Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Criminal Law (S) 5/18/2016 9:00 AM |
Albert Stabler | University of Illinois | self |
Andrea Herrera | self | self |
Andrea Herrera | self | self |
Ann Donovan | None | none |
Ann Lowry | Urbana Champaign Friends Meeting | Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting (Quakers) |
Annette Taylor | Ripple Effect | Phone Justice |
Arturo Luna Loranca | Self | Self |
Barb Olson | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | filing written statement |
Beth Johnson | Cabrini Green Legal aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Brian Dolinar | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice |
Brian Holmes | The Compass Group | The Compass Group (artists and writers organization) |
Buff Carmichael | IEMA Retiree | none |
Charlotte Green | individual | none, representing myself |
Chery Gilles | Resident of Champaign | IL children of incarcerated parents and other family members |
Cheyenne E Stewart | Self | Self |
Christine Allen | Self | Self |
Christopher Evans | Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice | Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice |
Claire Pentecost | The School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Claire Pentecost |
Claudia Fabian | None | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Cody Stephens | 1069 W 14th Place | not applicable |
Corrie Leech | Restore Justice Illinois | Restore Justice Illinois |
Dan Jabs | Mr. | Mr. Jabs |
Dan Johnson | Progressive Public Affairs | Restore Justice Illinois |
Dedrea Gray | Restore Justice Illinois | Restore Justice Illinois |
Derrick Clark | Midstate Clearance | Derrick Clark |
Dorothy Vura-Weis | None | None |
Elaina White | FCCG | FCCG |
Grace Tsao-Wu | none | Grace Tsao-Wu |
J Beverly | self | self |
Jennifer Vollen-Katz | John Howard Association of Illinois | John Howard Association of Illinois |
jim dixon | self | self |
John Ellis | destinationCME LLC | John Ellis |
jonathan Brito | Chicago public schools | jonathan brito |
Jose Ramos | Youth Guidance | Jose Ramos |
Julienne Anderson | Communities & Relatives of Illinois Incarcerated Children | Julienne Anderson |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kristen Ehrenberger | Self | Self |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Laurie Jo Reynolds | University of Illinois at Chicago | self |
Leslie Thomas | self | self |
Liam Lair | Transformative Justice Law Project | Transformative Justice Law Project |
Luis Carrizales | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Malcolm M Gaynor | None | None |
Margaret Stapleton | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Mark Enslin | University of Illinois Press | self |
Mary Haywood Benson | Mary Mobile Notary | individual |
Mary Linda Hayes | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Matthew Bush | Reimagine Justice IL | Reimagine Justice IL |
Michael K Fore | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice |
Michelle Heideman | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Miguel Angel Saucedo | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Dr. Miguel A. Saucedo |
Nancy Durchholz | Self | Self |
Nancy Willamon | Parkland College | Myself |
Natalie Nagel | NA | NA |
Natalie Nagel | NA | NA |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Patricia Avery | NAACP Champaign County Branch | NAACP, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY BRANCH |
Patricia Carpenter | Personal | Faith Coalition |
Ryan Latvaitis | not applicable | not applicable |
Sarah Blanco | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Self |
Sarah Ross | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Project | not appearing |
Shatriya smith | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
sherry zunker | Business | Chicago Community Trust |
Sr Marcelline Koch | Dominican Sisters | self |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Stuart Levy | self | self |
Susan Eby | Citizen | Citizen |
Tammy ward | TDOC | Ammons |
Thomas Cotter | Self | Self |
Viva Step | Transformative Justice Law Project | Transformative Justice Law Project |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/20/2016 8:00 AM |
Abigail Minor | University of Illinois | |
Adani Sanchez | Champaign County Health Care Consumers | Health and Human Services |
Aleks Kajstura | Prison Policy Initiative | Prison Policy Initiative |
Alexander Gold | Education Justice Project | |
Alexandra W Sipiora | Color of Change | Color of Change |
Alfred Kagan | University of Illinois | Self |
ALVERA PRITCHARD | not applicable | |
Alyssa Parsons | HDFS Graduate Student Organization | |
Amanda Cherico | North Park Theological Seminary | |
Andrea Johnson | Phone Justice Team | |
Andrea Rundell | YWCA of University Illinois | YWCA of the University of Illinois |
Andrew Heiserman | Chicago Public Schools | |
