Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB3461
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 Bill Status of HB3461  104th General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Fred Crespo - Michelle Mussman - Jeff Keicher - Amy Elik, Ann M. Williams, Katie Stuart, Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar, Stephanie A. Kifowit, Sue Scherer, Joyce Mason, Lance Yednock, Michael Halpin and Dan Caulkins

Senate Sponsors
(Sen. John F. Curran - Karina Villa, Laura M. Murphy, Steve McClure, Jason A. Barickman, Jil Tracy, Sally J. Turner, Donald P. DeWitte and Craig Wilcox)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  8/27/2021HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-0610

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
105 ILCS 5/10-23.13

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the School Code. Makes changes to provisions relating to a school district's policy addressing the sexual abuse of children. Provides that the policy must be adopted and implemented by no later than July 1, 2022. Provides that the policy shall (rather than may) include an age-appropriate and evidence-based curriculum (rather than age-appropriate curriculum) for students in pre-K through 12th (rather than 5th) grade. Requires a school district to include in its policy and all training materials and instruction a definition of prohibited grooming behaviors and boundary violations for school personnel and how to report these behaviors to school authorities. Sets forth what the policy must address. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.

House Floor Amendment No. 2
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that the school district shall include in its policy and any relevant training materials a definition of prohibited grooming behaviors and boundary violations for school personnel and how to report these behaviors (instead of how to report these behaviors to school authorities). Makes conforming changes. Makes changes to provisions concerning the required policies addressing sexual abuse. Provides that a school district must provide training for school personnel on specified child sexual abuse and grooming behaviors no later than January 31 of each year. Effective immediately.

Senate Floor Amendment No. 2
Adds the definition of "grooming".

DateChamber Action
  2/19/2021HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Fred Crespo
  2/22/2021HouseFirst Reading
  2/22/2021HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  3/5/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Ann M. Williams
  3/16/2021HouseAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee
  3/22/2021HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Fred Crespo
  3/22/2021HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  3/24/2021HouseDo Pass / Short Debate Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee; 023-000-000
  3/24/2021HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Tabled Pursuant to Rule 40
  3/26/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Michelle Mussman
  3/26/2021HouseRemoved Co-Sponsor Rep. Michelle Mussman
  4/8/2021HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  4/14/2021HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  4/14/2021HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  4/16/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Katie Stuart
  4/16/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar
  4/20/2021HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Fred Crespo
  4/20/2021HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee
  4/21/2021HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Rules Refers to Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee
  4/21/2021HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Recommends Be Adopted Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee; 023-000-000
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Michelle Mussman
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Jeff Keicher
  4/22/2021HouseRecalled to Second Reading - Short Debate
  4/22/2021HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Adopted
  4/22/2021HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  4/22/2021HouseThird Reading - Short Debate - Passed 116-000-000
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Stephanie A. Kifowit
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Sue Scherer
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Joyce Mason
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Lance Yednock
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael Halpin
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Amy Elik
  4/22/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Dan Caulkins
  4/23/2021SenateArrive in Senate
  4/23/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of First Reading
  4/23/2021SenateChief Senate Sponsor Sen. John F. Curran
  4/23/2021SenateFirst Reading
  4/23/2021SenateReferred to Assignments
  4/29/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Laura M. Murphy
  5/10/2021SenateAssigned to Education
  5/11/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Steve McClure
  5/11/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Jason A. Barickman
  5/12/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Jil Tracy
  5/13/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Sally J. Turner
  5/14/2021SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. John F. Curran
  5/14/2021SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
  5/17/2021SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Education
  5/18/2021SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Postponed - Education
  5/19/2021SenateDo Pass Education; 009-000-000
  5/19/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading May 20, 2021
  5/20/2021SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Secretary by Sen. John F. Curran
  5/20/2021SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Assignments
  5/20/2021SenateSecond Reading
  5/20/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading May 21, 2021
  5/20/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Donald P. DeWitte
  5/21/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Craig Wilcox
  5/24/2021SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Assignments Refers to Education
  5/25/2021SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Recommend Do Adopt Education; 013-000-000
  5/26/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Karina Villa
  5/28/2021SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Karina Villa
  5/28/2021SenateRecalled to Second Reading
  5/28/2021SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Adopted; Curran
  5/28/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading
  5/28/2021SenateThird Reading - Passed; 057-000-000
  5/28/2021SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Tabled Pursuant to Rule 5-4(a)
  5/28/2021HouseArrived in House
  5/28/2021HousePlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 2
  5/29/2021HouseSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Motion Filed Concur Rep. Fred Crespo
  5/29/2021HouseSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules Committee
  5/29/2021HouseSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Motion to Concur Rules Referred to Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee
  5/29/2021HouseSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Motion to Concur Recommends Be Adopted Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee; 023-000-000
  5/30/2021HouseSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 House Concurs 115-000-000
  5/30/2021HouseHouse Concurs
  5/30/2021HousePassed Both Houses
  6/28/2021HouseSent to the Governor
  8/27/2021HouseGovernor Approved
  8/27/2021HouseEffective Date August 27, 2021
  8/27/2021HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-0610

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