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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the School Code. Provides that a school board shall require that schools provide recess for all students in kindergarten through grade 6. Provides that recess must be at least 10 minutes in length and must occur once in the middle of each morning and once in the middle of each afternoon during which school is in session. Provides that if the principal determines that the weather is inclement, the principal shall direct that a recess be held indoors. Requires the principal to ensure that students are given the opportunity to engage in physical exercise during each recess. Provides that the time required for recesses is included in the minimum number of hours necessary to constitute a full day of attendance under the State aid formula provisions.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Requires recess to be provided for all students in kindergarten through grade 8 (instead of 6). Removes the requirement that a recess must occur once in the middle of each morning and once in the middle of each afternoon during which school is in session.
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