Illinois General Assembly - HB3067Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB3067  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB3067
Proponents: 251Opponents: 8No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Approp-Health & Human Services (H) 5/11/2023 9:00 AM
Blake MartinSelfSelf
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Camilla SteflSelfSelf
Carolyn LewisSelf
Cathy L ChristensenSelfSelf
Danielle HarterSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Ellen Caffrey Garzaselfself
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
James SchwartzSelfSelf
Janet Ericksonself
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Katie OlssonNASelf
Laura WelchIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois National Organization for Women
Laura Zupkon a
Macaire Grambauerselfself
Margaret ReillyReilly
Mari NakajimaSelfSelf
Maria EnglishSelfSelf
Mary Millerselfself
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Melinda StraussThe Arkself
Michael Peshkinnoneself
Pam DaviesNAmyself
Rhoda ReelingNoneSelf
RoseMarie CarvalloSelfSelf
sara overtonnoneself
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sarah Lincolnselfself
Sherri Gail BarberselfMyself
Susan Balabanselfself
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Terri ShihSelfSelf
Thomasine RosenthalSelfself
Vicky KaplanSelfSelf
William K SellersIndivisible Lincoln SquareIndivisible Lincoln Square
William MengebierWordwise LLCSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Approp-Health & Human Services (H) 3/22/2023 9:00 AM
Amanda BreedenNoneSelf
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Camilla SteflSelfSelf
Carol ChavarriaNoneSelf
Catherine CaporussoResistanceWomen and children
Catherine KingSelfself
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Christine BreedenNoneSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Diana SmithSelfSelf
Diane H Schaar MD FAAPPediatricianself
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Ellen Caffrey Garzaselfself
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Jacquelyn HaynesSelfSelf
Janet BauerSelf
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jill AdamsNoneSelf
JoLynn Doerrselfself
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Katherine L Yoshidaselfself
Katie OlssonNASelf
Katie OlssonNASelf
Ken BreedenNoneSelf
Kitty Knechtnoneself
Kristen Lyonsselfself
Laura Jamesselfself
Laura Jamesselfself
Macaire Grambauerselfself
Mara JauntiransSelfSelf
Mary Hobeinnoneself only
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Melinda Straussselfself
Michelle KnipmeyerNASelf
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Paula Belnapselfself
Phuong-Yung Cong-HuyenSelfSelf
Rachel C DasSelfSelf
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sarah BreedenNoneSelf
Shannon MillikinNorthwestern Universityself
Steve Hetzelselfself
Susan Balabanselfself
Tasnim TanveerSelfSelf
Terri ShihSelfSelf
Victor Skadauskiselfself
William K SellersIndivisible Lincoln SquareIndivisible Lincoln Square
Hearing Date and Time: Approp-Health & Human Services (H) 3/16/2023 8:30 AM
Brigid LeahyPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Hearing Date and Time: Approp-Health & Human Services (H) 3/9/2023 8:30 AM
Carole Perlman--None--self
Alexa Lee-Hassanselfself
Allison Fradkinselfself
Amy L Dworskynone
Amy Levinselfself
Amy RubinSelfSelf
Andrea DanisMutual Ground, Inc.Children and Young adults
Angela DanceySelfSelf
Anjali BidaniNAmyself
Anne Swansonselfself
Barbara J MuehlhausenSelf
Barbara MayersSelfSelf
Barbara Vernonselfself
Becky MarshallSelfSelf
Becky Simonself
Beth NajbergNCJW
Beth Nudelmanselfself
Betsy WilsonSentencing Advocacy Group of EvanstonSentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston
Bonnie L Bravermanself
Bridget DoughertyNone
Carol Devossselfself
Carole ArettSelf
Carole LevineLevine Partnersself
Carolyn KopelSelf
Carrie VineRainbow Cafe LGBTQ CenterRainbow Cafe LGBTQ Center
danielle mcmann-griffinSelfSelf
Dave Perlman--None--
