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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Mercury-added Product Prohibition Act. Provides that no person shall distribute or sell any cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances containing mercury. Provides that any person who knowingly sells or distributes mercury-containing cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances in this State commits a petty offense and shall be fined up to $500. Provides that a manufacturer that distributes cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances containing mercury to persons in this State must disclose the level of mercury in its cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances. A manufacturer who fails to disclose the level of mercury in its cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances commits a business offense and shall be fined $10,000. Effective January 1, 2009.
Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act. Provides that beginning January 1, 2010, children’s products containing specified amounts of lead may not be sold, held, offered for sale, or transferred unless it bears a warning statement concerning the lead content. Sets forth requirements for warning statements for children’s products and other lead bearing substances. Creates exceptions for components of certain consumer electronic products. Amends the Mercury-added Product Prohibition Act. Prohibits the sale or distribution of cosmetics, toiletries, or fragrances containing mercury. Requires disclosure by manufacturers. Provides penalties.
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