine Wiesner | self | self |
Cynthia Lasco | Taxpayer | self |
Dale Dragert | Citizen | Self |
Dale Tippett | Self | Self |
Dan Risley | taxpayer | |
Daniel Miller | Self | Self |
Daniel Smith | Self | Self |
Daniel Smith | Self | Self |
Daniel Whiteside | self | self |
Daniel Whiteside | self | self |
Daniela Petrean | taxpayer | |
Danielle Rivera | Self & Family | Self and Family |
Darla Day | August | |
Darla Day | August | |
Darlene Marie Stewart | Taxpayer | |
Darrell Wittenberg | Self | |
Darrell Wittenberg | Self | Self |
Dave M Mallary | Mallary construction | Self |
David A Mikitka | Taxpayer | |
David Bader | On behalf of self | |
David Coyle | Taxpayer | |
David E Campbell | Ad Works Publishing Inc | Effingham County Board |
David Fagan | Not Applicable | David Fagan |
David Green | Self | Self |
David Guss | Person | Person |
David Johnson | Self | |
David Schexnayder | Le-Win Community School | Self |
David Smith | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Dawn benson | Taxpayer | |
Dcn Edward B Szymanski | Taxpayer | |
Deana Walter | taxpayer | |
Deborah Attebery- Loberg | Taxpayer | |
deborah brown | self | |
Deborah Leininger | Self | |
Deborah Reed | Taxpayer | |
Deborah Riedle | None | None |
Debra A Bader | On behalf of self | |
Debra Hanson | taxpayer | |
Debra L Malinowski | Year | self |
Della L Deme | United Health Care | |
Delores Tanis | self | VOTER |
Dena Wiesner | na | self |
Dena Wiesner | Wiesner | self |
Denelle Hetrick | Self | Self |
Denise Cross | Taxpayer | |
Denise Heinson | taxpayer | |
Denise Horn | Self | Self |
Denise Horn | Self | Self |
Denise West | self | self |
Dennis Detweiler | Self | Self |
Dennis Shimp | Retired | self |
Diane Gray | taxpayer | |
Diane Hallam | Taxpayer | |
Diane Hamlin | self | self |
Diane Squiers | taxpayer | |
Diane Strieter | Self | |
Dinu Suteu | Taxpayer | |
Don Boyd | Self | Self |
Dona G Bell | self | |
Donald Habecker | Taxpayer | |
Donna Gerth | Citizen | Self |
Donna Juliano | Self | |
Donna Juliano | Self | |
Donna K Bishop | Self | Self |
Donna K Bishop | taxpayer | Self |
Donna Millard | Taxpayer | |
Douglas Ankele | Taxpayer | |
Douglas C Carr | Voya Financial Advisors | |
Dustin Christner | Tax Payer | |
Eddie Garcia | Myself | |
Edward Kight | NA | self |
Edward Kight | taxpayer | self |
Eileen Garvin | self | self |
El Roland | Self | |
Elaine Brya | Self | Self |
Elaine Perez | Self | Self |
Elena Suteu | Taxpayer | |
Elizabeth Aldrich | Self | |
Elizabeth Detweiler | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Girdwain | Taxpayer | Self |
Elizabeth Lang | taxpayer | self |
Elizabeth M Killion | None | |
Elizabeth Weadick | Taxpayer | Self |
Elizabeth Weggesser | 0 | |
Elizabeth Weggesser | Resident | |
ellen smith | na | |
Emilee Peterson | Myself and my child | Myself & my child |
Emily Griffith | taxpayer | |
Emily Perez | Self | Self |
Eric Bridges | taxpayer | |
Eric Gaston | Taxpayer | Self |
Erin Ballard | None | |
Evan Bush | Self | |
Frances Volpe | Self | |
Frances Zirbel | self | |
Francine D'Amico | taxpayer | |
Frank L Kerkemeyer | taxpayer | |
Freddy M Robinson | Taxpayer | |
Gail Wilson | Taxpayer | |
Gary fogleman | Self | |
Gary Fogleman | self | taxpayer |
Gaye Ahlers | Gaye | |
Gaye Ahlers | Self | Self |
Gayle Holste | self | self |
Gayle Holste | self | self |
Gayle Holste | self | self |
Geniece Brandt | Taxpayer | Voter |
Geniece Brandt | Voter | Self |
George Ilbery | Taxpayer | |
Gerardo Rivera | Self & Family | |
Gerardo Rivera | Self & Family | Self and Family |
Gina Butzen | Self | Self |
Glen Meisner | Self | Self |
Glen Meisner | Self | Self |
Glenn Dye | Taxpayer | |
Glenn Leszczak | Self | |
Gloria Chmielewski | Retired | |
Gloria Henke | Taxpayer | |
Grant Richter | Illinois Citizen | Self |
Gwen E Tegart | Illinois Taxpayer | |
Harold Alan Lee Nuetzmann | Tax Payer | |
Harold Mills | Self | |
Harold Mills | Taxpayer | |
Heidi Holan | Self | Self |
Heidie Kuhlemeier | Kuhlemeier Farms | |
Helen Kinser | Helen Kinser | self |
Helen Sluis | Taxpayer | |
Helga Mattingly | None | Self |
Hillary Kolssak | Self | Self |
Hollie Shoup | IL citizen | self |
Hollie Shoup | self | self |
Holly Miller | Tax Payer | |
Holly Mocko | Taxpayer | Self |
Holly Velleuer | Taxpayer | |
Hugh W Shown | taxpayer | |
Ilene Briner | none | self |
Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Ivan Price | NA | NA |
J Blair Garber | NA | myself |
Jack Shelton | self | |
Jackie Gammel | taxpayer | |
Jacob Peiper | Self | Self |
Jacob Van Dyke | taxpayer | |
Jacqueline and Charles Dawson | Self | Self |
James Adams | Taxpayer | |
James Ozee | Taxpayer | |
