Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SR0707
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of SR0707  103rd General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. Mike Jacobs - Louis S. Viverito - Christine Radogno, Carole Pankau, William Delgado and Ira I. Silverstein

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/13/2009SenateSession Sine Die

Synopsis As Introduced
Urges the United States Food and Drug Administration to expedite their current review of bisphenol A in food containers, toys, and baby bottles.

DateChamber Action
  5/14/2008SenateFiled with Secretary
  5/14/2008SenateReferred to Rules
  5/15/2008SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Carole Pankau
  5/15/2008SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Louis S. Viverito
  5/15/2008SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. William Delgado
  5/20/2008SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Christine Radogno
  5/20/2008SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Ira I. Silverstein
  1/13/2009SenateSession Sine Die

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