Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: State Government Administration (H) 3/18/2015 2:00 PM |
Aimee Ott | ISU | |
Amy Mossman | Western Illinois University | |
Andrea Imre | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Andrew Mertz | na | Andrew Mertz |
Andrew Pomerantz | SIUE | SIUE |
Andria Potter | Western Illinois Univeristy | |
Angela Jacobs | Eastern Illinois University | UPI |
Angela Yoder | Eastern Illinois University | |
Beverly Vost | None | Self |
Bonnye Black | SIU School of Medicine | SIU School of Medicine |
Carrie Keeney | Western Illinois University | |
Catherine H Brower | SIU School of Medicine | SIU School of Medicine |
Christopher Cougill | employee at Eastern Illinois University | Christopher Cougill |
Christopher Harrison | self | Public |
Christopher Harrison | self | Public |
Chrsytal Johnson | Western Illinois University | |
Colleen Kattenbraker | Eastern Illinois University | |
Courtney Johnson | WIU | |
Cynthia Moran | NEIU | family |
Diane Ruiz | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Don Sevener | MJS Associates | Northern Illinois University |
Donna Clark | SIU School of Medicine | |
Ed Matecki | SIUE | Myself and my 2 daughters who would like to attend an Illinois University helped by a benefit I was promised when I was hired. |
Ed Matecki | SIUE | Self and 2 daughters who would like to attend college |
Edmund Wehrle | Eastern Illinois University | |
Elizabeth A Warner | EIU | |
Eric Scholl | Columbia College | |
Eric Woods | University of Illinois Springfield | |
Erin Vigneau Dimick | SIUE | |
Everett Hamner | Western Illinois University | |
Felix M Rivas | Chicago State University | |
Gail Ault | Western Illinois University | |
Gary Reed | retired | |
Gary Swick | Northern Illinois University | |
Gayle L Vincent | Western Illinois University | Western Illinois University |
Heather McIlvaine-Newsad | Western Ilinois University | |
Holly Nikels | western Illinois university | |
James C Coyle | SIU SOM | SIU School of Medicine |
Jamie Johnson | WIU | |
Jason Kay | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Jason Kay | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jean Ann Dargatz | Illinois State University employee | |
Jeanette Malafa | Western Illinois University | WIU |
Jeff Ashley | self | self |
Jeffrey Hancks | NA | |
Jeffrey Matlak | Western Illinois University | |
Jennifer Coyle | SIU School of Medicine | SIU School of Medicine |
Jennifer Creasey | University of Illinois | University of Illinois |
Jennifer Creasey | University of Illinois | University of Illinois |
Jennifer Garren | Eastern Illinois University | |
Jennifer Smith | Eastern Illinois University | |
Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz | NIU | |
Jill Fahy | Eastern Illinois University | I represent myself, as a state employee with children to educate, and as a resident of the State of Illinois who would also appreciate educating my children in this same state. |
John Charles | Southern Illinois University | Southern Illinois University |
John Kilgore | EIU, retired faculty | |
John Miller | University Professionals of Ilinois Local 4100 | UPI Local 4100 |
John Stimac | none | |
Julia Kemper | E. i. U. | |
Julieta Mihai | Western Illinois University | |
Karen Gaines | Eastern Illinois University | University Professionals |
Karen May | Western Illinois University | |
Katie Anselment | Eastern Illinois University | Eastern Illinois University |
Katie Anselment | Eastern Illinois University | Eastern Illinois University |
Kayla rihani | NEIU | |
Keith Holz | Western Illinois University | Faculty Members and Staff at Western Illinois University |
Kelly Miller | Eastern Illinois University | |
Kelly Morris | WIU | |
Kerry Ferris | NIU Department of Sociology | |
Kevin McCormick | Myself | Myself |
L hyder | NA | |
Laura Steele | Northern Illinois University | |
Lauren Heaton | WIU | Lauren Heaton |
Lisa Canivez | Eastern Illinois University | |
Maria De La Torre | Northeastern Illinois University | |
Marjorie Allison | Western Illinois university | |
Mark Hudson | Eastern Illinois University | |
Mark S Boley | western illinois university | faculty at Western Illinois University |
Matt Brandon | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |
Melissa Phillips | Western Illinois University | |
Merrill Cole | Western Illinois University | |
Michael Greifenkamp | University of Illinois | People Who Were Promised This Benefit |
Michael Greifenkamp | University of Illinois | People Who Were Promised This Benefit |
Michael Nettleton | NA | |
Nancy Matthews | Northeastern Illinois University | self |
NIck Yelverton | Illinois Federation of Teachers | IFT |
parley ann boswell | eastern illinois university | faculty |
Patricia Eathington | Western Illinois University | |
Philip C Thompson | EIU | phil Thompson |
Randall L Beebe | Personal | |
Richard J Janoski | Western Illinois University | |
Robert and Lora Ebert Wallace | Western IL University | |
Robert Richter | Chicago State University | |
Roberta J Smith | Western Illinois University | |
Roxanne Willis | Roxanne Willis | |
Russell Morgan | Western Illinois University | |
Sandra Devona | NIU | University Instructors |
Stacey Macchi | State of Illinois employee | |
Stacy Dorethy | Western Illinois University | |
Stacy Dorethy | Western Illinois University | |
Tawnya Adkins Covert | Western Illinois University | myself, my family, and state employees who will be affected |
Taylor Anderson | Taylor Anderson | Chicago State University |
Theodore Schultz | Western Illinois University | UPI Local 4100 |
William Potts Jr | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |
William Kling | William C. Kling attorney at Law | |
Hearing Date and Time: State Government Administration (H) 3/11/2015 1:00 PM |
Alexander Greifenkamp | Personal | |
Alvin Harper | SIUE | SIUE |
Amie Sudbring | SIUE | |
Andrea Imre | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Andrew Gross | Myself | |
Andrew Koch | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
Andrew Petroline | SIUe | |
Andrew Pomerantz | SIUE | SIUE |
Angela Marvin | SIUE | Self |
Angie White | SIUE | |
Ann Weyhaupt | SIUE | |
Anne Hunter | Citizen | |
Anne Moore | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Anne Powell | Edwardsville citizen | |
Annette Musenbrock | SIUE | |
Armando J Bayolo | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Armando Bayolo, Lecturer in Music Composition, Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
Autumn Huff | SIUE | Myself |
Barbara Brooks | Southern Illinois University | |
Belafae Johnson | SIUE | |
Benjamin Moyer | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Beth Winet | siue | |
Bill Neumann | SIUE | |
Bobby Sparks | Taxpayer | SIUE students |
Bonnie Brueggemann | SIUE | Self |
Bradley Walker | SIUE | |
Brenda Klostermann | SIUE | |
Brian Hinterscher | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
camila duarte | concerned citizen | none |
Carlos Armando Duarte | A voting citizen | |
Carol B Dappert | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Carol Kaufman | SIUE | |
Carolina Rocha | SIUE | |
Carolyn Donow | SIUC | |
Carrie Smolar | SIUE | Self |
Catherine Yurkovich | Citizen | |
Chad Verbais | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Chandler Vandenberg | Southern Illinois Univeristy Edwardsville | Southern Illinois Univeristy Edwardsville |
Charles Berger | SIUE | |
Cheryl Powley | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Self |
Chester Hood | Southern Illinois Universtiy Carbondale | Myself |
Christine Simmons | Self | Self |
Christine Gallagher | SIUE | |
Christopher Herndon | self | |
Christy Bosco | SIUE | |
Christy Horton | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Collin Ellsworth | SIUE | |
Connie Spurlock | SIUE | |
Crystal Wilson | none | |
D Marcheta McCoy | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Dale Geiger | Citizen | Citizen |
Danie Schneider | SIUE | |
Dave Knowlton | SIUE | |
David Cluphf | citizen | concerned citizen |
David Heth | Citizen | |
David Hunter | Lewis and Clark Community College | |
Dawn Reagan | SIUE | |
Dawn Sparks | SIUE | SIUE Employee and students |
Deanna Lotter | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
Deborah A Smith | SIUe | |
Deborah Brueggemann | SIUE | |
Derek Forrester | Self | Self |
DJ MacLean | Private Citizen | |
Don Sevener | MJS Associates | NIU |
Dontrel Smith | SIUE | employees |
Dorothy K Ebbeler | SIUE School of Dental Medicine | |
Douglas Eder | Independent | |
Douglas Simms | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Ed Matecki | SIUE | Please do not eliminated my benefit I was promised when I was hired. |
Ed Matecki | SIUE | Self |
Elizabeth Cali | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Elizabeth L Caldieraro | SIUE | |
Elizabeth Mayfield | SIUE Early Childhood Center | |
Elizabeth Scally | SIUC | |
Ellen Meisenheimer | SIU Edwardsville | private votin citizen |
Ellen Meisenheimer | SIU Edwardsville | private voting citizen |
Ellie Lovellette | SIUE | |
Elyse Pineau | Southern Illinois University, Carbondale | |
Emily Truckenbrod | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Emily Truckenbrod | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Eric J Voss | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Eric Young | SIUE | Myself |
Erik Kirk | Southern Il University Edwardsville | |
Ethan Ellsworth | siue | |
Gabrielle Geiger | Student | |