James Spieler | taxpayer | |
James Trosky | self | |
James Trosky | self | |
James W Laures | On behalf of Self | |
Jan Farmer | self | |
Jan Klaas | Taxpayer | |
Jan Rowe | Self | |
jan sosinski | NONE | |
Janet Bass | Taxpayrr | Citizen |
Janet Droy | None | |
Janet Hamm | taxpayer | |
Janet Shaw | self | |
Janine Schneider | self | |
Jay Sales | Self | |
Jeanette Heesaker | self | |
Jeanne Dominick | Personal | Tax Payer |
Jeannette Nedza | self | |
Jeff Dzik | Illinois Resident | Myself |
Jeff Miller | NA | NA |
Jeff Miller | NA | NA |
Jeff Miller | NA | NA |
Jeff Vallosio | Citizen | self |
Jeffrey Mattern | Illinois citizen | |
Jeffrey Mussatto | NA | |
Jennifer Hughes | Self | Self |
Jennifer L Jones | taxpayer | |
Jennifer Loethen | None | |
Jeremy Ramsey | Self | Self |
Jerry Brown | Taxpayer | |
Jerry Hengehold | taxpayer | self |
Jessica Campbell | Taxpayer | Citizens |
Jessica Wenger | NA | taxpayer |
Jim allen | Self | |
Jim Aniol | Taxpayer | |
Jim Ehmen | self | NA |
Jim Lazaro | None | Self |
Joan Cook | taxpayer | |
Joanne Gaston | Taxpayer | |
Joanne Gaston | Taxpayer | |
Joanne Savage | Taxpayer | Self |
Jody Oltman | self | self |
Jody Welch | none | |
Joe Reinhard | Taxpayer | |
John Bliss | Taxpayer | |
John DeGroot | self | self |
John Lough | Taxpayer | |
John Murphy | None | |
John Murphy | None | |
John Naughton | Self | Self |
John Newman | Taxpayer | |
John ONeill | Residence | Self |
John Treacy | None | |
John Treacy | None | |
Jon Toepper | Taxpayer | |
Joseph D Esker | taxpayer | |
Joseph P Skaff | Self | Self |
Josetta Burchardt | taxpayer | |
joyce mcnamara coughlin | citizen | |
joyce mcnamara coughlin | taxpayer | |
Judith Castricone | Self | |
Judith D Zanotti | taxpayer | |
Judith Idorwatt | taxpayer | |
Judy Ellefsen | Taxpayer | Self |
Judy Ellefsen | Taxpayer | Self |
Julie Foster | Self | |
Julie K Barth | self | |
Julie Kraemer | Stakeholder | |
June Holt | Self | |
Justus Detweiler | Self | Self |
Justyna Nowak | Logos Christian Academy | Logos Christian Academy |
Karen | taxpayer | |
Karen Blee Nickels | Self | Self |
Karen Borow | none | self |
Karen Borow | Taxpayer | |
Karen Brammer | Taxpayer | |
Karen Brammer | Taxpayer | |
Karen Brammer | Taxpayer | |
Karen Lush | Na | |
Karen Rednour | Citizen | Self |
Karen Sampson | Self | Sampson family |
Karl Armstrong | On behalf of self | |
Karl Pennings | Taxpayer | |
Karolyn Barth | Myself | |
Kate Elliott | Church of the Holy Spirigt | |
Katharina Fischer | taxpayer | |
Katharine Sherburne | Taxpayer | |
Katherine Woltering | Self | |
Katherine Woltering | Self | Self |
Kathleen Anderson | self | self |
Kathleen Bohnet | Taxpayer | |
Kathleen Christian | Self | |
Kathleen Corydon | Self | Self |
kathleen domitrovits | self | self |
kathleen domitrovits | self | self |
Kathleen Down | Taxpayer | |
Kathleen Driscoll | Taxpayer | |
Kathleen Fanone | self | |
Kathleen Fanone | self | |
Kathleen Johnston | taxpayer | |
kathleen Kaufman | self | self |
Kathryn Wolsing | Self | |
Kathy B Rutkowski | Taxpayer | |
Kathy Kramer | Self | Self |
Kathy Sales | Self | |
Kathy Swigart | Self | |
Kathy Valente | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Kathy Wolsing | Self | |
Kay Hogan | Taxpayer | |
Kayla Bell | Self | Self |
Keith Dixon | Taxpayer | |
Keith Eng | none | self |
Keith Owano | Self | Self |
Keith Owano | Self | Self |
Keith Schimmel | taxpayer | |
Keith Whitaker | self | |
Kelly CM Brooks | Taxpayer | |
Ken DeJong | Retired | |
Ken DeJong | Retired | |
Kenneth B Cooley Jr | Myself | Myself |
Kenneth D Reutter | on behalf of self | |
Kenneth Fischer | Self | Self |
Kenneth Ronning | Tax payer | |
Kenneth Story | None | |
Keri Gaul | self | self |
Kevin Condon | tax payer | |
Kim M Paputsa | self | |
Kim Norwood | NA | na |
Kim R Mersman | Self | Self |
Kim R Mersman | Self | Self |
Kimberly Rapp | Taxpayer | Self |
Krissa Powell | Tax payer | |
Kristen Esch | Self | Self |
Kristen McDonald | Self | Voter |
Kristi Kittel | Self | |
Kristin M Salzman | Self | Self |
Kristin M Salzman | Taxpayer | |
Kristin Price | Self | Self |
Kristina Menzel | TAXPAYER | |
Kurt Glazier | Self | Self |
L R Bechtoldt | NA | Self |
Lana Kee | Taxpayer | |
Larry Langston | Self | Self |
Larry Murg | Logos Christian Academy | Logos Christian Academy |
Laura Bryant | Taxpayer | |
Laura Bryant | Taxpayer | |
Laura Bryant | Taxpayer | |
Laura Burmaster | None | |
Laura Vandercar | none | Self |
Laurie Whitaker | self | |
Laurinda Meisner | Self | Self |
Laurinda Meisner | Self | Self |
Lawrence Servin | Taxpayer | |
Lawrence Servin | Taxpayer | |
Leah Koch | Self | Self |