Ann Russell | None | Self |
Anna Cornell | North Park Theological Seminary | |
Ashley Price | None | |
Astrid Berkson | member Champaign county board but not speaking for them | |
Barbara Bair | Ms. | |
Barbara Lyons | none | self |
Ben Joselyn | Ben Joselyn | |
Bettye Jones | Food Pantry | |
Brenda Pomerance | self | |
Brian Dolinar | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice |
Brian Noe | NA | |
Brittany Baurle | North Park Theological Seminary | |
Caleb Carbone | North Park University | |
Carl Howard | na | |
Carol Inskeep | Voter | |
Carolyn Gibney | NA | |
Carrie J Martin | Carrie J. Martin Design, LLC | |
Cheryl S Spielman | Associates in Mediation & Counseling | |
Cheyenne Stewart | NA | |
Chris Lamprecht | Noble Network schools | |
Christine Miller | none | |
Cloydia Hill Larimore | NA | |
Craig Emerick | none | |
Crystal Ranson | Education Justice Project | |
Cynthia Mann | self | |
Dan Johnson | Progressive Public Affairs | Restore Justice Illinois |
Dave Frank | Mr. | |
David Bryan | Self | |
David Johnson | Myself | |
Dawn M Albanese | Individual | #PhoneJustice |
Deanna Durica | None | |
Deborah Cheek | none | |
Delmar Rhodes | Citizen | |
Deloris Henry | Retired | |
Dena gary | Witness slip | |
DENISE KALMES | Individual | |
Dennis Roberts | self | self |
Dennis Wismer | Supervalu | |
Don Gerard | City of Champaign | Myself as Illinois taxpayer |
Donald Goldhamer | self | |
Donnal Poppe | none | none |
Dwight Sanders | Marriott International Hotels | |
Ed Davie | None | |
Eithne Clarke | Ms. | |
Elena Bettis | North Park University | |
Emily Bourne | North Park Theological Seminary | |
Emily Rose | none | |
Esperanza Davis | color of change | |
Esther Patt | representing self | |
Eva Jehle | Retired | |
Evelyn Reynolds | Parkland College | |
Garrick Balk | Mr. | |
George J Gordon | McLean County Board | |
Glenn Berman | None | |
Gloria Johnson | Illinois HB 6200 The Family Connections Bill, | |
Goldie Mckee | None | |
Gordon Quinn | choose title | |
Greg Johnson | . | |
Greg Stawinoga | NONE | |
Gregory Koger | None | Self |
H Phillips | NA | |
Hale Landes | None | |
Iesha Johnson | None | |
Imani Bazzell | ROOT CAUSES | |
Ivan Ruiz | Self | |
Jack Maples | Proponent | |
Jacqueline Hannah | none | |
Jacqui Foster | 1960 | |
James Bachman | Private Citizen | |
James Galbreath | Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church | |
James Sajdak | Concerned Citizen | |
James Stewart | Maitri Healing Arts | |
Jamie Storm | retired | |
Jan Kalmar | self | |
Jane Barrett | individual | |
Jane Garcia | Color of Change | |
Jane Mohraz | none | |
Janessa Wildermuth | Janessa Wildermuth | |
Jeff Haugh | self | |
Jeffrey Cheifetz | Covenant Presbyterian Church of San Francisco | |
Jennifer Putman | Resident of Illinois | |
Jerry Bierens | JBAServicesLLC | |
Jessica Beverly | private citizen | self |
Jillanna D Mercer | Central East Alcohol and Drug Council | |
Jnana hand | Citizen | |
John Freeman | No agency | |
John Naue | Citizen | |
John T Shively | Salient Features, LLC | |
John Witte | Private citizen | |
Jonathan C Stevens | NA | |
Jonathan Hancock | First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn | |
Joseph Naidnur | University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria | |
Julie A Pryde | none | |
Julie Bromley | for Natl Ctg for Missing & Exploited Children | |
Julie Nieset | Self | |
Julie Prandi | Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal | |
Karie Carbone | North Park University | |
Karthik Raman | Contractor | |
Kate Thornton | 1 | |
Kathleen Kelly | Voices for Creative Nonviolence | |
Kathleen Spegal | WILL | |
Kathy A Martin | Myself | |
Kei Huntt | Color of change | |
Kerry Johnson | Business | |
kerry noh | Monkey Island Giving | |
Kevin Ascher | None | |
Kevin Elliott | Elliott Counseling Group | |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
KJ Kroha | Registered Voter and Tax Payer Who Monitors Legistlator Performance | |
Kristen Howard | Concerned citizen | |
Kyle ahten | None | |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
LaKisha David | citizen | |
Lance Dixon | Dixon Graphics | |
Lauren Wagner | self | |
Lawrence Blacik | none | |
Leslie Reagan | citizen | |
Linda Johnson | Organize For | |
Linda Owens | NA | |
Linda S Canter | none | |
Lisa Chason | UIUC | |
Lisa Peterson | Self employed | |
Lloy Johnston | individual | |
Lounika Littleton-Kelly | Citizen | |
LuAnn Sorenson | none | |
Luinis Tejada | Individual | |
Lydia Polomski | Retired | None |
Lydia Polomski | Retired | None |
Madge Penelope Morgan | Individual | |
Maggie Shelledy | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | |
Margaret Keylin | Media Actions Grassroots Movement | |
Margaret Miller | none | |
Marilyn reid | retired | |
Marsha L Harman | Self | |
Martin OShield | WindyCitySDR | Martin O'Shield |