Gage Geiger | Self | |
Gary Olson | private citizen | |
Geert Pallemans | Southern illinois university edwardsville | Self |
Geoff Schmidt | SIUE | |
Gertrude Pannirselvam | SIUE | Self |
Giovanna May | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE |
Greg Herbeck | Siue | |
Gregory Boidy | myself | myself |
Gretchen Fricke | Private citizen | |
Heather Yeager | SIUE | |
Henry Holt | SIUE | |
Howard | SIUE | |
Ian McLaughlin | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Igor Crk | SIUE | |
Jacqueline DeClue | SIUE | |
Jacqueline Straube | SIUE | |
James Allen | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
James Browning | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
James Dorethy | SIUE | |
Jamie Hoelscher | SIUE | |
Janet Novosad | SIUE | |
Jason Kay | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jeanette Malafa | Western Illinois University | WIU |
Jeanne Koehler | SIU School of Medicine | |
Jeff | Personal | Personal |
Jeff Ashley | Personal | Personal |
Jeff Darabi | SIUE | Self |
Jeff Henschen | JLH Construction, INC | |
Jennifer Creasey | University of Illinois | University of Illinois |
Jennifer Creasey | University of Illinois | University of Illinois |
Jodi Olson | SIUE | |
John Evans | Private citizen | |
John Miller | University Porfessionals of Illinois | UPI |
John Renken | SIUE | |
Jordan Forbes | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Jordanna Wilton | Southern Illinoiis University School of Medicine | |
Joseph Page | SIUE | Self |
Joshua Wooten | SIUE | Myself |
Julie Robbs | Southern Illinois University School of Medicine | Self |
Justin Schoof | Southern Illinois University | |
K Moffett | Self | Self |
Kara Shustrin | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Myself |
Karen Bassimer | SIUE | |
Karen Wolf | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Karen Wolf | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Karin McClure | SIUC | self |
Karla Ellsworth | SIUE | |
Katherine Ledford | Myself | |
Kathleen Feigl | self | |
Katie Anselment | Eastern Illinois University | Eastern Illinois University |
Kelley Brooks | SIUE | |
Kelly Barry | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Kelly Meyers | SIUE | |
kerry doyle | self | self |
Kevin Juhas | Public citizen | |
Kevin McCormick | Myself | Myself |
Kim Monke | SIUE | SIUE |
Kimberly Carter | SIUE Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Kurt Schulz | private citizen | |
Laura Million | SIUE | |
Laura Pawlow | private citizen | |
Leah C OBrien | SIU Edwardsville | Myself |
Leasa Ferry | SIUE | |
Letitia Bullard | SIUC | |
Linda Jaworski-Moiles | Private citizen | |
Linda Markowitz | SIUE | |
Linda Marvin | SIUE | |
Lindsay Ross-Stewart | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Lisa Johnson | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Lisa Judge | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Staff |
Lori Huntley | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Luci Kohn | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE |
Margaret Anderson | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Mark Hedley | SIUE | |
Martha W Guntren | SIUE | |
mary konya weishaar | southern illinois university edwardsville | |
mary konya weishaar | southern illinois university edwardsville | |
Matthew Petrocelli | SIUE | |
Maureen Kelly | Governors State University | Governors State University |
Melanie Schoenborn | SIUE | |
Melanie Schoenborn | taxpayer | |
Melissa Bagby | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | myself |
Michael Cauley | Citizen | |
Michael Greifenkamp | University of Illinois | |
Michael L McGuiggan | SIUE | Myself |
Michael Schultz | SIUE | |
Michele L Bigham | SIUE - Lovejoy Library | |
Michele Rushing | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Retiree - Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
Michelle Hockett | SIUE | |
Michelle Hockett | SIUE | |
Michelle Robinson | SIUE | |
Mike Winet | post office | |
Mont Bodine | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Nancy Inlow | SIUE | |
Nick Yelverton | Illinois Federation of Teachers | IFT |
Nick Yelverton | Illinois Federation of Teachers | IFT |
Olga Bezhanova | --- | Olga Bezhanova |
Pamela Annette Smoot | SIUC | |
Pamela Evans | concerned citizen | |
Pat Wellen | Southern Illinois Professional Development Center | |
Patricia Anderson | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Patti Koertge | SIUE | |
Paul E Garde | Southern Illinois University | |
Paul L Anthony | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Paula Geiger | SIUE Employee & Tax Payer | |
Paula Lenhardt | SIUE | |
Quentin Ellsworth | SIUE | |
Rachel Garrett | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Radhika Devraj | SIUE | |