Lee Ann Samford | self | |
Lee Kemper | taxpayer | |
Leslie Hunt | Taxpayer | |
Linda A Hutcheson | self | self |
Linda Bush | taxpayer | |
Linda Calzada | self | self |
Linda Carr | na | self |
Linda Gritton | Taxpayer | |
Linda H Carroll | None | Self |
Linda H Carroll | None | Self |
Linda Hansen | taxpayer | |
Linda Heifner | Tax payer | Self |
Linda Heifner | Tax payer | Self |
Linda Johnson | Taxpayer | |
Linda Johnson | Taxpayer | |
LInda Lager | Chepinitas | |
LINDA nicolais | none | self |
Linda OBrien | Tzxpayer | |
LINDA REINING | self | self |
Linda Samuta | Illinois Taxpayer | |
Linda Wolfe | Self | My Family |
Linda Wood | Retired | Self |
Lindsey Hanson | Taxpayer | |
Lisa Bonilla | taxpayer | |
Lisa Bowman | Self | Self |
Lisa Bowman | Self | Self |
Lisa Thompson | Self | My family |
Lisa Wells | Self | Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells |
Lissette Guzman | Self | Self |
Loraine Henthorn | Taxpayer | |
Lorant Kovacs | Taxpayer | |
Lorejean Sass | Self | Self |
Lorelei Marvel | self | |
Lori Hesterberg | Taxpayer | |
Lori Powell | Self | |
Lori White | Self | Self |
Lorna V Tippett | Self | Self |
Luann Lytell | Self | Self |
Lucas Dzik | Illinois Resident | Myself |
Lucas J Glendenning | taxpayer | |
Lucille Mary Frett | self | |
Lucille Mary Frett | self | |
Luke Woltering | Self | Self |
Lynn Wellman | HOUSEHOLD | |
Lynn A Cook | Self | self |
Lynn Bond | Taxpayer | |
Lynn Bos | Self | Self |
Lynn Ferguson | taxpayer | |
Lynn Ferguson | taxpayer | |
Lynn Johnson | none | |
Lynn Rische | Taxpayer | |
Lynn Wellman Wellman | HOUSEHOLD | HOUSEHOLD |
Lynne Bugle | None | |
Lynne Davis | self | |
Madelyn Flaherty | Self | |
Magdalen | Taxpayer | |
Maggie Lamb | Self | Self |
Manuel Calzada | self | self |
Marcia E Sailsbury | none | none |
MARGARET A MURPHY | Taxpayer | |
Margaret Gagliardo | Self | |
Margaret L Furto | taxpayer | self |
Margaret Toniny | self employed | self |
Margarita Matlis | Self | Self |
Margarita Matlis | SELF | Self |
Maria Arnold | taxpayer | |
Maria Goldstein | self | |
Maria Schuhriemen | Self | |
Marian Cross | self | self |
Mariann Johnston | Self | Self |
Marietta Lowery | Taxpayer | |
Marietta Lowery | Taxpayer | Self |
Marilee Summers | Illinois Taxpayer | |
Marina Jurassi-Paocic | self | self |
Marina Stein | Taxpayer | |
Marissa Colgate | Firm | |
Marjorie McCullough | None | |
Mark A Cascia | Self | |
Mark A Cascia | Taxpayer | |
Mark Bodett | none | |
Mark DiGiacoma | Self | Self |
Mark Dobzyn | Citizen | |
Mark Lytell | Self | Self |
Mark Mitchell | Taxpayer | |
Mark Porys | Self | Self |
Mark Stella | Taxpayer | |
Marla Ainscough | Taxpayer | |
Mary Ann Kerley | My self | |
Mary Ann Kerley | My self | |
Mary Brady | self | self |
Mary Brady | self | self |
Mary Bridges | taxpayer | |
Mary Carol Powers | Self | Self |
Mary Carter | Self | Self |
Mary Donahue | citizen | |
Mary Eileen Feuser | taxpayer | |
Mary L Dean | Taxpayer | |
Mary Louise Strub | Taxpayer | |
Mary Neubecker | self | self |
Mary Neubecker | self | self |
Mary Neubecker | self | self |
Mary Pulli | None | |
MaryCatherine Sehr | Taxpayer | |
Matthew Bowman | Self | Self |
Matthew Kern | Self | Self |
Matthew Mazza | Citizen | |
Matthew Swenson | Taxpayer | |
Maureen Fisher | Self | Self |
Maureen Tarrant | Taxpayer | |
Max chmielewski | Retired | |
Megan Cloherty | NA | Self |
Megan Kucia | taxpayer | |
Meghan Abner | Self | Self |
Meghan Schmidt | self | |
Melissa Odegaard | na | self |
Melissa Theisen | taxpayer | |
Melissa Williamson | Taxpayer | Self |
Melissa Williamson | Taxpayer | self |
Melodee Hughes | NA | |
Michael Carroll | self | Self |
Michael Carroll | self | Self |
Michael Gasso | Taxpayer | |
Michael Hanson | taxpayer | |
Michael Leininger | self | |
Michael P Jakubiec | na | |
Michael Pszczolkowski | self | self |
Michael Pszczolkowski | self | self |
Michael Pszczolkowski | taxpayer | self |
Michelle Brennan | taxpayer | |
Michelle Han | Self | Self |
Michelle Lapeyre | self-employed | self |
Michelle Lapeyre | self-employed | self |
Michelle Luke | Self | |
Michelle Mathia | Self | Self |
Michelle Swalve | Taxpayer | |
Michelle Welbourne | Taxpayer | |
Mike Rowe | NA | IllinoisCarry |
Mike Steffen | RICO GOP | |
Molly Specht | Citizen | NA |
Monte Larrick | Self | |
Morgan Fulton | self | self |
Morgan Thorsen | Citizen | |
Nancy Albrecht | tax payer | |
Nancy Albrecht | tax payer | |
Nancy Beckman | self | self |
Nancy Kelsey | Self | Self |
Nancy Wellman | HOUSEHOLD | |
Nancy Wesling | Pregnancy Care Clinic | self |
Nicholas DeVries | Taxpayer | |
Nicholas DeVries | Taxpayer | |