Mary Flores | PERSONAL | |
Mary Shepherd | Faith in Place | |
Mary Shesgreen | Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice | Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice |
Matthew Black | Hesed Community Cooperative | |
Megan Selby | none | Black & Pink |
Michael Arthur Lindner | Self employed | Prisoners using the telephone in prison, and their families. |
Michael B Weissman | UIUC | |
Michael Bluhm | Arizona State University | |
Michael Brun | Illinois Wesleyan University | |
Michael Fuerst | me | |
Michael Hannah | none | |
Michael Mangold | Self | |
michelle clifton-soderstrom | north park theological seminary | |
Mike Dotson | Not applicable | |
Mike Powers | Office Depot | |
Mr Doug Olive | Self-employed at Retired | |
Nancy Dietrich | self | |
Natalie Nagel | NA | NA |
Neal Reynolds | self | |
Neal Urteaga | Self | |
Nefertitti Rhodes | NA | |
Neil Adrian Potter | none | |
Nicholas Dwyer | Citizen | |
Nicholas J DiMasi Jr | none | (self) |
Nicole Eveland | TikiTech | |
norma jacobs | retired | |
Patricia DeWalt | Retired | |
patricia frazier | family | |
Patricia Myers | none | |
Patrick MacVittie | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice The Media Action Grassroots Network | |
Patrick Sabol | none | |
Paul N Eichwedel | Jeremiah Community Renewal | |
Pete Klosterman | Retired | |
Peter Gunther | Self | Self |
Phil Strang | Phil Strang Artist | |
Philipp Robert Palmer | PhoneJustice | |
Rachel Goldstein | none | |
Rachel Herbener | Rachel Herbener | |
Ralph McGrew | none | |
Rebecca Ginsburb | University of Illinois | |
Rene Stofflett | Stofflett Fashion | |
Rev Charles E Grindle | First Parish UU in Kennebunk | |
Rich Fennema | Color of Change | |
Richard Clough | none | |
Ricky Baldwin | SEIU Local 73 | |
Robert Kulakofsky | Self | |
Roger Podewell | retirred | |
Ronni Graff | Ronni L. Graff Management Consulting- | |
Ruth Goring | none | self |
Samuel Vandegrift | Citizen | |
sandra Borella | none | |
Sandra Harris | self-employed | |
Sara Fenimore | UIUC | |
Shaun Shears Johnson | Illinois HB 6200 The Family Connections Bill | |
Shaun Wilkes | unemployed | |
Sheree Flannigan | Macon-Piatt Special Education District | |
Signe A Murphy | Private citizen | |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Summer Stevens | none | |
Susan Jones | Parkland College | |
Tammy Bond | None | Self |
Tammy Gardner | phone justice | The Family Connections Bill |
Tanya Morris | None | |
Taylor Dugas | None | |
Tedd Ward Jr | None | |
Tee Greer | not applicable | |
teresa yi | Roosevelt University | Myself |
Teri Clifton | Home address | |
Terrell Staples | Medspeed LLC | |
Terry Wilson | Na | |
Theodore Marszalek | Proponent | Proponent |
Thomas Dodge | Reired Teacher | Thomas Dodge |
Timothy N ODell | none | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice |
Todd Kinney | None | |
Tom Cordaro | Pax Christi Illinois | |
Tonya qualls | color of change | |
Tracy Pease | Disabled | |
Trina Fairley | Einstein Bagels | |
Victor Gulley | individual | |
Wamaitha Sullivan | Nurse Practitioner | proponent |
Wendy Graves | NA | |
Wendy VonTalge | none | |
Wesley Wolf | none | |
willow naeco | none | self |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/6/2016 2:00 PM |
Alan Mills | Uptown People's Law Center | Uptown People's Law Center |
Amanda Douberley | School of the Art Institute of Chicago | |
Brian Dolinar | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice |
Brian Nelson | Uptown People's Law Center | |
Danielle Chynoweth | Champaign Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice | Champaign Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice |
Dorothy Vura-Weis | None | |
FRED SASAKI | Poetry Foundation | |
Jason LaFountain | School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Project |
jim dixon | Faith Coaltion for the Common Good | |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Laurie Jo Reynolds | University of Illinois at Chicago | self |
Patricia Avery | NAACP Champaign County Branch | NAACP, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY BRANCH |
Rebecca Ginsburg | University of Illinois | |
Sarah Ross | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Project | |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/4/2016 4:00 PM |
Annette Taylor | Self | |
Brian Dolinar | Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center | Illinois Campaign for Prison Phone Justice |
Gregory Gaither | Woodlawn Reentry Project | Illinois Media Center |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Mary | none | |
Michael K Fore | Coles County Mentoring Program | |
Nancy Willamon | Not applicable | |
Natalie Nagel | 1981 | NA |
Sandra Ahten | Kevin Elliott Counseling, Inc. | 35 therapists employeed by Kevin Elliott Counseling, Inc. the mental health agency that I own |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |