Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Public Health (S) 5/28/2019 11:00 AM |
Aacia Drissi | Tribble vapors | Self |
Aaren Selock | Smoke Rings, LLC | Self |
Aaron Hawkins | Self | Self |
Aaron Mann | 3G Healthcare, LLC | Aaron Mann |
Aaron Mann | 3G Healthcare, LLC | Aaron Mann |
Aaron Plenske | Mystic Vapes | Myself |
Adam Kennedy | The Getaway | Na |
Adam Kilker | 3-D Vapor | Self |
Adam Page | Self | Self |
Alan Janssen | Self | Self |
Alec Stenerson | Marcos Vapor | Self |
Alejandro Garcia | Self | Self |
Alex Jaskula | Veteran's Vape Inc. | Self |
Alex lile | Self | Self |
Alexander Branscomb | Vape n Juice | Vape n Juice |
Alexander d Cearlock | Self | Myself |
Alida Barela | Myself | Myself |
Alida Barela | Self | Self |
Allie Szuba | Advance electronic Cigarettes | NA |
Allison Montgomery | Self | Self |
Amanda Jordan | Self | Self |
Amber Leese | Self | Self |
Amber Veselack | Upper limits | Customet |
Anders Joslin | Self | Self |
Andre delahoz | Happy Daze | Myself |
Andrew Arkin | Cool Clouds Vapor Shop | Cool Clouds Vapor Shop |
Andrew Armstrong | Reynalds consumer products | Myself |
Angela Edwards | Tribble vapors | Self |
Angela Edwards | Tribble vapors LLC | None |
Angela Williams | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Angie webster | Self | Self |
Ann Dickman | Self | Self |
Anthony Cordero | Wise Guys Vapes | Myself |
Anthony fults | Mr. | self |
Anthony Persico | Haze Vapor | Citizen and Business Owner |
April Kemp | Self | Self |
Asher alabaster | Happy daze | Self |
Ashley Alexander | 3D Vapor | Self |
Ashley Buchen | Self | Self |
Ashley miller | Upper limits | Upper limits |
Ashley Schoen | Self | Self |
Ashley wilhoit | Self | Self |
Ashlyn Tribble | 911 vapor inc | 911 vapor inc |
Atef Menias | Happy Daze | Self |
Austin | Vape n juice | Self |
Austin Carter | Mystic Vapes | Myself |
Austin Johnson | Vapors plus | Ads |
Bailey Berner | Na | Self |
Bailey Jones | Self | Self |
Bailey Kotowski | Self | Self |
Becky trago | Trippy drips | Trippy drips |
Benjamin Bretzlaff | Vape vault | Citizens |
Benjamin Dawson Cox | Self | Self |
Bernard G Crowley | 1991 | self |
Billy Johnson | Upper Limits | Self |
Bradley geissman | Marcos vapor | Marcos vapor |
Brandon McFarland | National Rent To Own | Illinois Vapers |
brandy shriver | Big John's Vapes | Brandy Shriver |
Brendan Fuerst | Na | Myself |
Brendan Fuerst | Self | Self |
Brendan Gallagher | Cool clouds vape shop | Public |
Brendan will | 3d vapor | Self |
Brenden Taheny | Transistor | Transistor LLC |
Brett Brown | Self | Self |
Brian brown | None | Voters |
Brian Felix | Wise Guys Vapes | Wise Guys Vapes |
Brian Haskins | BNN Enterprises LLC | Self |
BRIAN RASMUSSEN | Advance electronic cigarettes | Brian rasmusseb |
Bridget Carey | Cool Clouds LLC | Cool Clouds Vapor Shop, our patrons and smokers who may need us in the future |
Brittany Weinant | Tribble vapors | Self |
Brittany Plowman | Self | Self |
Brock Baker | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Brock Taylor | 911 Vapor | Self |
Bryan A Rawlings | Consumer | Self |
Bryan Hughes | Self | Self |
Bryan potter | Happy daze | Self |