Nicholas Haap | Self | Self |
Nicole Bailey | taxpayer | |
Nicole Bailey | taxpayer | |
Noel C Samuta | Illinois Taxpayer | |
Oana Kovacs | Taxpayer | |
Oscar Mike | Taxpayers | Self |
Pamela Bauer | Taxpayer | |
Pamela Drozd | Taxpayer | |
Pamela Eftink | self | self |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | taxpayer | self |
Pamela Hardiing | self | |
Pamela R Cooley | Taxpayer | Self |
Patricia Josephs | none | self |
Patricia Josephs | none | self |
Patricia Meyers | self | self |
Patricia Sue Hatter | Retired | Citizen |
Patricia Sue Hatter | Retired | Citizen |
patsy lenz | tax payer | |
Patti Abate | Citizen | none |
Patti Power-LeSage | Self | Self |
pattie tackett | na | |
Patty Bertrand | Self | Self |
Patty Bertrand | Self | Self |
Patty McGinnis | Taxpayer | |
Paul White | Self | Self |
Paula Esser | Taxpayer | |
Paula Esser | Taxpayer | |
Paula Skaff | retired | |
Penelope | Respect Life committee | |
Penney Plumb | self | |
Peter Bria | Taxpayer | None |
Peter Tarcha | self | self |
Philip Wachniak | Taxpayer | |
Quincy Vanderhoof | Tax Payer | |
Rachel Birky | Citizen | Self |
Rachel Birky | self | none |
Rachel Ermel | Resident | Self |
Rachel Kramer | self | self |
Rachel Pringle | self | |
Ralph Laufer | Taxpayer | |
Ralph Rivera | Pro-Family Alliance | Pro-Family Alliance |
Randall Bogott | Taxpayer | |
Randall Duncan | Citizen | |
Ray Hinsch | taxpayer | |
Rebecca A Wenzel | Taxpayer | |
Rebecca A Wenzel | Taxpayer | |
Rebecca Carlson | none | |
Rebecca Cheek | self | |
Rebecca Darling | None | Self |
Rebecca J Guardiola | tax payer | |
Rebecca L Slater | Citizen | |
Rebecca Terhark | Taxpayer | |
Regina Ng | on behalf of self | |
Regina Post | Self | |
Renee Roscoe-Morrison | Taxpayer | |
Rhonda Becker | Self | |
Rhonda Bodkin | Tax payer | |
Rhonda Zeman | Taxpayer | |
Rhonda Zeman | Taxpayer | |
Rich Lavery | self | |
Richard BrownNA | Self | |
Richard G Vogler | Self | Self |
Richard G Vogler | Self | Self |
Richard J King | Self | Richard J King |
Richard J Marcantonio | On behalf of self. | On behalf of self. |
Richard Leininger | self | |
Richard Petraitis | Taxpayer | |
Rick Laib | Self | Self |
Rick Laib | Self | Self |
Rita Schwind | self | |
Robert Baban | Logos Christian Academy | Logos Christian Academy in Niles, IL |
Robert Boss | Taxpayer | |
Robert Dombrowski | Self | None |
Robert Dombrowski | Taxpayer | |
Robert Dombrowski | Taxpayer | |
Robert E Bell | self | self |
Robert E Goetting | Taxpayer | |
Robert J Deme | retired | |
Robert Scott | self | |
Robert Strieter | Self | |
Robert Taylor | Self | Self |
Robert W Norman | Taxpayer | |
Roberta Aden | taxpayer | |
Robin Netzel | Taxpayer | |
Robin Stefanik | taxpayer | |
Rodney McMahon | Self | Self |
Roger Birky | taxpayer | Self |
Roger Birky | Taxpayer | self |
Roger German | none | Macon county parents demanding Their Parental Rights |
Roger German | none | Macon County Parents Demanding their Parental Rights |
Ron Norwood | Na | NA |
Ronald D Rock | self | |
Ronald Guidice | self | |
Ronnie Bush | taxpayer | |
Rose Anna Nelson | Self | |
Rose Wasielewski | Taxpayer | |
Rosemary Wilhelm | none | self |
Roxann Moss | taxpayer | |
Roxanna Dragert | Citizen | Self |
Roxanne Evans | taxpayer | |
Roxanne Glazier | Self | Self |
Roy Horras | Self | Self |
Ruby J Geiler | taxpayer | |
Ruby J Geiler | taxpayer | |
Rudolf Hebling | taxpayer | taxpayer |
Russell Christ | Taxpayer | |
Russell Christ | Taxpayer | |
Ruth Thompson | Self | Self |
Ryan Wolland | NA | Self |
Sadie Van Dyke | taxpayer | |
Samantha Stutz | citizen | |
Samantha Stutz | citizen | |
Samuel Entile | self | |
Samuel Mesa | taxpayer | |
Sandi Koch | none | self |
Sandra Calhoun | Tax payer | |
Sarah Hanviriyapunt | Hana Enterprises, LLC | Self, family, business |
Scott Butzin | self | self |
Scott Darush | Taxpayer | |
Scott Hendrie | Self | |
Scott Hendrie | Self | |
Scott Senffner | self | |
Scott Shoup | Self | Self |
Scott Shoup | Self | Self |
Scott Strack | Myself | Myself |
Sergio Sanchez | Taxpayer | |
Seth Holmen | self | self |
Sharon Thomas | Taxpayer | Self |
Sherry Kurz | Christian Liberty Academy | |
Sherry Pierce | Self | |
Sherry Vandergriff | Citizen | |
Sheryl Kudelka | Self | Self |
Sheryl Palmateer | taxpayer | |
Shirley Gerace | taxpayer | |
Shirley Jordan | Taxpayer | |
Shirley Kolb | self | |
Skot Lien | self | self |
Skot Lien | self | self |
Stephanie Wright | citizen | |
Stephanie Wright | citizen | |
Stephen Cross | self | self |
Stephen Lamb | self | Self |
Stephen Papale | taxpayer | |
Steve Czeropski | taxpayer | |
Steve Scherrer | NA | Self |
Steve Szwarga | taxpayer | |
Steven Rudolph | Self | |
Steven Woolf | Taxpayer | |
Sue McGava | Self | Transparency |
Susan A Evans | taxpayer | |
Susan Jacobs | Self | |
Susan K Benigni | Lincoln Elementary School | |
Susan Ordner | taxpayer | |
Susan P Jordan | on behalf of self | on behalf of self |
Susan Schulenberg | self | self |
Susan Schulenberg | self | self |
Suzanne H Pavlus | Self | |
Suzanne Probst | Self | Self |
Tammy M Smith | SELF | |
Tanya Blumenshine | Self | Self |
Tara Bangert | Iffert's Electric, Inc. | |
Taxpayer | Taxpayer | |
Teresa Weaver | Self | |
Terese Biondo | self | self |
Terrence J Ronczkowski | Taxpayer | |
Tex Darling | None | Self |
Tex Darling | None | Self |
Theodis Lewis | Taxpayer | |
Theresa Kocan | Self | Self |
Theresa Palmer | Self | Self |
Therese Seybert | self | self |
Thiffany Lozano | Taxpayer | |
Thiffany Lozano | Taxpayer | Self |
Thomas Barrett | Taxpayer | |
Thomas Hallam | Taxpayer | |
Thomas Hampson | None | |
Thomas Stechmiller | Self | Self |
Tiffany McClanathan | Self | Self |
Tim Stein | Taxpayer | |
Timothy P Friedrich | none | self |
Timothy P Friedrich | none | self |
Timothy Roth | Taxpayer | |
Tina Lehman | Taxpayer | |
Tom Davis | Individual | Individual |
Tom Leach | taxpayer | |
Tom Millard | Taxpayer | |
Tricia Maxey | Taxpayer | |
Tyra Raisner | Citizen | Citizen |
Valinda Rowe | NA | IllinoisCarry |
Vara Burton | None | Family |
VICKI McMAHON | Self | Self |
Victor Barr | Faith Center | |
VIKTORIIA CIUMMO | Taxpayer | Self |
Viktoriia Naughton | Self | Family. |
Virginia Woodman | Taxpayer | |
Vittorio T Ciummo | Taxpayer | |
Vivian Hagaman | TAXPAYER | |
Walter Cercavschi | Taxpayer | |
Warren Dorman | Taxpayer | |
Wayne Lela | Taxpayer | |
Wendy Bartolini | Citizen | |
Wendy Owano | Self | Self |
William | NA | |
William Beckman | self | self |
William Christian | Self | |
William F Papp | Concerned citizen | |
William getz | Self | Self |
William Lang | taxpayer | self |
William Mark Dousman | Tax Payer | |
William Mark Dousman | Tax Payer | |
WILLIAM R LAPP | Citizen | William Lapp (self) |
William Schifferer | Self | Self |
Yvette R Mader | Self | |
Yvette R Mader | Self | |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 3/6/2024 8:30 AM |
A Smith | NA | |
Aaron Sparling | Self | Self |
Alvin Alexander | On behalf of self | Illinois Voter |
Amy L Loesch | self | self |
Andrea Denner | taxpayer | |
Andrew Horn | None | Self |
Angel Hampton | taxpayer | |
Angela Esker | none | self |
Anita Kuhn | Self | |
Ann Marie Salemi | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Ann Ritter | none | self |
Anna Muccianti | self | self |
Annalisa McMaster | St. Mary Parish | self |
Anne Uhrina | self | self |
Anthony Muccianti | self | self |
Barbara Stillman | Tax payer | self |
Belinda Guyton | On behalf of self | Self |
Ben Merrill | Self | Self |
Beverley Dawn Houseworth | none | self |
Bill Kramer | Self | Self |
Bill Lehman | Taxpayer | Self |
Billie Bingenheimer | NA | Self |
Brenda Marshall | citizen | citizen |
Brett Wiegers | taxpayer | |
Brian Josephs | self | self |
Bruce Fink | self | self |
Bruce Schnizlein | Self | Self |
Burdette Rosendale | Self | Self |
Byron R Sever | self | self |
Carl E Knable | self | self |
Carl M Knable | self | self |
Carol Davis | none | self |
Carol G Skasick | Myself | Myself |
Carol Howard | Self | Self |
Carol Robben | taxpayer | |
Carol Schaap | Taxpayer | |
Carole Lanier | taxpayer | |
Carrie Savino | taxpayer | taxpayer |
Catherine Hansen | Self | Self |
Catherine Stack | taxpayer | self |
CATHY F TOWNSEND | self | self |
Cathy Jenkins | Vermilioncounty | |
CHARLES SMITH | self | self |
Cheryl Eisenmenger | Taxpayer | Self |
Cheryl Kozlov | Na | Self |
Cheryl Mathews | self | self |
Christine E Duba | Citizen | |
Christine Henthorn | Taxpayer | None |
Christine Martha | Self | Family |
Cindy Hallahan | Taxpayer | Citizen |
Clara JO Ames | self | |
Colleen Sylvester | Self | Self |
Connie Hester | NA | NA |
Cynthia Lasco | Taxpayer | self |
Dallas Bear | State of Illinois | Self |
Daniel Whiteside | self | self |
David Smith | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Deborah Attebery-Loberg | Taxpayer | |
Deborah Coonley | Taxpayer | Self |
Deborah Leininger | self | |
Deborah Reed | taxpayer | |
Debra Carpenter | Taxpayer | Self |
Debra L Malinowski | Year | self |
Denise Collins | Self | Self |
Denise cross | Self | self |
Don Blair | Self | Self |
Don Boyd | Self | Self |
Donna Gerth | Taxpayer | Self |
Donna K Bishop | Self | Self |
Edward Kight | NA | na |
Eileen Garvin | self | self |
Elaina Gaston | Taxpayer | |
Elise Joos | Self | Self |
ellen smith | na | |
