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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Public Aid Code. In provisions relating to co-payments for child care services for TANF recipients, provides that the co-payment shall not exceed the following amounts: (1) $1 per week for a family whose countable income is not more than 50% of the federal poverty level; (2) 3% of all of the family's countable income for a family whose countable income is more than 50% but not more than 100% of the federal poverty level; (3) 7% of all of the family's countable income for a family whose countable income is more than 100% but not more than 150% of the federal poverty level; and (4) 12% of all of the family's countable income for a family whose countable income is more than 150% but not more than 200% of the federal poverty level. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Public Aid Code. In provisions concerning child care for TANF recipients, provides that the income threshold for child care benefits must be no less than 200% (instead of 185%) of the federal poverty level. Eliminates references to particular fiscal years. Provides that the amount of a family's co-payment for child care benefits shall not exceed the sum of the following: 3% of the family's countable income, if any, that is not more than 100% of the federal poverty level; plus 7% of the family's countable income, if any, that is more than 100% of the federal poverty level but not more than 150% of the federal poverty level; plus 12% of the family's countable income, if any, that is more than 150% of the federal poverty level but not more than 200% of the federal poverty level. Provides that if a family's countable income is less than 50% of the federal poverty level, the family's co-payment shall be $1 per week. Provides that neither the Governor nor any agency or agency head under the jurisdiction of the Governor has any rulemaking authority under the amendatory Act, but that the Governor may suggest rules by filing them with the General Assembly and requesting that the General Assembly authorize such rulemaking by law, enact the suggested rules into law, or take other appropriate action in the General Assembly's discretion. Effective immediately.
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