Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB1719
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 Bill Status of HB1719  104th General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Deanne M. Mazzochi - C.D. Davidsmeyer - Anne Stava-Murray and Thomas Morrison

Senate Sponsors
(Sen. John F. Curran)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  7/30/2021HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-0197

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
105 ILCS 5/10-22.39
105 ILCS 5/10-27.1A
105 ILCS 5/18-8.15
105 ILCS 5/22-88
105 ILCS 5/27-23.7
105 ILCS 5/34-18.8from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.8
105 ILCS 150/10
105 ILCS 302/20
705 ILCS 405/1-8from Ch. 37, par. 801-8
705 ILCS 405/5-901
730 ILCS 152/121
730 ILCS 154/100

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the School Code, the Seizure Smart School Act, the College and Career Success for All Students Act, the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, the Sex Offender Community Notification Law, and the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act to replace the terms "school guidance counselor" and "guidance counselor" with the term "school counselor". Effective July 1, 2021.

DateChamber Action
  2/11/2021HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Deanne M. Mazzochi
  2/17/2021HouseFirst Reading
  2/17/2021HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  3/9/2021HouseAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools
  3/17/2021HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer
  3/17/2021HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Thomas Morrison
  3/17/2021HouseDo Pass / Consent Calendar Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools; 008-000-000
  3/18/2021HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Consent Calendar
  3/18/2021HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Anne Stava-Murray
  4/14/2021HouseSecond Reading - Consent Calendar
  4/14/2021HouseHeld on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Consent Calendar
  4/14/2021HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Consent Calendar
  4/16/2021HouseThird Reading - Consent Calendar - First Day
  4/21/2021HouseThird Reading - Consent Calendar - Passed 117-000-000
  4/21/2021SenateArrive in Senate
  4/21/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of First Reading April 22, 2021
  4/22/2021SenateChief Senate Sponsor Sen. John F. Curran
  4/22/2021SenateFirst Reading
  4/22/2021SenateReferred to Assignments
  5/4/2021SenateAssigned to Education
  5/12/2021SenateDo Pass Education; 011-000-000
  5/12/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading May 13, 2021
  5/14/2021SenateSecond Reading
  5/14/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading May 17, 2021
  5/24/2021SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading ** May 25, 2021
  5/27/2021SenateThird Reading - Passed; 057-000-000
  5/27/2021HousePassed Both Houses
  6/23/2021HouseSent to the Governor
  7/30/2021HouseGovernor Approved
  7/30/2021HouseEffective Date July 30, 2021
  7/30/2021HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-0197

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