Emmett McGovern | Northridge Prep | self |
Eric Bridges | taxpayer | |
Eric Gaston | Taxpayer | Self |
Frank T Voss | Self | Self |
Gabriela Banat | Taxpayer | |
Gary Fogleman | taxpayer | |
Gayle Holste | self | self |
Geniece Brandt | Self | Self |
Glen Meisner | Self | Self |
Grant Richter | Illinois Citizen | Self |
H D Mattingly | None | Self |
Helen Kinser | Helen Kinser | self |
Herb Backhaus | Self | Self |
Hollie Shoup | IL citizen | self |
Illinois Family Institute -- David Curtin | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
James Ozee | Taxpayer | |
James Sternisha | self | concerned resident and voter |
jan sosinski | none | |
Janet Koch | taxpayer | Self |
Jeff Miller | NA | NA |
Jennifer A Stout | none | none |
Jennifer Luebbers | Self | |
Jennifer Muccianti | taxpayer | self |
Jerry Hengehold | taxpayer | self |
Jim Veenstra | taxpayers | |
Joanne McCoy | Tax payer | Citizen |
Joanne Savage | Taxpayer | Self |
John P Loesch | self | self |
John Pletz | My self | My self |
John Wallace Farrell | Tax payer | |
John Zirbes | Self | |
Joseph D Esker | none | self |
Joseph P Skaff | Self | Self |
Judith Idorwatt | taxpayer | self |
June Holt | Self | |
Karen Blee Nickels | Self | Self |
Karen Reed | Self | |
Katherine Knable | self | self |
Kathleen Andrews | Self | |
kathleen domitrovits | self | self |
Kathleen Kaufman | self | self |
Kathy Kramer | Self | Self |
Kathy Valente | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Kathy Wolsing | Self | Self |
Kay Hogan | Taxpayer | Self |
Kay Hogan | Taxpayer | Self |
Keith Owano | Self | Self |
Kem Wilson | Citizen | My family |
Ken DeJong | Self | |
Kenneth B Cooley Jr | Myself | Myself |
Kenneth James Cooley | Self | Self |
Keri Gaul | Self | self |
Kevin Leman | personal | personal |
Kevin Savage | self | self |
Kim Norwood | NA | na |
Kim R Mersman | Self | Self |
Kimberly Kolbert | self | self |
Kimberly Rapp | Taxpayer | Self |
Kimberly Sparling | Self | Self |
Kristie Bernhard | Self | Self |
Laura a A Williams | self | |
Laura De Loera | self | self |
Laurinda Meisner | Self | Self |
Lawrence Servin | Self | Self |
Lee Ann Samford | Self | Self |
Linda H Carroll | None | self |
Linda Heifner | Tax payer | Self |
Linda Hutcheson | self | self |
Linda Johnson | Taxpayer | Self |
LINDA REINING | self | self |
Lisa Centers | Taxpayer | None |
Lisa Centers | Taxpayer | None |
Lisa Wells | Self | Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells |
Lois Rowling | Illinois resident tax payer | Self |
Loraine Henthorn | Taxpayer | Myself |
Lori Hesterberg | Taxpayer | |
Lori Sternisha | self | concerned resident and voter |
Lori White | Self | Self |
Lynn A Cook | self | self |
Lynn Bos | Self | Self |
Lynn Ferguson | taxpayer | |
Lynn Wilson | NA | self |
Lynne Davis | self | |
Marcia E Sailsbury | none | none |
Margaret L Furto | taxpayer | self |
Marian Cross | self | self |
Mark Ames | self | |
Mark Welch | St Mary's Catholic Church | St Mary's Pittsfield Illinois |
Mary Ann Kerley | None | None |
Mary Bridges | taxpayer | Person |
Mary C Nedza | Taxpayer | Mary C Nedza |
Mary Carol Powers | Self | Self |
Mary F Lester | NA | |
Mary M Lewis | self | Self |
Meegan McNulty | self | self |
Melissa Jameson | self | self |
Melissa Williamson | self | self |
Michael Aden | Citizen | Self |
Michael Buiting | Citizen | self |
Michael Carroll | self | Self |
Michael Kolk | taxpayer | |
Michael Leininger | self | |
Michelle Lapeyre | self-employed | |
Michelle Mathia | Self | Self |
Monica Mitchell | Mom | |
Nancy Beckman | self | self |
Nancy J Woodcock | taxpayer | |
Nancy Kelsey | Taxpayer | Self |
Nancy Mott | NA | |
Neal Zirbes | Self | |
Nick Muccianti | self | self |
Owen Frankland | Self | Self |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | citizen | self |
Pamela R Cooley | Taxpayer | Self |
Pamela Rose | Taxpayer | |
Pamela Zirbes | Self | |
Patricia Josephs | none | self |
Patricia Neumann | Self | Self |
patsy lenz | tax payer | |
pattie tackett | na | |
Patty Bertrand | Self | Self |
Patty Miller | Self | Self |
Peter Bria | Taxpayer | None |
Quincy Vanderhoof | self | |
Randall C Bogott | Bogott farms 815-225-7647 | |
Rebecca Bailey | taxpayer | self |
Rebecca Cheek | self | |
Rebecca Darling | None | Self |
Rebecca Terhark | Taxpayer | Self |
Rev Bob Vanden Bosch | Concerned Christian Americans | Concerned Christian Americans |
Richard Browne | Tax Payer | Self |
Richard G Vogler | Self | Self |
Richard J Marcantonio | On behalf of self. | On behalf of self. |
Richard Leininger | self | |
Robert Dombrowski | Self | |
Roberta Aden | self | |
Ron Norwood | Na | NA |