Cara Kutak | none | myself |
Carlie VanPatten | 3D Vapor | Self |
Caton B Tinker | 1980 | Self |
Catrina Ellsworth | self | self |
chad nicks | beyoung trading | self |
Charlene Craft | Hayze Vape LLC | Self |
Charles Greer | Self | Self |
Charles Jordan Brimm | 618 VAPE | Me |
Chelsee | SmallCakes | Self |
Cheyanne Hinz | Vape n juice | Vape n juice |
Chlo Chanel | Wise guys vapes | Business |
Chris Lammon | None | self |
Chris Purdue | 309 Vapirs | Self |
Chris rempe | Trippy drips | Vapers |
Chris Shipman | Shipwreck Gaming LLC | Myself |
Chris Stanford | Self | Self |
Chris sussen | Vape vault | Vape vault |
Chris Tutt | Self | Self |
Chris Walker | None | Self |
Christian Justus | 309 Vapors | Vaping Community |
Christina Courier | Self | Self |
Christina Hickerson | Self | Self |
Christine M Waters | none | self |
Christine Melone | Uncle Stus Smoke n Vape | Na |
Christopher Kasper | Self | Self |
Christopher Knox | Marco's Vapor | Myself |
Christopher M Townsend | self | self |
Christopher Powell | 9-1-1 Vapor Inc | 911 Vapor |
Cidney Binegar | Vaporized | Vaporized |
Clinton Andrew finke III | Self | Self |
Cody Schahl | Trippy Drips | Trippy Drips |
Cole Vapatten | 3D vapor | Self |
Colette Paulsen | Lewis university | Colette Paulsen |
Colleen Sweet | 3-D Vapor | Self |
Colleen Sweet | 3-D Vapor LLC | Self |
Collin snyder | Tribble vapors | Self |
Connor King | Self | Self |
Corey Adami | Vape-N-Juice | Vape-N-Juice |
Corey Eddington | Self | Self |
Cory Loomis | Self | Self |
Cory ritter | Self | 765217 vapers |
Craig Kitson | 9-1-1 Vapor | 9-1-1 Vapor |
Craig Kitson | Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois | All Illinois smoker's and former smoker's seeking better harm reduction options through Vaping. |
Crystal Greathouse | Crystal Greathouse | Crystal Greathouse |
Dan Meyers | Self | Self |
Dane Wells | Self | Self |
Daniel A Hughes | Self | Self |
Daniel Oswald | Self | Self |
Daniel Pak | All Day Vapes | Daniel Pak |
Daniel William Manislovich | Vape N Juice | Vape N Juice |
Danne Reinke | 3D Vapor | 3D Vapor |
Danne Reinke | SFAC | SFAC |
Darcy Hughes | Self | Self |
Darrell Knowles | self | self |
Darrin Doan | Self | Self |
David Bolt | Western Bowl | David Bolt |
David kern | 3D vapor | Self |
David l Anderson | Self | Self |
David l anderson | Self | Self |
David Vanelli | 3D Vapor | Self |
David Woosley | NA | Self |
Dawn Jones | None | Myself |
Dawn Lefler | Cafe Piazza | Myself |
Dawn Mills | Self | Self |
Deb Ingold | Na | Self |
Delbert wells | Delf | Self |
Delbert Wells | Myself | Myself |
Delbert wells | Self | Myself |
Denise Lambert | self | self |
Denise M Witt | Better Vapes | Self |
Derek Rhoades | 911 Vapor | Self |
Deren reinke | 3D Vapor | Self |
Devin Fitzpatrick | Self | Vape industry |
Devlyn Downs | Self | Self |
Diah Darwish | Happy Daze | Happy Daze |
Diana Critser | 309 Vapors | Self |
Diane Hughes | Self | Self |
Diane Lovell | Self | Self |
Diane Schulz | NA | NA |
Diego | Vape-N-Juice | Vape-N-Juice |
Dirk J Critser | 309 Vapors | Self |
Don Wells | self | self |
Donald Goodwin | DG Customs | Vape Vault |
Donald Gray | Self | Self |
Donald Henley Jr | Mech Sauce | Mech Sauce |
