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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that the Department of Corrections Ombudsman Bureau is established as a separate bureau within the Department of Corrections. Provides that the Governor shall appoint a Director of the Bureau within 30 days of the effective date of the amendatory Act. Provides that the Ombudsman may receive, investigate, and attempt to resolve complaints that the Department: (1) violated a specific law, rule, or Department written policy; or (2) endangered the health or safety or any person. Provides that if the Ombudsman discovers evidence that the Ombudsman reasonably believes constitutes the commission of a crime, the Ombudsman immediately shall, if the Ombudsman considers it appropriate, inform the Director of the Department, who shall conduct an investigation. Provides that an Ombudsman shall be given: (1) appropriate access to the records of an offender who files a complaint; and immediate access to any correctional facility administered or supervised by the Department. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Creates the offense of obstruction of the Ombudsman. This offense is a Class A misdemeanor. Makes other changes.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Provides that the Ombudsman shall not investigate complaints alleging violations of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Provides that if the Ombudsman determines that a possible violation of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act has occurred, he or she shall immediately refer the incident to the Office of the Inspector General.
Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept of Corrections)
The fiscal impact of this legislation would range from $267,370,000 to $531,870,000 over the first 10 years after enactment. There would also be unknown costs for such amenities as consultants, monitors, outside contracts, as well as any unanticipated requirements and needs, making the full fiscal impact on the Department unknown. There would be no corrections population impact on the Department. Finally, there would be tasks currently conducted by Department staff that would not be able to be completed due to responsibilities required within House Bill 2925 as amended by House Amendment #1.
State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity)
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