Rose Anna Nelson | Self | Self |
ROSE T KOOPMANN | self | |
ROSE T KOOPMANN | self | |
Roxann Moss | taxpayer | self |
Ruby J Geiler | taxpayer | |
Rudolf Hebling | Taxpayer | Citizen |
Russell Christ | Taxpayer | |
Ruth A Lowe | Citizen | |
Ruth Hahn | Taxpayer | self |
Ruth Thompson | Self | Self |
Samantha Stutz | taxpayer | citizen |
Samuel Entile | self | |
Sandi Koch | none | self |
Scott Collins | Self | Self |
Scott Hendrie | Taxpayer | |
Scott Shoup | Self | Self |
Scott Strack | Myself | Myself |
Sharon Radek | Taxpayer | Not part of a group, etc. |
Sharon Radek | Taxpayer | Not part of a group, etc. |
Sharon Thomas | Taxpayer | Self |
Sherry Vandergriff | Citizen | |
Stephanie Wright | Citizen | |
Stephen Cross | self | self |
Sue MacRoy | Taxpayer | |
Susan Mills | Self | |
Susan Ordner | self | self |
Susan Reichart | Taxpayer | |
Susan Zaremba | self | self |
Suzanne H Pavlus | Self | |
Terry Coonley | Taxpayer | Self |
Tex Darling | None | Self |
Theresa R Hardesty | Taxpayer | Self |
Thiffany Lozano | Taxpayer | Myself |
Tim Miller | Self | Self |
Timothy Carpenter | Taxpayer | Self |
Timothy P Friedrich | none | self |
Tina Lehman | Taxpayer | Self |
tom lahart | taxpayer | none |
Tom Myers | NA | |
Trina King | Citizen | |
VICKI McMAHON | Self | Self |
Victoria Tilton | Tax payer | |
Vittorio T Ciummo | Self | Self |
William Beckman | self | self |
Wojciech A Mardula | self | self |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 2/21/2024 9:00 AM |
Adam Mivelaz | None | Self |
Alice Steljes | self | |
Alvin Alexander | On behalf of self | Illinois Voter |
Amber Freesmeyer | NA | NA |
Amy L Loesch | self | self |
Angela Esker | none | self |
Angela Lipcamon | Self | |
Angela Renfroe | Na | Self |
Angela Renfroe | Na | Self |
Anita Kuhn | NA | self |
Ann Caravello | Self | Self |
Ann Ritter | none | self |
Anna Muccianti | self | self |
Anthony Muccianti | self | self |
Arleen Kriz | Self | |
Barbara Koeller | na | na |
Belinda Guyton | On behalf of self | |
Beverley Dawn Houseworth | none | self |
Bill Kramer | Self | Self |
Billie Bingenheimer | NA | |
Bonnie Baker | self | self |
BoydDon | Self | Self |
Bradley G Cole | NA | Same |
Brett Wiegers | self | |
Brian Pohlman | Self | Self |
Brian Reilly | Self | Self |
Burdette Rosendale | Self | Self |
Carol Davis | none | self |
Carol G Skasick | Self | Myself |
Carol Howard | Self | Self |
Carol L Mosses | ON BEHALF OF SELF | Self |
Carol Robben | Self | Voter |
Carol Taylor | Self | Self |
Carole Stannard | self | self |
Catherine Hansen | Self | Self |
Cathy Townsend | self | self |
CHARLES SMITH | self | self |
Cheryl Kozlov | Na | Self |
Cheryl Mathews | self | |
Christian Jepsen | Self | Self |
Christine Martha | Self | Family |
Cindy Heslinga | Self | Self |
Cindy Parr | NA | Self |
Claudia Loethen | self | |
colleen dalke | na | |
Colleen Sylvester | Self | Self |
Connie Hester | NA | NA |
Constance Malinowski | self | self |
Cynthia Cobb | Self | Self |
Cynthia E Muzzillo | self | |
Dallas C Bear | Self | Self |
Daniel Whiteside | self | self |
Darla Day | August | None |
Dave Heslinga | Myself | Myself |
David Opperman | Self | Self |
David Shaw | Self | Self |
David Smith | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Dawn Leardi | none | Self |
Deborah Bunting | self | self |
Deborah Coonley | NA | Self |
Delores Tanis | self | VOTER |
Dena R Shull | taxpayer | |
Denise cross | Self | Self and family |
Dennis Shimp | NA | self |
Diane M Benjamin | self | self |
Don Blair | Self | Self |
Don Boyd | Self | Self |
Donna Gerth | NA | |
Donna Juliano | Self | self |
Donna K Bishop | Self | Self |
Doreen Jenkel | Family | Family |
Dorothy Burman | Self | Self |
Dorothy Burman | Self | Self |
Douglas C Carr | self | |
Edward Kight | NA | na |
Eileen Blahnik | Eileen Blahnik | self |
Elise Joos | Personal | Self |
Elizabeth Bailey | NA | NA |
Elizabeth Parat | NA | |
Erica Donoho | self | self |
Gary Bertels | NA | Self |
Gina parrilli | None | Leave our kids alone |
Harold Mills | Self | |
Harold Mills | Self | |
Helen Kinser | Helen Kinser | self |
Hollie Shoup | IL citizen | self |
Holly Mocko | NA | Self |
I Liace | Self | Self |
Illinois Family Institute - David Curtin | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Jack Harper | SELF | SELF |
jan sosinski | none | |
jan sosinski | none | |
Jane Carrell | Self | Self |
Janet Shaw | self | self |
Jean Schiszik | self | self |
Jeanie Nicolussi | NA | NA |
Jeannette Nedza | self | self |
JENNIFER ALLEN | Self | Self |
Jennifer Diehl | Individual | Self |
Jennifer Hutchison | Self | Self |
Jennifer Muccianti | self | self |