Donna Wells | Tribble Vapors | Self and all my Family and Friends who have successfully quit smoking. |
Dustin Miller | Unique Smoke Shop | Unique Smoke Shop |
Dylan Hart | Vape-N-Juice | Vape-N-Juice |
Elayne Nguyen | Midtown Vapor | Self |
Elijah Jordan Brady | Vape-N-Juice | Vape-N-Juice |
Elizabeth Kitson | 911 Vapor inc | Self |
Elizabeth lybarger | Self | Self |
Elizabeth murray | Vaporized | Concerned citizen |
Elizabeth Vasconcellos | self | self |
Eric Cunningham | self | self |
Erica Madden | self | self |
Ernest Frans | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Frances bugg | Tribble vapors | Self |
Francisco Calixto | Self | Self |
Frank DAmbrosio | Strictly Vape | Self Strictly Vape |
Frank DAmbrosio | Strictly Vape | Self-Strictly Vape |
Fred bode | 3d vapor | Self |
Fred Denny jr | Self | 3d vapor |
Garrett Mobus | Tribble Vapors | Tribble Vapors and my customers |
Gary Reymond | God Bless Southern Illinois FB Page | self |
Gaz Halim | Wise Guys Vapes | Wise Guys Vapes |
Gloria Stevens | Stardust Vapes, LLC | Stardust Vapes, LLC |
Grace Nelson | Tribble vapors | Self |
Graham Sampson | Self | Self |
Greg sullivan | Self | Self |
Gregory Barks | Self | Self |
grover W Sharp | Upper Limits Midwest | Upper Limits |
Hassan Khan | HS Wholesale | Self |
Heather Cook | Self | self |
Heather Horner | State Street Vapor Company | self |
Heather Reinke | 3D Vapor | 3D Vapor |
Henry Dickman | Self | Self |
Herb Heaton | 3d Vapor | Self |
Herb Nordheimer | NA | Myself |
Hillary Barrett | State Street Vapor Company | State Street Vapor Company |
Hope Courier | 911 Vapor | 911 Vapor |
Hope Courier | 911 Vapor | 911 Vapor. Inc |
Ian Adkins | Vapors of illinois | Vapors of America |
Ian Mclaughlin | Vape - N - Juice | Vape-N-Juice |
Illinoisian | God-fearing nation | Pass some coolldown legislation, God bless America, Jesus Christ bless Illinois |
Isaac Kinney | Mystic vapes | Isaac Kinney |
Ivana Nanthavong | Public | Public |
Jacob Campbell | Trippy Drips | Vapers |
Jacob Tribble | Self | Self |
Jacob Weinant | Tribble vapors | Self |
Jacob white | Vapors ecigs | Jacob white |
Jaime Meyers | Construction | Self |
Jake Collins | Wise Guys Vapes | Dont do it |
Jake Moore | Myself | Concerned citizen |
James Kamholz | Self | Self |
James McCallum | Vaporized | Myself |
James Norwich | Public | .m |
James rivera | James rivera | James Rivera |
James rivera | None | James rivera |
James Webb | Self | Self |
Jamie Dyer | Represent self | Self |
Jamie Willoughby | Vape N juice | Person |
Janet Stallworth | Na | Self |
Janet Sweet | 3-D Vapor | Self |
Jared Krusey | Marcos Vapor | Jared Krusey |
Jason Clark | 3D Vapor | Self |
Jason Friedrich | Hayze Vape LLC | Hayze Vape LLC |
Jason Kiang | JMK312 Inc | Business |
Jason M Smith | 618 Vape | 618 Vape |
Jason Preston | Self | Self |
Jason Schaefer | Consuner | Consumer |
Jason Williams | Myself | Myself |
Jawad Muqeet | Wise Guys Vapes | Myself |
Jeanna Hippen | Myself | Self |
Jeff Skaggs | Self | Self |
Jeff Skaggs | Self | Self |
Jenna Woolard | None | Self |
Jennifer Miller | JJVapes LLC | Self |
Jennifer Nagel | Self | Self |
Jeremiah Thomas | Vape N Juice | Vape N Juice |
