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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Oil and Gas Act. Defines terms. Specifies information to be included in an application for a well permit. Provides that horizontal wells or wells drilled using directional drilling are prohibited from classification as confidential. Provides that the Department of Natural Resources shall post a weekly notice on its website indicating all permits issued during the preceding week. Specifies information to be included in a well drilling and completion report for horizontal wells or wells drilled using directional drilling. Provides that, subject to specified provisions, the Illinois State Geological Survey and the Department shall make public well drilling and completion reports for horizontal wells or wells drilled using directional drilling by posting the information on their websites. Sets forth requirements relating to the furnishing of chemical disclosure information to the Survey or Department under a claim of trade secret. Sets forth appeal procedures for the denial of a trade secret request. Provides that information furnished under a claim of trade secret is protected from disclosure if the Survey or Department determines that it has not been published or disseminated or become public knowledge and the information has competitive value. Requires the Survey or Department to adopt rules concerning information furnished under a claim of trade secret to a health professional who states a need for the information and articulates why the information is needed. Provides that the Survey or Department shall disclose information furnished under a claim of trade secret to specified personnel when there is a release of a chemical or additive used for drilling or completing a well and it is necessary to protect public health or the environment. Makes other changes.
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