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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the State Commemorative Dates Act to designate the third Thursday in May of each year as Volunteer Emergency Responder Appreciation Day. Amends the State Finance Act to create the Volunteer Emergency Responder Fund as a special fund in the State treasury. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code to provide for the issuance of Illinois volunteer emergency responder license plates. Provides that the applicant shall pay an additional fee of $25 for original issuance of the plates, of which $10 shall be deposited into the Volunteer Emergency Responder Fund and $15 shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. Provides that an additional fee of $16 shall be charged for each renewal, of which $14 shall be deposited into the Volunteer Emergency Responder Fund and $2 shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. Amends the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act. Charges the Illinois Terrorism Task Force with additional duties that include managing and distributing moneys in the Volunteer Emergency Responder Fund. Provides that moneys in the Fund shall be paid, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly and distribution by the Illinois Terrorism Task Force, for specified purposes. Effective immediately.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause with provisions similar to the original bill, but makes the following changes: (1) removes changes concerning the Illinois Terrorism Task Force; (2) provides that the Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall hold an annual meeting for volunteer emergency responders which meets specified objectives; and (3) provides that the new language requiring annual meetings are inoperative after December 31, 2014. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the State Commemorative Dates Act to designate the third Thursday in May of each year as Volunteer Emergency Responder Appreciation Day. Effective immediately.
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