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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the School Code. Creates the Ensuring Success in School Law to (1) ensure that youth who are parents, expectant parents, or the victims of domestic or sexual violence are identified by schools in a manner respectful of their privacy and safety, treated with dignity and regard, and provided the protection, instruction, and related support services necessary to enable them to meet State educational standards and successfully attain a high school diploma; (2) ensure that Illinois school-level staff and policymakers understand and are sensitive to the needs and characteristics of such youth; (3) afford protections in a school setting to a population of youth who have historically been stigmatized and discriminated against; and (4) promote best practices in Illinois' schools. Contains provisions concerning confidentiality; the right to attend school; review and revision of policies; and specially trained personnel. Makes other changes in the School Code with respect to parents, expectant parents, and victims of domestic or sexual violence in provisions concerning the suspension and expulsion of pupils, home instruction, in-service training programs, alternative schools within Chicago, an individualized education program for a child with a disability, truants, and charter schools. Provides that the provisions of the Act are severable. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Makes changes concerning definitions added by the amendatory Act, including the definition of "parent". Defines "serious health condition" in the Section concerning the provision of courses of instruction for pupils who are unable to attend school. Provides that school districts shall review all existing policies to determine which ones may act as a barrier to the enrollment, reenrollment, attendance, and success in school of any youth who is a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence and shall revise those policies so that they no longer act as a barrier to the enrollment, reenrollment, attendance, and success in school of any youth who is a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence (instead of requiring school districts to review and revise any existing policies that may act as barriers to the enrollment, reenrollment, attendance, and success in school of any youth who is a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence).
House Floor Amendment No. 2 In the provisions concerning specially trained personnel, provides for the naming of these persons as "specially trained personnel" and removes certain references to the designation and appointment of specially trained personnel. In the provisions concerning the identification, evaluation, and placement of children with disabilities and the provisions concerning compulsory attendance, provides that a school district may require a student or youth to provide verification that he or she is or has been a victim of domestic or sexual violence only when that person asserts rights on the basis of domestic or sexual violence; sets forth what is acceptable verification. Provides that a student or youth who has provided acceptable verification that he or she is or has been a victim of domestic or sexual violence must not be required to provide any additional verification if the person's efforts to assert rights stem from a claim involving the same perpetrator.
Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Requires the State Board of Education to convene an Ensuring Success in School Task Force to develop policies, procedures, and protocols to be adopted by school districts for addressing the educational and related needs of children and youth who are parents, expectant parents, or victims of domestic or sexual violence to ensure their ability to stay in school, stay safe while in school, and successfully complete their education. Sets forth the duties and membership of the task force. Requires the task force to submit a report to the General Assembly on or before January 1, 2009 on its findings, recommendations, and implementation plan. Provides that at least once every 2 years an in-service training program for school personnel who work with pupils must be conducted by persons with expertise in domestic and sexual violence and the needs of expectant and parenting youth. Effective immediately.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Removes certain definitions added by the amendatory Act. Adds one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate and one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives to the Ensuring Success in School Task Force.
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