Illinois General Assembly - SB0895Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB0895  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001   Senate Amendment 002   Senate Amendment 003
Senate Amendment 004
Bill Status

Legislation: SB0895
Proponents: 2Opponents: 10No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Trans: Regulations, Roads & Bridges (H) 5/18/2023 9:30 AM
Curt BarrettVillage of WinfieldVillage of Winfield
David L BrummelCity of WarrenvilleCity of Warrenville
Evan SummersVillage of BensenvilleVillage of Bensenville
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
Michael GuttmanCity of West ChicagoCity of West Chicago
Nick CuzzoneVillage of Villa ParkVilla Park
Rodney CraigVillage of Hanover ParkVillage of Hanover Park
Suzette QuintellDuPage Mayors and Managers ConferenceDuPage Mayors and Managers Conference
THOMAS HUNDLEYVillage of AddisonVillage of Addiosn
Tom DaillyVillage of SchaumburgVillage of Schaumburg