Randall S Robbs | Southern Illinois University School of Medicine | Self |
Raymond D Meredith | Parkland College | Myself |
Raymond D Meredith | Parkland College | Myself |
Rebecca Dabbs MacLean | SIUE | |
Rebecca Wayne | Myself | Individual |
Renee Seganfredo | SIUE | |
Rhonda Stegall | SIUE | |
Rich Hampton | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Rich Walker | SIUE | |
Robert Duane Douglas | Southern Illinois University | |
Robyn Berkley | SIUE | Private Citizen |
Rosie Gogue | Southern IL University-Edwardsville | |
Sandra L Pensoneau Conway | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | self |
Sandra Tamari | Citizen | |
Sarah Heuer | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE |
Sarah Luesse | Private Citizen | |
Sarah Prindle | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Self |
Scott Umbaugh | myself and my family | Scott Umbaugh, Jeanie Umbaugh, Michael Dickerson, Robin Umbaugh, David Umbaugh, Elnora Umbaugh, Richard Umbaugh |
Seran Aktuna | SIUE | |
Shane M Kessinger | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Shauna Lehman | SIUE | |
Shunfu Hu | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | personal |
Sorin Nastasia | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Nastasia family and the Department of Applied Communication Studies at SIUE |
Stacey Brown | Higher Education | SIUE |
Stacie Kirk | SIUE | Self |
Stephanie Henschen | SIUE employee | |
Stephen Hupp | SIUE | Common human decency |
Steve Tamari | Southern Illinois University Edwardwardsville | |
Steven Moiles | citizen | Employees (many of whom earn a low wage) have EARNED this benefit. |
susan bennett | suie police department | |
Susan Buchmiller | SIUE | |
Susan Scott | private citizen | |
Tami Wright | SIUE | SIUE |
Tammy Merrett | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Teresa Shipton | SIUE | |
Thelma Ball | SIUE | |
Theresa Wasylenko | SIUE | SIUE |
Therese Dickman | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Thomas Dickey | SIUE | |
Tom Poenitske | Siue | |
Tonja Asperger | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
Tony Leopold | SIUE | Do NOT take away the tuition waiver benefit. |
Tonya J Wagner | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Traci | SIUE | |
Tracy Traylor | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville |
Trish Oberweis | registered voter | |
Trish Scheibal | SIUE | |
Trisha Mcculloch | SIUE Early Childhood Center | |
Tristan Voss | University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign | Students of University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. |
Valerie Toth | SIUE | Self |
Vicki Daggett | SIUe | |
Victoria Books | Northern Illinois University | |
Victoria Scott | SIUE | |
Virginia Burkhart | SIUE | SIUE |
W Shaw | private citizen | |
Wendy Cauley | Citizen | |
Wendy Fuchs | SIUE | |
William Potts Jr | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |
William Kolling | Southern Illinois University | |
Xanthe Emerick | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Myself |
Hearing Date and Time: State Government Administration (H) 3/4/2015 1:00 PM |
Adam Cleary | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Adam Weyhaupt | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Alan Malter | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Alan Weston | Southern Illinois University | Family |
Albert Stabler | university of Illinois | |
Alicia Shah | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Alison Reeves | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Allison Funk | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Almetta M Mosby | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Alvin Harper | SIUE | SIUE |
Amie King | Southen Illinois University Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
Amie Sudbring | SIUE | Myself |
Amy Sass | University of Illinois | |
Andrea Imre | SIUC | |
Andrea Miller | None | Myself |
Andrew Gross | SIUE | Myself |
Andrew Neath | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Andrew Petroline | SIUe | |
Andy Pomerantz | SIUE | SIUE |
Angela Marvin | SIUE | Self |
Angela White | SIUE | |
Ann Weyhaupt | SIUE | myself |
Anna LeGrande | carle Hospital | |
Anne Hunter | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Anne Moore | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Anne Powell | SIUE | |
Anne Schmitt | Southwestern Illinois College | |
Annette Musenbrock | Myself | Myself |
Anthony Ewing | UIUC | Myself |
Anthony Perrella Jr | Northern Illinois University | Myself |
Ashley Rayner | None | |
Autumn Huff | SIUE | |
Barbara French | Not Applicable | I am a member of the State Universities Annuitants Association - SUAA. |
