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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Sexually Transmissible Disease Control Act. Provides that the Department of Public Health, in consultation with the Department of Corrections and local health departments, shall develop and implement written procedures that establish a process for confidentially notifying and recommending sexually transmissible disease testing of (1) contacts in the community of a prisoner diagnosed with a sexually transmissible disease and (2) prisoners whose contacts in the community or in the prison have been diagnosed with a sexually transmissible disease. Sets forth requirements concerning the process. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that the Department of Public Health, in consultation with the Department of Corrections (instead of the Department of Corrections and local health departments), shall develop and implement written procedures that establish a process for confidentially notifying and recommending sexually transmissible disease testing of the contacts of a committed person who has been diagnosed with a sexually transmissible disease and for notifying and recommending sexually transmissible disease testing of a committed person who has had contact with one diagnosed with a sexually transmissible disease (instead of (1) contacts in the community of a prisoner diagnosed with a sexually transmissible disease and (2) prisoners whose contacts in the community or in the prison have been diagnosed with a sexually transmissible disease). Deletes the requirement that the process shall include a single point of contact in each Department for the notification. Effective immediately.
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