Jessica Biczo | OMCA | Parents of Oak Meadows Christian Academy |
Jin Sim | Individual | Self |
Joe Muccianti | self | self |
Joe Sepsey | Self | |
John Zirbes | Self | |
John P Loesch | self | self |
John Treacy | None | |
Joseph D Esker | none | self |
Joseph P Skaff | Self | Self |
Josiah Johnson | NA | Josiah Johnson |
Joyce Mast | Self | Self |
Judith Idorwatt | none | self |
Judy McCoy | Self | Self |
Karen Kelleher | Self | My Family |
Karen L Bourbon | self | self |
Karen Rust | self | self |
Karen Stinson | self | na |
Karen Whitney | Self | Self |
Karilyn Williams | NA | |
kathleen domitrovits | self | self |
Kathryn Wolsing | NA | Self |
Kathryn Wolsing | NA | Self |
Kathy Kramer | Self | Self |
Kathy Valente | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Keith Eng | NA | self |
kevin ford | self | self |
Kevin Leman | personal | personal |
Kevin Rust | self | self |
Kevin Savage | self | self |
Kia Vega | NA | |
Kim Mersman | Self | |
L R Bechtoldt | NA | Self |
Lawrence Servin | Self | Self |
Lee Ann Samford | Self | Self |
Lee Kemper | NA | NA |
Linda Calzada | self | self |
Linda H Carroll | None | Self |
Linda M Johnson | self | self |
Linda Rose Hodel | Hodel Farms | Linda Rose Hodel |
Linda SPINDLER | Self | Self |
Linda Wolfe | Self | My Family |
Lisa Welch | St Marys | St Marys Catholic |
Lisa Wells | Self | Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells |
Lisa Wells | Self | Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells |
Lissette guzman | Self | Self |
Lou Smeja | Taxpayer | No group |
Luann Lytell | Self | Self |
Lynn A Cook | Self | self |
Lynn Bos | Self | Self |
M Liace | Self | Self |
M Liace | Self | Self |
Madeline Becker | Self | Self |
Manuel Calzada | self | self |
Marcia E Sailsbury | none | none |
Margaret Kreier | self | |
Margaret Tanney | Self | Self |
Margie Hockenberry | none | personal |
Marjorie McCullough | None | None |
Mark Lytell | Self | Self |
Mark Welch | St Marys | St Marys Catholic |
Marta McCormack | Self | Self |
Mary Bridges | personal | Person |
Mary Carlisle | Self | Self |
Mary Carol Powers | Self | Self |
Mary F Lester | NA | |
Mary l Guerrero | NA | NA |
Mary Nevins | Self | Self |
Meegan McNulty | self | self |
megan brady | none | |
Megan Cloherty | NA | Self |
Megan Opperman | Self | Self |
Melissa Morrison | Self | Self |
Michael L McBride | Self | Self |
Michele Figie | None | self |
Michelle Lapeyre | self-employed | self |
Michelle Mathia | Self | Self |
mike F koeller | na | na |
Mike w Miller | None | None |
Nancy A Hurliman | NA | self |
Neal Zirbes | Self | |
Nick Muccianti | self | self |
Norma white | None | |
Norma white | None | |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | self | self |
Pamela Zirbes | Self | |
Pat Burt | Retired | Self |
Patricia Neumann | Self | Self |
Patricia Stambaugh | Retired | NA |
Patricia Sue Hatter | Retired | Citizen |
Patty Bertrand | Self | Self |
Patty Miller | Self | Self |
Patty Miller | Self | Self |
Patty Miller | Self | Self |
Paul Lindstrom | Self | Self and Church |
Paul M Grotelueschen | self | self |
Paula Borowski | Resident of Illinois | |
R Liace | Self | Self |
Rebecca Cheek | self | |
Rebecca Darling | None | Self |
Rebecca Terhark | NA | Self |
Regina Post | Self | Self |
Richard G Vogler | Self | Self |
Richard J Marcantonio | On behalf of self. | On behalf of self. |
Robert Wolfe | Self | Families |
Rosalie Shaw | Self | Self |
Rose Anna Nelson | self | self |
Rose Koopmann | Self | |
Ruby Geiler | self | |
Russell Christ | Retired | Self |
Ruth Hahn | self | self |
Ruth Lowe | NA | citizen |
Ryan Wolland | NA | Self |
Sam Opperman | Self | Self |
Samuel Entile | self | self |
Sandra Koch | none | self |
Scott Morrison | Self | Self |
Scott Shoup | Self | Self |
Sharon Thomas | NA | Self |
Stephanie Opperman | Self | Self |
Stephanie Wright | Self | |
Steve kitchens | self | self |
Steve Scherrer | NA | NA |
Steven Rudolph | Self | Self |
Susan MacRoy | self | self |
Susan Mills | Self | |
Terry Coonley | NA | Self |
Tex Darling | None | Self |
Theresa R Hardesty | Self | Self |
Therese Seybert | Self | |
Thiffany Lozano | Self | |
Tim Clay | Self | myself |
Tim Miller | Self | Self |
Tim Miller | Self | Self |
Timothy P Friedrich | none | self |
Vittorio T Ciummo | Self | Self |
Warren Dorman | Self | Self |
Yesenia Garcia | SELF | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 2/7/2024 2:00 PM |
David Curtin | Illinois Family Institute | Illinois Family Institute |
Michael Luebbers | Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom Alliance | On behalf of IFCC dba IFA |