Barbara Ribbens | ISU | |
Belinda Carstens-Wickham | SIUE | |
Benjamin A Pickering | Student at University of Illinois | |
Benjamin Moyer | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Bobbi Hardy | education | |
Bonnie Brueggemann | SIUE | Myself |
Bradley Walker | SIUE | |
Brian Hinterscher | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
Brian Jacobson | UIUC | |
Brigham Dimick | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Brooke Keenan | Illinois State University | |
Candace Mueller | Illinois Board of Higher Education | |
Carla Birckelbaw | Illinois State University | |
Carlos Armando Duarte | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Carol Kaufman | SIUE | |
Carolina Rocha | SIUE | self |
Catherine S Daus - Reinhard | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Catherine Santanello | Southern IL University Edwardsville | Catherine Santanello |
Catherine Seltzer | SIUE | |
Catherine Yurkovich | SIU Edwardsville | SIUE Civil Service Employees |
Cathy Foland | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Cathy Taylor | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Myself |
Chandler Vandenberg | Southern Illinois Univeristy Edwardsville | Southern Illinois Univeristy Edwardsville |
Charles Berger | SIUE | SIUE Faculty |
Charles Stegall | Education | |
Cheryl Geitner | University of Illinois | |
Cheryl Meikamp | SIUE | myself as an SIUE employee |
Chris Herndon | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Chris Kessler | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Chris Reavis | SIU School of Medicine | |
Christine Leopold | SIUE | SIUE |
Christy Bosco | SIUE | |
Christy Ferguson | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Colleen Kattenbraker | Eastern Illinois University | Kinesiology & Sports Studies |
Cristina De Meo | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Curt Price | SIUE | Self |
D Marcheta McCoy | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Danette Ross | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE |
Danie Schneider | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Daniel Koehler | SIUE | Myself, Illinois State University Employees |
Darcie R Shinberger | myself | |
Darren R Wright | UIUC | |
Dave Knowlton | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
David Cluphf | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | University Employees |
David Heth | SIUE | |
David Johnson | SIUC | |
David Zanolla | Western Illinois University | |
Deanna Lotter | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Deanna Vlasich | self | self |
Debbie Thien | Southern Illinois University | |
Deborah Brueggemann | SIUE | |
Deborah Smith | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Self |
Dena Strong | None | Personal |
Denise DeGarmo | SIUE | Faculty |
Derek Forrester | NA | Self |
Diane Baker | U of IL | |
Diane Ruiz | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Don Sevener | MJS Associates | Northern Illinois University |
Donna Lesicko | SIUE | |
Dontrel Smith | SIUE | SIUE |
Douglas Eder | SIUE | |
Douglas Miller | University of Illinois | |
Dr Michael J Fansler | Western Illinois University | Myself |
Ed Matecki | SIUE | |
Edward C Sewell | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Elaine M Abusharbain | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Elisabeth Greifenkamp | University of Illinois | |
Elizabeth Cali | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Elizabeth Mayfield | SIUE Early Childhood Center | |
Ellen Meisenheimer | SIU Edwardsville | SIUE |
Ellie Lovellette | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | myself |
Emily B Colton | SIUE | SIUE Faculty and Staff |
Emily Truckenbrod | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Eric Duff Wrobbel | Southern Illinois UniversitynEdwardsville | The Wrobbel Family |
Eric Hays | None | Myself |
Eric J Voss | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Eric J Voss |
Eric Martell | Millikin University | |
Eric Young | SIUE | Myself |
Erik Alexander | Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville | SIUE |
Erik Kirk | SIUE | |
Erik Zimmerman | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Erin Heil | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Erin Vigneau Dimick | SIUE | |
Fern Kory | Eastern Illinois University | |
Francisco Lozano | Caterpillar | |
Gabe Gibson | UIUC | myself |
Gary L Canivez | Eastern Illinois University | |
Gary Olson | Florida Loss Consultants | |
Gary Shepherd | Southern Illinois University | |
Geert Pallemans | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Geert Pallemans |
Geoff Schmidt | SIUE | |
George Pelekanos | Southern Illinois University | |