Jeremy Holbrook | Self | Self |
Jeremy Jones | JJVapes | Self |
Jeremy Petrocelli | Vape-N-Juice | Vape-N-Juice |
Jeremy Pierce | NA | Happy daze |
Jeremy Woolard | Myself | Self |
Jeromie Aplin | Non industry | Consumer |
Jesse Cochran | 618 Vape | 618 Vape |
Jesse gannon | Marco's vapor | Self |
Jessica gomer | Myself | Myself |
Jessica rene martinez | Dollar general | Myself |
Jessica Young | Vapors | Personal |
Jim Critser | 309 Vapors | Self |
JoAnna Hendricks | Myself | Myself |
Jodee Barks | Mystic Vapes | myself |
Joe Fisher | Happy daze | Self |
Joe Frans | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Joe larsen | Elixrz | Safta |
Joe McCarthy | Self | Self |
John Bishof | Self | Self |
john cottingham | self | self |
John E Davies | Self | Self |
John Hiltabidel | Brokenartist | SELF |
John Lisicich | Happy daze | The free and brave and AMERICANS. and HAPPY DAZE |
John McCurdy | Myself | Self |
John McLoughlin | Mclguitars | Anti tobacco community |
John Meyer | na | myself |
John Sheahan | Self | Self |
John Smith | Self consumer | N a |
Johnnie Lovell | self | self |
Jordan Davis | Self | Self |
Jordan M Davis | Mystic vapes | Mystic Vapes |
Jordan Sibrel | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Joseph B Carrell | Vape n Juice | Self |
Joseph Krucek | Wise guys vapes | Self |
Joseph T Mascheri | Wise Guys Vapes | Myself |
Joseph Wild | Self | Self |
Josh Bielman | Strictly Vape | Self, strictly vape llc |
Josh Odle | None | Myself |
Josh Phillips | Tribble vapor | Trimble vapors |
Joshua Malone | Cloud Express Vape Co | Self |
Joshua McDaniles | Freedom Vapes | Joshua McDaniles |
Joshua Nunes | Self | Self |
Joshua Still | Self | Self |
Judith Frans | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Judy Rimmey | Retired | Self |
Judy Ronke | JJ Vapes | Self |
Julie Fortin | Self | Self |
Justice Shanahan | JJVapes LLC | Self |
Justin Jones | JJVapes LLC | JJVapes LLC |
Justin Kruep | Better Vapes | Justin Kruep |
Justin Schou | Vapors | Self |
Justin sterling | Self | Self |
Justin trago | Trippy drips | Trippy drips |
Kali Glazier | Self | Self |
Kandice Benne | Self | Self |
Kandice Benne | Vaporized | Self |
Katie Beiermann | 3D Vapor | Self |
Katie Ostrowsky | Happy Daze | Happy Daze |
Kay Nelson | Self | Self |
Kayla Luckett | Na | Self |
Kayla M Davis | Mystic vapes | Public |
Kayla Still | Self | Self |
Kayla Teml | Self | Self |
Kaylee Freeman | Self | Self |
Kaylon Lambert | Self | Self |
Keegan Veach | Business | Solo |
Keith Brush | 309 Vapors | 309 Vapors |
Keith Ingold | Na | Self |
Keith Sweet | 3-D Vapor | Self |
Kelly C Vanengelenhoven | TheDarkPreacher Productions | Myself |
Kelly Freeman | Vapors | Self |
Kelly Schmidt | Kreative Strands | Self |
Kelly Woodburn | Better Vapes | Self |
Kendall Hunter | Upper Limits | Upper Limit |
Kendra Norman | Upper Limits | Self |
Kenneth Townsend | self | self |
Kenny trago | Trippy drips | Trippy drips |
Kevin Doerr | Self | Self |
Kevin Kitson | Self | Self |
Kevin Molsby | Consumer | 1 |
Kevin Tarrant | INDIVIDUAL | SELF |
Khole VanVooren | Self | Self |
Kimberly Hake | NA | Myself |
Kristin J Frost | Self | Vapor Industry |