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
deborah CalhounnaSelf
Deborah KadinSelf
Debra BorodkinSelf
Denise Deanselfindividual
Diana SmithSelfSelf
Diana Torres HawkenNASelf
Diane and Jerry BalinAAUW Riverside BranchRiverside Branch AAUW
Diane M ScottDiane Scottself
Donna GutmanSelfSelf
Donna L Fishmannonself
Douglas Owerselfself
Eileen DordekEileen Dordek, LCSW
Eileen G SoderstromSelfSelf
Elaine FisherSelfSelf
Elizabeth B Carrollselfself and AAUW Naperville Area
Elizabeth Morris Downieselfself
Ellen KaplanNational Council of Jewish Women South Cook SectionNational Council of Jewish Women South Cook Section
Elly Kafritsas-WesselsNASelf
Erin Van NessNoneSelf
Eulalia E Houseself
Fay ClaytonSelfSelf
Faye Marcusselfself
Faye Marcusselfself
Gail Weisbergself
George Rothself
Gwenna Weshinskeynoneself
Hallie CohenYWCA Evanston North ShoreYWCA Evanston North Shore
Heath HancockNone
Jan SchwartzSelfSelf
Jazz McGinnisSelfSelf
Jenni PurdueJ & J LegislativeAmerican Association of University Women
Jessica RodzenSelfSelf
Jill LexierNational Council for Jewish WomenNational Council of Jewish Women
Johanna ByramAAUW Aurora Area Chapter
Joseph NaidnurSelfSelf
Joy Wener BangRetireeElgin chapter AAUW
Joyce Harantresidentself
Julie E StraussSelf-EmployedSelf
Julie PrandiSelf
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Jyotsna Jagaiselfself
Kara A CalhounSelf
Karen Kortschselfself
Katherine BurtonSelfSelf
Kathleen brennanSelfSelf
Kathleen GalloNone, Illinois resident and U.S. citizenSelf
Kathryn Camastoself employedself
Kathryn KoldehoffSelfSelf
Kathy WaligoraEverThrive IllinoisEverThrive Illinois
Kelly KleimanNFP Consultimg
Ken OlsonSelf
Kevin Agapay-ReadPlease Select a Prefix
Kimberly HarrodSelf
Laura WelchIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois National Organization for Women
Laurenel DriscollNone
laurie baskinself
Leah Marcusself
Lee Ann AndersonLMA InteriorsSelf
Linda Hiltabrandself
Linda Seylerselfself
Lindsay WelbersSelfSelf
Lisa CherryAAUWself
Lorena Nealnoneself
Lynn FrangerNoneSelf
M A LeMayPlanned ParenthoodSelf
Madeleine BehrChicago Alliance Against Sexual ExploitationChicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)
Magda Rothself
Maralea NegronThe Network Advocating Against Domestic ViolenceThe Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence
Marcia MayNASelf
Margaret FrankSelfSelf
Margaret Massarelloselfself
Margaret Rohterretired
Marianne Flanagan- Select -self
Marion E PageMarion E Page MDself
Mark MuehlhausenSelfSelf
Marlene DaubertAAUWAAUW
Martin Cuellarselfself
Mary Hobeinnoneself only
Mary Mathewsselfself
Mary Shesgreenmyself
Meredith WestSelfSelf
Merle Kharasch GrossSELFSELF
Merle Kharasch GrossSELFSELF
Michael Reichselfself
Michael ZiriEquality IllinoisEquality Illinois
Nancy L Cowgerselfself
Noah WeiningerSelfSelf
Norine M Gutekanstnoneself
Pamela Sue Millironself
Patricia A MengesSELFSELF
Paul Joseph Schleitwiler FCMretiredself
Paula PurAmerican Association of University AssociationAmerican Association of University Women
Peter Ayresself
Phuong-Yung Cong-HuyenSelfSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rebecca WeiningerSelfSelf
Rita ShawRetired
Roberta Schreiberself
Robin TryloffRobin Tryloff Photographyself
Sara BuehlerNone
Sara Kurenskyselfself
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sarah BreedenNoneSelf
Sarah HirsenSelfSelf
Sarah LaydenResilience, formerly Rape Victim AdvocatesResilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates
Shannon MillikinNorthwestern Universityself
Sharon E JohnsonNCJW South Cook Sectionself
Shazia R MillerSelf
Shoshana Frankselfself
Sonja Channoneself
Stephanie VictorSavvy Investments of IL, LLCself
Susan Crothers-GeenaSelf
Susan Agatenone
Susan ArmstrongSelfSelf
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan Glover CraigheadSelf
Susan kaltRetiredSelf
Susan LucciSelfSelf
Susan WalkerSelfSelf
Suzanne StegemanSelf
Terrence WardSELFSELF
Thomas LusciattiSelfSelf
Timothy JacksonAIDS Foundation ChicagoAIDS Foundation Chicago
Todra OkenSwlfSelf
Tracey Sherman FalconAAUW