George Stacey Staples | SIUE | |
George Tucker | 0 | 0 |
Gertrude Pannirselvam | SIUE | Self |
Gretchen Fricke | SIUE | |
Guim Kwon | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
H Felix Lee | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Harry L Harvey II | SUIE | |
Heather Yeager | SIUE | |
Helen Moose | SIU School of Medicine | |
Henry Holt | SIUE | Self |
Howard | SIUE | Employees of Illinois Universities |
Hugh Nicholas Pavitt | SIUE | self |
Ian McLaughlin | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Igor Crk | SIUE | |
Jaci DeClue | SIUE | |
Jacob Baker | University of Illinois | |
Jake Baggott | Retiree, SIUC | |
James D Caputo | U of I | |
James Dorethy | SIUE | myself |
Jamie Hoelscher | SIUE | |
Jared Fender | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | |
Jason Kay | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jason Swagler | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Jayme Swanke | Concerned Citizen | |
Jeanette Malafa | Western Illinois University | WIU |
Jeanette Parmenter | SIUE | SIUE |
Jeanne Koehler | SIU School of Medicine | |
Jeff Ashley | Personal | Personal |
Jeff Darabi | SIUE | Self |
Jeffrey Skoblow | SIUE | |
Jennie Black | University of Illinois | Jennie Black |
Jennifer Creasey | University of Illinois | University of Illinois |
Jennifer Hillyer | IL National Guard | |
Jennifer Johnson | Northern Illinois University | |
Jennifer Stillman | Southern Illinois University | |
Jerry OBrien | SIUE | |
Jessica DeSpain | SIUE | |
Jessica Hinz | Southern Illinois University SDM | |
Jill Gengler | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | |
Jo Beth Winet | SIUE | |
Joani Wilson | Western Illinois University | |
Joaquin Florido Berrocal | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Jodi Olson | SIUE | |
Joel Nadler | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Joel Petry | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Employees of State Universities |
John Charles | Southern Illinois University | Southern Illinois University |
John Evans | SIUE Staff | |
John H Carter | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
John Lopez | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | My Self |
john wise | So Il University | parent employee |
Jordanna Wilton | Southern Illinoiis University School of Medicine | Southern Illinois University School of Medicine |
Josef Krajnovich | Pearson Education | |
JOSEPH RAMATOWSKI | Illinois Taxpayer | Self |
Joshua Mickle | Personal | Mickle family |
Joshua Wooten | SIUE | Myself |
Julia Sweet | University of Illinois | |
Julie Herbstrith | Western IL University | |
Justin Schoof | Southern Illinois University | |
K Moffett | Self | Self |
Kandace Riddle | Southern Illinois Univ | Kandace Riddle, employee of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, parent of Stephanie, Roland, and Ryan Young |
Kara Shustrin | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | myself |
Karen Kelly | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Karin McClure | SIUC | self |
Katherine Delgado | Joliet Junior Collge | |
Katherine Ledford | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Katherine Poole-Jones | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Kathleen Feigl | SIUE | myself |
Kathryn Brady | SIUE | |
Katie Anselment | Eastern Illinois University | Eastern Illinois University |
Kay Gaehle | SIUE | myself |
Keith Edwards | Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Kelly Barry | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Kelly Meyers | SIUE | |
Kelly Thompson-Hess | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Myself |
Ken Anderson | Thermaquatica | |
Ken Anderson | Thermaquatica | |
Kerry Doyle | SIUE | SIUE professional staff association |
Kevin Bird | University of Illinois | |
Kevin Cannon | SIUE | |
Kevin Juhas | Public citizen | |
Kevin McCormick | Myself | Myself |
Kevin McLaughlin | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Kim Labonte | Southern Illinois University | Southern Illinois University |
Kim Monke | SIUE | SIUE |
Kim Poteet | SIU Edwardsville | self |
Kimberly Carter | SIUE Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Kimberly Stanhope | University of Illinois | |
Kirk Greer | Souther Illinois University - Edwardsville | Kirk Greer - SIUE |
Koung Hee Leem | SIUE | |
Kristie Warner | University Of Illinois | |
Kurt Schulz | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Larry LaFond | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Laura Fowler | SIUE | |
Laura Hardy | Education | |
Laura Koch | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Myself and my child. |
Laura Million | SIUE | |
Laura Scaturro | SIU Edwardsville | |
Leasa Ferry | SIUE | |