Krystal knight | Community Care Systems | Vapor group |
Kyle Adcock | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Kyle Anderson | Vape Vault | Self |
Kyle Martin | Marco's Vapor | Self |
Lana darwish | Happy daze | Happy daze |
Larry eng | Level vape | Health awareness |
Laura Asani | Stardust Vapes, LLC | Stardust Vapes, LLC |
Laura Beard | Self | Self |
Letha Dennison | Walmart | Self |
Lindsey Quickle | Self | Self |
Lisa Hinerman | Self | People who quit smoking using FLAVORED e-liquid |
Lisa Lahners | Serenity Hair Studio | Self |
Lisa renee sayre | Self | 911 vapors |
Liz Price | 3D Vapor | 3D Vapors |
Logan Pelo | Mystic Vapes | Self |
Louretta Jane Kitson | Self | Self |
Lucas Spoonmore | Tribble Vapors | Self |
Lyn Schumacher | Self | Self |
Madilyn | Self | Representing myself |
Madison Hicks | 3D Vapor LLC | Self |
Mamas Vlachos | Self | Self |
Manuel Juarez | Happy Daze | Self |
Marco Altamore | Marco's Vapor | Sfacoil |
Marcus Delre | Myself | Myself |
Marge Knowles | self | self |
Mari Menias | Happy Daze | Self |
Mariah Muniz | Vape n Juice | Vape n Juice |
Mariano gonzalez | Vaportek inc | CASAA |
Marie Kudrys | Self | Self |
Mario Jirjees | MI VAPE CO | MI VAPE CO. |
Mark E Lovekamp | Self | Self |
Mark lounsberry | Self | Self |
Mark Lovekamp | Self | Self |
Mason cline | Self represented | Self |
Mason Green | Vape-N-Juice | Self |
Mason Woodburn | Better Vapes | Self |
Matt hymes | Per mar | Self |
Matt Padilla | Self | Na |
Matthew Eilers | Self | Self |
Matthew Gester | Midtown Vapor Mchenry | Midtown Vapor Mchenry |
Matthew Heaton | 3D Vapor | Self |
Matthew Heaton | 3D Vapor Llc | Self |
Matthew Sweet | LKQ | Self |
Matthieu Fortin | Upper Limits Midwest | Upper Limits Midwest Inc |
Maurice Perrault | Concerned Citizen | Maurice Perrault |
Max Owens | Vienti vapor | Max Owens |
McKenzie Grafton | UpperLimits Midwest | Upper Limits Midwest |
Megan Day | 911 Vapor | Self |
Megen Veselack | Upper limits midwest | Upper limits |
Meghan Hensley | Wise Guys Vapes | Meghan Hensley |
melissa freeman | none | myself, my family and thousands of former smokers thanks to flavored ecig liquid |
Melissa Freeman | Vapors ecigs | customers of vapors ecigs |
Melissa Freeman | Vapors Plus LLC | customers of Vapors plus |
Melissa Garza | Self | Self. Consumer |
Melissa Henley | Advanced Machine and engineering | Self |
Melissa Peterson | Self | Self |
Meshawn Astabraghpour | Vape Scene LLC | Self |
Michael Ballerini | Stardust Vapes, LLC | Stardust Vapes, LLC |
Michael C Dutz | Trippy Drips | Trippy Drips |
Michael Daugherty | Midtown Vapor | Midtown Vapor |
Michael F Lang | Self | Na |
Michael Herbold | Midtown Vapor | Michael Herbold |
Michael Kissee | Myself | Myself |
Michael kramer | Self | Self |
Michael Menias | Happy Daze | Self |
Michael Morris | NA | Myself |
Michael Riley | Mystic Vapes | SFCoIL |
Micheal Shaw | Independent | Independent |
Michele Evans | Happy Daze | Happy Daze |
Michele Frans | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Michele Wells | self | self |
Mike klotka | Vape industry | Self |
Mike Rosenberg | NSL, Inc | FC North |
