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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Animal Welfare Act. Changes the definition of "foster home". Changes information provided by animal shelters and animal control facilities to adopters and the requirement to provide the information before the adoption. Removes the requirement for the animal shelter and animal control facility to post in writing the information provided to the adopter. Allows an animal shelter to return an animal if animal is not claimed after 2 attempts to identify the owner. Requires an animal shelter to hold an animal in which no owner can be identified for the period specified in local ordinance prior to return. Provides that the requirement for owners to pay a shelter for the period of boarding for the dog or cat does not apply to feral cats. Amends the Animal Control Act. Makes changes in how money from the county's animal population control fund may be used. Provides that the registration fee (rather than all the registration requirements) does not apply to feral cats. Makes changes to provisions concerning documentation of rabies inoculations and the procedure for dog or other animal bites. Allows for a search and rescue dog that has bitten a person to continue to perform its duties under the supervision of its handler or owner. Amends the Illinois Public Health and Safety Animal Population Control Act. Makes changes to provisions concerning the eligibility to participate in the Illinois Public Health and Safety Animal Population Control Program. Makes other changes.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the introduced bill with the following changes: Removes provisions amending the Animal Welfare Act. In provisions amending the Animal Control Act, provides that if no placement of a dog or cat is made by an animal control facility, the animal may be (rather than shall) dispatched pursuant to the Humane Euthanasia in Animal Shelters Act. Provides that nothing in the Act shall be construed or interpreted to place a limitation on the time frame that an animal pound or animal shelter may humanely house an animal prior to placement. In provisions concerning dog or other animal bites, provides that when evidence is presented that the animal was inoculated against rabies within the time prescribed by law, it may (rather than shall) be confined in a house, or in a manner which will prohibit it from biting any person for a period of not less than 10 days from the date the bite occurred, if the Administrator, Deputy Administrator, or his or her authorized representative adjudges such confinement satisfactory (rather than a licensed veterinarian adjudging such confinement satisfactory). Provides that at the end of the confinement period, the animal shall be examined by a licensed veterinarian and microchipped, if not already, at the expense of the owner. Provides that it is also unlawful for the owner of the animal to conceal the whereabouts of any animal known to have bitten a person, until it is released by the Administrator or, if the Administrator is not a veterinarian, the Deputy Administrator, or his or her authorized representative. In provisions amending the Illinois Public Health and Safety Animal Population Control Act, provides that an animal control facility, animal shelter, organization, or resident of the State who humanely traps feral cats for spaying or neutering and return is eligible to participate in the program if recognized (instead of provided the program is recognized) by the municipality or county, if it is located in an unincorporated area. Makes other changes. Adds an immediate effective date.
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