Leesa Hunter | none | |
Linda Brookhart | State Universities Annuitants Association | State Universities Annuitants Association |
Linda Hahn | SIUE | self |
Linda Markowitz | SIUE | |
Lindsay Ross-Stewart | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Myself |
Lindsey Loyd | SIUE | |
Lisa Johnson | SIUE | |
Lisa Judge | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Lora Miles | SIUE | |
Loren Cook | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Staff |
Lori Huntley | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Self |
Lori Merrill-Fink | Southern Illinois University | |
Lynette Montalto | Self | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | Self |
Lynette Montalto | uic | Self |
Lynette Montalto | uic | Self |
Lynette Montalto | uic | Self |
Lynette Montalto | UIC | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
Lynette Montalto | uic | uic |
M K Rehkemper | Southern IL University Edwardsville | |
Maeve REilly | University of Illinois | |
Marc T Schapman | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Marcelo Nieto | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Self |
Margaret Anderson | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Maria Dofing | Western Illinois Univesity | |
Marisa Tarpinian | Year | SIUE |
Marissa Ellermann | SIUC | Myself |
Mark A Hardy | University of Illinois | Myself |
Mark Blaber | Retired | |
Mark Erhart | Chicago State University | myself |
Mark Hedley | SIUE | |
Mark Kattenbraker | Eastern IL Univ | |
Mark Montalto | Self | Self |
Mark Montalto | Self | Self |
Mark Montalto | Self | Self |
Mark Montalto | Self | Self |
Mark Montalto | Self | Self |
Mark Montalto | Self | uic |
Mark Montalto | self | uic |
Mark Montalto | UIC | uic |
Martha Guntren | SIUE | |
Martha Jacobson | Parkland College | |
Mary konya weishaar | Southern Illinois university edwardsville | |
Matt Gorzalski | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Matthew D Toje | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Matthew Johnson | SIUE | Myself |
Matthew Rodman | ... | employees of u of i |
Maureen Blaber | --Select One-- | |
Maureen Johnson | University of Illinois | |
Melanie Schoenborn | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Melissa Bagby | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | myself |
Michael Bohlmann | University of Illinois | |
Michael C Huddle | Southern Illinois University Edwardsvile | |
Michael Greifenkamp | University of Illinois | |
Michael Powell | UI-Springfield | |
Michael Schultz | SIUE | |
Michele Bigham | SIUE - Lovejoy Library | |
Michelle Hockett | SIUE | myself |
Michelle Jenkins | SIUE | SIUE |
Michelle Lee | UIC | |
Michelle Robinson | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Michelle Welter | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Mike Costigan | SIUE | |
Miranda Wickham | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Molly McLaughlin | UIUC | UIUC Civil Service Employees |
Monica | University of Illinois | Myself |
Monica Bartley | WIU | Myself |
Monica L Brooks | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Mont Bodine | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Nancy Inlow | SIUE | |
Nancy Newman | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Natalie Rosales | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE |
Nathan Baxley | UIUC | Myself |
Nichole Mulvey | Eastern Illinois University | Eastern Illinois University |
NIck Yelverton | Illinois Federation of Teachers | IFT |
Nicole Cooke | University of Illinois | Nicole Cooke |
Oktay Alkin | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Olga Bezhanova | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville |
P Ramatowski | NARFE | |
P Rzewnicki | Siue | |
Pamela Gay | SIUe | Pamela Gay |
Pamela Smoot | SIUC | NA |
Patricia Anderson | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Patricia Stoller | retired | |
Patty Take | SIUe | |
Paul Charbonneau | Self | Self |
Paula Geiger | Myself as an SIUE Employee | |
Paula Lenhardt | SIUE | |
Peter Minchin | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Self |
Rachael DAgostino | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Rachel Frazier | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Rachel Garrett | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Rachel Wise | Student | |
Randy Johnson | United States Postal Service | |
Ray Clay | Burbank School District 111 | IAHPERD |
Raymond McDaniel | SIUE | |
Rebecca Depping | SIUE | SIUE |
Rebecca Hacket | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Rebecca Wayne | Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville | SIUE |
Renee Seganfredo | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Rhonda Stegall | SIUE | |