Misty Myers | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Morgan Reynolds | Self | Self |
Natalie Whipple | Self | Self |
Nathan James Hossley | State Farm | Self |
Nicholas Reinbold | Hs wholesale | Hs wholesale |
Nichole Dunning | 618 Vape | Self |
Nick Carl | 911vapor, Carl's Procut Lawn & Snow Service LLC | 911vaporinc |
Nick Emert | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Nick Enders | Wise guys vapes | Myself |
Nick Noel | 3d Vapor | Self |
Nick Ruder | Mr. | Self |
Nick Walter | Mystic Vapes | Nick Walter |
Nikkie Scarbrough | Unemployed | 3D Vapor |
Nikola Castleman | Self | Self |
Nikola Castleman | Tribble Vapors | I am a vape store owner concerned for the adult population that have chosen a safer alternative to cigarettes. |
Noah Vanbebber | Myself | Myself |
Omar qulaghassi | Happy daze | Happy daze |
Patrick Bach | Myself | Myself |
PATRICK J VEACH | 1987 | Self |
Paul Colucci | Self | Self |
Paul Hodges | Citizen | Vape 911 |
Paul Hodges | Citizen | Vape Inc |
Paul Schmidt | Chuckin Clouds Vape Shop | Chuckin Clouds Vape shop |
Peggy Nail | Self | Self |
Philip McKinnon | Self | Self |
Phillip thrush | Breathe vapor | Breathe vapor |
Pilar smith | I80 Vapors | Self |
Rachel C Townsend | self | self |
Ramon Garcia | Ritual Craft Vapor | Ritual Craft Vapor |
Ramy betouni | Vapor cabin | Self |
Rasha al Nablusi | Happy daze | Happy daze |
Raul River | self | self |
Ray Castleman | Self | Self |
Raymond Price | Stardust Vapes, LLC | Stardust Vapes, LLC |
Rebecca Hilton | self | self |
Regina Brown | self | myself |
Regina Peterson | Na | Na |
REID NUTTALL | COOL CLOUDS VAPOR SHOP | Cool clouds vapor shop, its staff and customers |
Renee Sayre | Self | Vape vault |
Richard Flynn | None | None |
Robert bailey | Myself | Robert bailey |
Robert Kaltenbach | Resistance Vapor | Resistance Vapor |
Robert Samy | Self | Self |
Robert Webb | Self | Self |
Robin Wooden | Myself | Self |
Robyn Tribble | Self | Self |
Rod Taapken | Trippy Drips | Trippy Drips |
Roger Walker | Vapors 4 U | Vapors 4 U |
Ron Subgrunski | Self | Seld |
Ronald C Buss | Advance Vape | Advance Vape |
Ronay betouni | Vapor cabin | Self |
Rose Julius | Self | Self |
Rosemary Boyd | Self | Myself |
Rosemary Boyd | Self | Self |
Rowan Mooney | self | Self |
Roy Orr | Concerned citizen | Concerned citizen |
Roy Orr | Vaporized | Vaporized |
Ryan Glover | Myself | Myself |
Ryan Kesinger | Vape-n-Juice | Vape |
Ryan Maier | Self | Self |
Ryan McDaniel | Self | Strictly vape |
Ryan Wells | Self | Self |
Rylei Hill | 911 Vapor Inc. | 911 Vapor Inc |
Rylei Hill | Self | Self |
saad moazzam mohammed | Individula | Person |
Samantha Cooper | Vape | I do not agree with this bill at all it is ridiculous no wonder why people are leaving illinois in droves |
Samantha Eldridge | JJVAPES | Self |
Sara Backes | Self | Self |
Sarah cook | 309 Vapors | 309 Vapors |
Savanah Taylor | None | Self |
Scott Miller | Self | Self |
Sean Murphy | Self | Self |
Sean Stevens | Sean Stevens Insurance | Self |
Seth Davey | 3d Vapor | Self |
Shane Brassfield | Self | Self |
Shane devall | Self | Self |
Shane Peterson | Self | Self |
Shannon M Landholt | self | self |
Shannon VanPatten | 3D Vapor | Self |
Sharilyn Droege | Self | Self |
Sharon Irvin | None | None |
shawn freeman | none | myself |
Shelby Koehler | Cool Clouds Vapor Shop | Self |
Shelley nuccio | Unclestus | Owner |
Shelli Tribble | Tribble Vapors | Tribble Vapors |
Shelli Tribble | Tribble Vapors | Tribble Vapors and all of our customers. |
Shelly Skaggs | Self | Self |
Sherri Taapken | Self | Self |
Shukri Yanni | Transistor LLC | Transistor |
Spencer Horner | State Street Vapor Company | Family, friends, co-workers, myself included |
Stacey Critser | 309 Vapors | Self |
Stacey Shipman | NA | NA |
Stephanie Hormann | Self | Self |
Stephanie Kainz | Cloud 9 Vapor | Cloud 9 |
Stephanie Williams | Breathe Vapor | Self |
Steve Symmonds | Market Street Vaping | SFAC |
Steve Welcome | Self | Self |
Steven Bethel | Self | Self |
Steven zurita | Self | Self |
Stevie walker | Self | Self |
Suzanne Peirson | 1969 | An Illinois Vaper |
Tammy McKenna | Representing Self | Self |
Tara Rhodes | Wise guys vapes | Wise guys vapes |
Taylor Loomis | Self | Self |
Tera Oliver | Na | Vapers |
Teresa Barrett | None | Myself |
Terry Austin Cooper | Tribble Vapors | Self |
Thad Headley | QCVC | Self |
Therasa Haynes | Self | Self |
Thomas h Wolcott | Vapor company | Casaa |
Tiegan banbury | Town tap | Tiegan |
Tiffany Looman | Flavor Vapor Inc | Tiffany Looman |
Tiffany smith | I80 vapors | Self |
Tiffeny Teml | That 1 Vape | That 1 Vape |
Tim maberry | . | Tim maberrry |
Tim Teml | That 1 Vape | That 1 Vape |
Tim VanPatten | 3D vapor | Self |
Tim Williams | Tribble Vapors | Myself |
Timothy Bergt | Private | Myself |
Tisha DAmbrosio | Strictly Vape | Self -Strictly Vape |
Todd Muehler | Midtown vape | Midtown vape |
tom harmening | na | self |
Toni McLaughlin | no answer | no answer |
Tracey Sorensen | Self | Self |
Travis J Knowles | Trippy Drips LLC | Trippy Drips LLC |
Tressia A Dutz | Trippy Drips | Trippy Drips |
Trevor Hillier | Strictly Vape | Na |
Trevor simpson | Spring green | Vapers |
Tricia Preston | Self | Self |
Tristan Camden | 618 Vape | 618 Vape |
Tyler | Self | Self |
Tyler Childers | Wise Guys Vapes | Wise Guys Vapes |
Tyler Dorencz | None | Illinois vapers |
tyler hamilton | jjvapes | self |
Tyler Matson | Na | Myself |
Tylor Knisley | Mystic Vapes | Mystic vapes |
Vanessa Beavers | Gaggle | SFAC of Illinois |
Vape One LLC | Vape One LLC | Business owner |
Vicki Orr | Concerned citizen | Concerned citizen |
Victoria Vasconcellos | Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois | Businesses that support tobacco harm reduction |
Walter Bishop | Self | Self |
Wanda Janssen | Home | Self |
Wanda Janssen | Veteran's Vape Inc | Self |
Wesley Alan Haynes | Self | SELF |
Whitney Zielke | 309 Vapors | Self |
Will hately | HS wholesale | Self |
William Drollinger | Self | Self |
William Grindstaff | Self | Representing self |
William Heyer | Heyer Quality Beatz | Swlf |
William Sausaman Jr | Tribble Vapors LLC | Self |
Yvette Menias | Happy Daze | Self |
Zach Edwards | Myself | Myself |
Zach gabriel | Myself | Myself |
Zachary greenlee | Cloud 9 vapor | Self |
Zachary Griffin | Pro Vaping | Pro vaping |
Zachary M Magon | Smokers Choice | SFAC |