Rhonda Stone | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
Rich Hampton | Siue | |
Richard Essner | SIUE | |
Richard Walker | SIUE | |
Ricky Baldwin | SEIU Local 73 | |
Robert Duane Douglas | SIUE | |
Robert Fox | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale | |
Robert J Szyman | UPI | Self |
Robert King | Wes Rogers Tire and Auto | |
Robin Fitzgerald | Joliet Junior College | |
Robyn A Berkley PhD | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Rosa Schulz | SIUE | |
Rosie Gogue | Southern IL University Edwardsville | |
Rosine Yao | SIUE | |
Roxanne Field | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | myself |
Ryan Dubnicek | University of Illinois | |
Samara Chapple | SIUE | |
Sandra L Pensoneau Conway | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | self |
Sandra Tamari | 1988 | |
Sandra Young | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Sarah Luesse | SIUE | |
Seran Aktuna | SIUE | Self |
Shane Kessinger | Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Shavonda Mitchom | Self | SIUE |
Sherri Guardiola | SIUE | |
Shoshanna Bauer | Champaign Unit 4 Schools | Self |
Shunfu Hu | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE |
Sorin Nastasia | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Department of Applied Communication Studies, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
Stacey Brown | SIUE | SIUE |
Stacey Haas | SIUE | |
Stacie Kirk | SIUE | Stacie Kirk |
Stephanie Dable | University of Illinois | |
Stephanie L McAndrews | SIUE | |
Stephen Hupp | SIUE | |
Steve Kerber | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Steve Tamari | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Sue Cataldi | SIUE | SIUE |
Sue Herbstrith | Williamsville School District | |
Susan Bennett | SIU Edwardsville Police Deaprtment | SIUE PD |
Susan Dustin | ISU | |
Suzanne Romano | So Il University Edwardsville | parent employee |
Tami Wright | SIUE | myself |
Tammy Merrett | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE faculty and staff |
Tanya Marquez | Univeristy of Illnois at Chicago | |
Teresa Lozano | Joliet Junior College | |
Teresa Shipton | SIUE | |
Thelma Ball | SIUE | Myself. |
Theresa Wasylenko | SIUE | Individual |
Therese Dickman | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Thomas Foster | SIUE Physics | |
Tian Yu | SIUE | |
Tiara Kimp | University of Illinois | |
Tim Jacks | SIUE | |
Timothy McPherson | SIUE | Self |
Tina Federer | SIUE | University employees |
Tod Jebe | University of Illinois | |
Todd Sinclair | SIUE | SIUE |
Tom Lavallee | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Tonja Asperger | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Tony Leopold | none | |
Traci Castevens | SIUE | |
Traci juhas | Southern Illinois university edwardsville | |
Trish Oberweis | SIUE | |
Trisha Mcculloch | SIUE Early Childhood Center | |
Tristan Voss | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign student |
Valerie Toth | SIUE | Myself |
Valerie Vogrin | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Vance McCracken | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Vicki Daggett | SIUE | |
Vicki Kremer | 1977 | |
vicki kruse | siue | myself |
vicki kruse | siue | siue |
Virginia Burkhart | SIUE East St. Louis Center | SIUE |
Virginia Stricklin | SIUE | |
W Jason Strutz | University of Illinois Library | |
Wendy Fuchs | SIUE | |
Wendy Shaw | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
William Potts Jr | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |
William Bird | Education | Myself |
William Gallaga | UIC | |
William Kolling | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | myself |
Xanthe Emerick | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | |
Hearing Date and Time: State Government Administration (H) 2/19/2015 2:00 PM |
Bryan Devine | Individual | |
Deirdre Darnall | Laborers' Midwest Region | Laborers' Midwest Region |
Don Sevener | MJS Associates | Northern Illinois University |
Gaye Larison | Illinois Education Assn. | Illinois Education Assn. |
Jason Kay | AFSCME Council 31 | |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jeanette Malafa | Western Illinois University | WIU |
Jeff Ashley | self | self |
Jennifer Creasey | University of Illinois | University of Illinois |
John Charles | SIU | |
Katie Anselment | Eastern Illinois University | Eastern Illinois University |
Laura Kies | Illinois | |
mary mertz | self | self |
Maureen Kelly | Governors State University | Governors State University |
NIck Yelverton | IFT | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
Taylor Anderson | Taylor Anderson | Chicago State University |
William Potts Jr | SEIU Local 73 | SEIU Local 73 |